neverwinter from an ultima perspective

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neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by matt »

I got throught "chapter 1" of Neverwinter Nights last night and got to thinking..... I'd still rather play Ultima 7 or 6 or 5 than Neverwinter... Depressing really... "Static" NPCs, storyline that is just too frickin' simplistic (Ultima 7 just feels more mature and sophisticated), combat is better than Ultima 7 (no great feat), graphics are excellent, yet I still yearn for the more interesting and realistic world of Ultima's past... It gets depressing because I've realized the buying public doesn't want Ultima world realism and sophistication (as I see it anyway), they want Neverwinter and Dungeon Siege (both good games in my opinion, I've enjoyed both)...

an "old" ultima fan thinking about the good old days (isn't that what exult is all about, thanks again BTW to the exult team for their efforts!)....

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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by SB-X »

Never-what? Neverheardofit!

an "old" ultima fan still living in the good old days (yes Exult is great too bad I havn't had time to play it for a while ^.-;;;)

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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by SnowyThing »

Mm.. Neverwinter Nights. All of my grubby friends are almost screaming their heads off on this 'awesome' and 'real to life' game.

They don't know how wrong they are.

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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by XxVenomxX »

I don't see why someone has to be wrong, thinking that Neverwinter Nights is awesome. I for one, had been anticipating this game for over 3 and a half years, and it has totally lived up to what I was expecting.

People also forget that the biggest point for making the game, was to have something to bundle in with the toolset which comes along with it. The toolset allows for worldbuilding, and your ability to DM these games. Given that this game is Dungeons and Dragons put into a computer. Have any of you ever played Dungeons and Dragons, on pen and paper? Good stuff! Now people have the opportunity to connect with friends and family far away over a computer and roleplay out their favorite DnD experiences from long ago, and have a world to live it in.

Don't get me wrong, Ultima 7 is still the best, but I never understood this mentallity that if one game comes out in the same category of someone elses favorite, everyone who likes that game is 'wrong' and 'grubby', and that there's no way this game can be 'awesome'. If you want to limit yourself because you think no game will ever be cool besides an old favorite, its your loss, but you should really give it a try!

*goes back to worldbuilding so he can roleplay in a world with 8 other long time ULTIMA veterans* ;)
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by SB-X »

I played Shadowrun pen and paper (and SNES and Genesis too) but not AD&D. Seen people play it though :)
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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by drcode »

You might say that Ultima7 is a 'literary' game; each part has a novel's worth of text and characters. Nobody seems to be making games like that currently, so we can't say whether the 'buying public' would purchase them. I don't see why the game industry cannot be more like the book industry, where there are lots of 'small presses' that cator to specialized interest groups.

At the moment, I'm playing 'Police Quest 4', which I just bought at Frye's for $5:-)
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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by SnowyThing »

Mm... Police Quest 4. Isn't that the 'true to life' graphics one before the first Swat? True to life graphics being almost human-like sprite characters?

Can't remember...

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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by drcode »

Yes, the backgrounds and sprites seem to be made from photographs. It's a very good classic Sierra adventure.
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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

Police Quest 4...I have that one...erggh I hate it. They were "true-to-life" so to speak, but shitty none the less.
Neutronium Dragon

Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

The thing with the NWN toolset is that you *can* create complex stories and dynamic characters for your modules. It probably wouldn't have been worth doing for the release of the game; the official campaign was more or less just to tide people over until good user-made modules come into circulation.

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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by XxVenomxX »

Thats how I see it Neutronium, although I'm thoroughly enjoying the single player game myself. Plus it lets you see what sort of things can be done with the toolset. I've already got a mini plot scripted out within my master plot, involving a civil clan of orcs, and an evil dwarf who stole somthing very dear to them. hehe
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

"something very dear" Like...panty hose?
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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by XxVenomxX »

If that's your bag
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by SnowyThing »

Aurgh.. I remember things from games that just perplexed me. Some character would say the equivelant of.. "In order to proceed, you must sacrifice or use something very dear to you."
Like what? My nailpolish? Haircare products? Leather pants?
"aieeeee" *runs to a corner of the blacksmith shop.*

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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

*offers my complete set of Ru Paul's Fine and Shine nail polish remover to the virtue gods*
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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by SnowyThing »

Sounds good, Ignitis. While you're doing that... I'll sacrifice my pumps and giant poster of David Hasselhoff. :P

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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

Sacrifice them to me? ....
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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by SnowyThing »

... will you help me Ascend? Hence... Ultima Ascension?
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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

Of course, ascend into gay-dom. As opposed to, straight-dom, king-dom or *gasp* con-dom(like that Avatar imposter).
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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by SnowyThing »

Hmm.. do I need to fill out a form for that?
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Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by GavinFox »

Literary games? Those are *DEFINITELY* being made these days...

:) :) :)

Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by Mikel »

I liked the Episode I of "Siege of Avalon", though I preffer something more deep, and not of the "Diable" kind.

Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by Banshee »

'Literary' games are most certainly being made. Don't forget Morrowind!

IMHO Morrowind is possibly the only game to have ever come close to capturing the detail and complexity and 'feel' of Ultima 7 and Serpent Isle. It is certainly giving me as much enjoyment and as fond memories as U7/SI did many years ago (and thanks to Exult, I can enjoy once again).

Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by Skutarth »

Man, you guys need to hear this then. IM me on the same name: Skutarth. I'll send you it. Ah, I bet you've listened to Dr.Demento before, that's where Weird Al got his big break, and the comedy selection of mp3's on my computer come from. It's a comedy about D&D.

IMO I like AD&D 2nd edition. AD&D is getting old and D&D is not very complex anymore. AD&D 3rd is like putting AD&D into NWN, but backwards, so it sucks. It's great, I'll send it whenever you'd like.

Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by RuneMaster »

Have you tried The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. ive owned it for 2 months and im still playing. it also has a more complex toolset(reffered to as construction set in this game) than NWN. al of this good stuff has a downside though, you need a really powerful computer to run morrowind well.

Re: neverwinter from an ultima perspective

Post by xbow »

I think the main difference between NWN and the Ultimas is the lack of replay value. I have played through U7/SI many times, but i'm just on my way through NWN for the second time (multiplayer now) and i'm getting bored quickly.