litt'e rendrering problem

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litt'e rendrering problem

Post by artaxerxes »

Exult Development Team:

I know Jeff has worked on the rendering engine (what get blitted first) a little while ago but there are still some problems.

I am right now in the Temple of Fawn and once in a while when my Avatar moves around, part of his sword or of his body gets hidden by a little wall.

I believe this is not a critical issue but just know there is still some work to do on that issue.

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Re: litt'e rendrering problem

Post by artaxerxes »

(A bit Off Topic)
Did you guys notice an error happening in the Fawn's Trial? If indeed you manage to get someone else to be tried (Shamino for instance) then when comes your turn to question the witnesses, if you ask Yelinda you will have the option: "Dupre's words".

Since this is hard-coded, nothing can remove that except a patch on usecode....


Re: litt'e rendrering problem

Post by x-bow »

I think thats actually correct. The dialog you get from that choice matches up, being about when Dupre pledged allegiance to LB. I suspect they called it 'Dupre's words' to get the semi olde-worlde feel of Ultima dialog
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Re: litt'e rendrering problem

Post by artaxerxes »

I think you didn't really get what I meant.

If you ask Dupre to leave and then talk to Yelinda at the time where she praises Iolo for his song, at that point Shamino himself will say "Hail to Lord British and to Britannia!"...

As a result Shamino is under trial and when you question Yelinda, you'll have the option to ask "Dupre's word" no matter who has said it and is under trial.... well... in the english version that is... The French now says: "his exact words". ;)

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Re: litt'e rendrering problem

Post by Darkstar »

back to the rendering problem:

I noticed something similar in the black gate, in my case it was with the horse in the stables of trinsic. the horse has dirt on it's back :)
it's a bit hard to spot in the image but I think you get the idea.

There's another (minor) problem with the plant in the following picture, which is drawn "under" the wall.

seems the rendering is not yet 100% perfect ;-)


Re: litt'e rendrering problem

Post by x-bow »

Ah, I see what you mean. Sloppy programming on the part of the U7:SI team. I suspect there original intent was to force Dupre's membership of the party in fawn, and this got vetoed at some point in the programming process.

I'm guessing that the person chosen for trial is the first NPC in your party (must fire up Exult and check number by NPC order). Would anyone who knows about these things care to tell us how the game chooses its 'victim' and if this is indicated by a flag?
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Re: litt'e rendrering problem

Post by artaxerxes »

it is in usecode function #0437 at offset 05AE to 0604.
