Major in Skara Brae - Bug?

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Major in Skara Brae - Bug?

Post by Diego »

This is the second time I try to finish Ultima 7 using the exult port, I seem to be stuck, again.
This time is in Skara Brae, the Major (NPC 148) wont talk to me. All the other NPCs in town talk but not the major... i need him to complete the quest. If i target him nothing happens.
Is there a way to 'reset' a single NPC or to mark a quest as finished so I can go on with the game? I dont want to start AGAIN!
Thank you again for your help.
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Re: Major in Skara Brae - Bug?

Post by wjp »

I think we had a bug once where there are two mayor ghosts, one of which wouldn't talk. Maybe this is happening again?

If not, could you email me your savegame?
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Re: Major in Skara Brae - Bug?

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

tried setting the met flag?
I don't think the Skara Brae quest is consequential to the main plot but I could easily be wrong, you might even get a piece of the black gate from that goat looking guy.
Anyway, try turning on "Met".
I'm not sure if you just have to meet him or if hes a more important part of the quest.
I hope I've help but sorry if I haven't. :(
Meat Shield

Re: Major in Skara Brae - Bug?

Post by Meat Shield »

Don't you need the secrets (*cough*) or answers to Life and Death from the guilt ridden chemist (the alch word I can't spell :) for Algerron in New Magincia to get something for the Time Lord.. (gets blury here)

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Re: Major in Skara Brae - Bug?

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

I get New Magincia mixed with Moonglow...
I think your correct. It's been a long time since I played Ultima 7 legimitly, I mean, all the way through with out cheating or something.
Its alchemist by the way :)