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Post by Feanor »

Hi guys, first of all a big thank you for all the great work! It's amazing what you created here.

I wondered if you know of github? It's basically a cloud repo for git, where it's really easy to contribute and look at open source projects. Any chance you will switch from cvs to there? It'll make development easier and I'd love to keep track of changes there.

Greetings from Germany,
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Re: Github

Post by Dominus »

We are on SVN. If you want to keep track of changes, subscribe to our (wrongly named) CVS mailing list. At the moment, switching to git would not make any sense to us. If there were many people contributing and/or many different branches being worked on, yes, it'd make sense.
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Re: Github

Post by drcode »

My experience with Git earlier this year, when I did a little consulting, was not positive. Maybe it's because I'm too used to CVS, SVN, and Perforce, which are all fairly similar. I thought Github was cool, but Git wasn't very user-friendly; and I was often mucking up my repository and getting strange errors.
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Re: Github

Post by Dominus »

He he, yeah, I'm having problems with git as well. Can't get used to it when I was forced to use it...
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Re: Github

Post by Colourless »

I really don't like GIT. Had things screw up throwing errors with no information anywhere about how to fix them other than probably best to re-checkout your repository. Its handling of line ending conversions or more specifically not doing line ending conversions seems completely messed up. Apparently its not an option turning off line ending conversion otherwise bad things can happen as indicated on this page ... wtf!
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Re: Github

Post by Dominus »

Ah well, it's generic github spam it seems. Another - for github :)
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Re: Github

Post by paulo »

I wish mercurial had a github equivalent.

Re: Github

Post by Feanor »

Hi, sorry for not getting back earlier, went on a business trip and then just forgot :-/.

Well my experience with git is similar - it's way less userfriendly than subversion, but after having worked with both for some time I much prefer git much more now, despite it's quirks. Well, no need to get into that discussion, if you're all fine with svn that's fine with me :).

I might then just have a look at the svn repo if I find some more time, just would liked to see it on github because I got my projects over there, but of course I see your point. Thanks for the time!
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Re: Github

Post by artaxerxes »

while we're on the topic of revision control, I've discovered Fossil ( I'm thoroughly enthralled with it. Built-in wiki, RSS, bug-tracking, easiest branching and merging I've seen so far.
I've recommended it at my work, and we're now using it on more and more internal projects.
