i have seen that, too!
really really cool, hopefully they translate it into english...
strange... the manga-fetish-japans love these west-side-RPGs... but that's cool, we need this trading game card here, too!
Damn Dragonball!!! ^^
I can read it a little bit. The third Card in the Unit window is Lord British. The first card is 'Magic Fighter' which is one of the more inaccurate Japanese names for a paladin. If they have 'magic fighter' listed as a Paladin, then I'm going to guess they have 'hygeinist' listed as a Druid (one of the Japanese names for the healer) I'm not sure what the first card category is (I think it's Player Character Unit) Second is monster unit, third is 'eternal unit'.
It's extremely doubtful that it will be translated into English. Especially considering the Ultima 2, 3, and 4 manga and Ultima Underworld 1.5 novel never made it into the states. If you really want, I'll see what all I can decipher from that website. I just kinda skimmed through the pics and page headings.
Okay, I kinda skimmed through again. It says something about it being a 50 card set. I wasn't able to read the kanji on the other cards (too small) However, I was able to read those on the treasure cards. The first one is a shortbow, and the second is a spellbook.
Origin was considering releasing a paper and pencil ultima, but that never happened =( It would've been nice to have though.
As for card game RPGs, I was never able to get into them. It just seemed like a marketing ploy for publishing companies to make $5-10 a pop easily. My cousin tried to get me to play the Pokemon Card Game and it confused the hell out of me.