New OSX snapshot not working

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Jonathan Case

New OSX snapshot not working

Post by Jonathan Case »

Hi All-

I love Exult, and have been trying to get the new OSX 10.5/10.6 snapshot to work. I've followed all the docs, to no avail. Here's what I'm doing:

I scrapped all my old Exult data files, .cfg file, etc., downloaded the new snapshot, (2010-04-30) dragged it to my Applications, launched it, closed it, then dragged my BG and SI Static folders to the newly created Application Support/Exult/blackgate (and /serpentisle) folders, and relaunched exult from Applications. It can't find the data files, and tells me to edit exult.cfg. I go to exult.cfg in Library/Preferences, and find it no longer has path entries at all.

The ReadmeMac file is also telling me installation directions that are different from what I'm reading on the latest posts and online docs.

I'm lost! Any advice? Thanks!
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Re: New OSX snapshot not working

Post by Dominus »

Readme.macosx might not have all the correct info yet. I probably didn't proofread it enough. Go with the online docs.

I presume you got Applications Support location wrong.
On your mac you will find two folder structures with
Library/Application Support
One in the root of your mac, refered to as /Library/Application Support/
The other is in your Userspace refered to as ~/Library/Application Support (or the long path to it from the root: /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support).
These are not the same.

The game data for bg or si go to the one in the root, savegames will be saved to the one in your userspace.

To get to the different locations enter finder's menu, click on "go to" and enter the paths I wrote above.
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Jonathan Case

Re: New OSX snapshot not working

Post by Jonathan Case »

Thanks so much! That worked... now I just need to figure out where to put the Roland audio files to get sound effects.
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Re: New OSX snapshot not working

Post by Dominus »

/Library/Application Support/data :)
Read the documentation and the FAQ! There is no excuse for not reading them! RTFM
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Jonathan Case

Re: New OSX snapshot not working

Post by Jonathan Case »

Hm... did that, still no luck. Directories look like this:

/Library/Application Support/data/
/Library/Application Support/data/
/Library/Application Support/data/music/(ogg zips)

I launch Exult, sound is crossed out... music plays in GUI and game, sound options in game can't toggle from DISABLED.

Any thoughts?
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Re: New OSX snapshot not working

Post by monotremata »


You need to actually unzip the files.
Exult cant do anything with a zip..
Morbius Dragon
Since 1992!
Jonathan Case

Re: New OSX snapshot not working

Post by Jonathan Case »

Ahhh, yes. I was confused by something else that said exult uses zips for savegames... And maybe another emulator I was used to using. Anyway, it's close to working as I remember, thank you! The music cuts out and repeats whenever the avatar crosses a thresshold or walks around much, but it's very close to prime time.

I really appreciate the help. I wish I could give back rather than just nag for help- it's a great project! Maybe once I get it running right I can write up an up-to-date guide for setup in osx, if that would be helpful.