Room of dead NPC (teleport)

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Room of dead NPC (teleport)

Post by CZAR »

Have you ever teleported to that room with the NPC's walking's on the top left of the teleport map.

Is that where NPC's go when they die?

I thought it was and I went on an NPC killing rage and they didn't appear there.

Also..I killed most of the NPC's in that room. Now where do they go?
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Re: Room of dead NPC (teleport)

Post by raven566 »

In the orginal versions of both BG and SI, there was a specific location to which NPCs would go to when they die. In BG, this room is by Cove and in SI it's in the far top left of the map. In SI, besides being a room of the dead, it's a room where special NPCs are that you have already met who vanish or that you will meet later on.

However, in Exult, dead NPCs just cease to exist. In SI, the top left room is still used to store NPCs that you have yet to meet, but the dead still go no where.

A while ago this was asked and the Exult team said they had no plans on putting this "feature" in, but I'm sure there are a lot of us who would like it put in. Otherwise, in SI, there is no way to bring back dead NPCs (as far as I know).

Re: Room of dead NPC (teleport)

Post by CZAR »

that sucks
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Re: Room of dead NPC (teleport)

Post by drcode »

It's something we might do someday in the development version. Dead NPC's aren't totally deleted in Exult; they're just removed from the map.

Re: Room of dead NPC (teleport)

Post by CZAR »

yay! i love the dead npc room
Ignitus Dragon

Re: Room of dead NPC (teleport)

Post by Ignitus Dragon »

Is there any way for the game to delete usecode?
Or do the characters exist somewhere else besides usecode when they are deleted from the map?
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Re: Room of dead NPC (teleport)

Post by SB-X »

What do you mean by "delete usecode"?
Exult doesn't touch your static files.

Re: Room of dead NPC (teleport)

Post by irinotecanHCL »

So does anybody know what's up with that vampire in the side room? I never encountered him in the game, and if you talk to him, he says something like "Ah, new victims" and then the game sort of freezes. He's tough as nails to kill if you attack him too.
Natreg Dragon

Re: Room of dead NPC (teleport)

Post by Natreg Dragon »

He´s in Skullcrusher mountains (temple of chaos). You must kill him to get the key to go out of that mountains. You must read a scroll to make him appear :)

Re: Room of dead NPC (teleport)

Post by irinotecanHCL »

So then why is his usecode different -- and broken?

I just checked with latest beta snapshot. He says "Ahh, a victim" "Back to the Pit!!!!" and then the pointer stays stuck on the chat pointer. NPCs continue to move about, but I cannot move, or use the keyboard.

Anybody familiar with the usecode know what this is or was supposed to be?
Natreg Dragon

Re: Room of dead NPC (teleport)

Post by Natreg Dragon »

the only thing I know is that you can´t talk with him in the death room because he begans to talk after you read a scroll in his crypt. It´s impossible to recruit too, if you do that your game will crash...
Christopher Strong

Re: Room of dead NPC (teleport)

Post by Christopher Strong »

He works fine in the real game, but not in the death room. I have not looked at the code, but I suspect it's because characters expect certain things to be within view and when they are not, it can't deal with it. No shock there.