Ultima rules

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Forum rules
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Ultima rules

Post by Beeblebrox »

Does anyone have a comprehensive guide to the rules of the ultima games

Re: Ultima rules

Post by Oblivious »

You do realize that the rules are significantly different between each Ultima, right?

And you do also realize what a heavy task you're asking for?

Third, why don't you look this information up yourself? Even the crappiest of search engines can find Ultima game info easily. Just type stuff like "Ultima 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/Ascension/SI/UW/UW2/Savage Empire" "FAQ" and voila!

Re: Ultima rules

Post by K.I.L.E.R »

that workz 100% unless you don't know how to spell.

Re: Ultima rules

Post by suraimu »



There's your ultima rules.

Re: Ultima rules

Post by Beeblebrox »

I know all of that

Re: Ultima rules

Post by MV »

Then why ask?

Re: Ultima rules

Post by suraimu »

You're in his area, go beat him up for us, k? :)

Re: Ultima rules

Post by Beeblebrox »

I was talking to Oblivious, not suraima

Re: Ultima rules

Post by Beeblebroxq »

Forget I asked about this.

Re: Ultima rules

Post by Beeblebrox »

Forget I ever asked about this.
Site Admin
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Re: Ultima rules

Post by Colourless »

I'm sorry I don' think I can do that.

-Colourless Dragon.

Re: Ultima rules

Post by suraimu »

Me neither. Especially since he just misspelled his own name. And no, don't
tell me that's a typo, because the Q is nowhere near the X, not even when
using DVORAK. :P

Re: Ultima rules

Post by XxVenomxX »

Well, to his defense, the q is right next to the tab key, the key most people use to advance to the next typing field :P

Re: Ultima rules

Post by suraimu »

Posts: 344
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Ultima rules

Post by XxVenomxX »

*holds hands up*
Hey! I'm a neutral party in all this! :)
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

Re: Ultima rules

Post by Telemachos »

Really guys,

It does not suit you or this forum to flame a guy simply for asking for information regarding Ultimas....

It's not that far-fetched to think someone typed up a document with the rules for the games.. and if such a document existed people here might know of it..

That's my opinion at least...

- Telemachos

Re: Ultima rules

Post by suraimu »


We're not flaming him for asking for information, we're flaming his usage
of the word 'rules' in reference to a game like Ultima. Ultima doesn't -have-
rules, that's the whole point.
Hacki Dragon
Posts: 41
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Ultima rules

Post by Hacki Dragon »

But you must admit that there are friendlier ways to tell him. AD&D games or the Realms of Arkania series, for instance, *have* rules, so someone who doesn't know other RPGs might think that every (computer) role playing game has a set of "rules".
Hacki Dragon

Hacki's Ultima Page

Re: Ultima rules

Post by suraimu »

Friendlier ways aren't as fun. Geez, you act like flaming actually includes
real malice or something. Doesn't everyone have jokes or humor in their
country? :)
Posts: 68
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Ultima rules

Post by MagicMop »

Hmmm... *checks country*
Nope. No jokes or humour here. Oh wait... here's some sarcasm... will that do? :)


Re: Ultima rules

Post by suraimu »

Sarcasm is perfectly acceptable. :)
Thomas Decker

Re: Ultima rules

Post by Thomas Decker »

I think the question about "rule" mechanisms in Ultima is not that bad after all.
I never understood how the trainer worked, for instance. In the walkthrough there stood what raises they were supposed to give, but they often deviated a good deal from that, especially with good old Boydon. He got a net +6 to his scores each time he trained with Shazzana. Don't ask me why, though.
Darkfist Dragon

Re: Ultima rules

Post by Darkfist Dragon »

Hmm... I personally think that there are Ultima rules.. or the fights would turn that way:

Avatar> Gotcha!
Brigand> nyah.. Missed.
Avatar> I hit!
B>Did not!
A>Did too!
B>Did not!
A>Did too!
B>Did not!
A>Did too!
Dupre> C'mon boys.. lets settle this like grown up sprites.. Avatar has the Blackrock sword, so he hits.
Brigand> Shoot off.. your one of his buddies, so you dont count.
Shamino> Erm.. excuse me, but Dupre HAS a point.
Brigand> so so.. Ganging on me? I.. I tell my mommy. I no wanna pwlay wif you..
Avatar> well.. I did hit.
Shamino, Dupre, Iolo> Aw.. SHUTTUP!!

Re: Ultima rules

Post by Workingclasszero »


Or in other words, I found it highly amusing.
