OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

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OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »


Ok well I grabbed the two snapshots you posted in the old one. Got the instructions so now Im gonna go install gdb now and get running!

Oh and yes if need be, the email address on my account here is and always should be up and working hehe..
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Well isnt this interesting.. Opened up Porticus, told it to install GDB...
In the command window showing me whats going on right away theres a message

* This port of gdb 6.8 fails to configure and build
* There is a trac ticket to describe the issues at blah blah
* Sorry for the inconvenience

And of course Fink doesnt even have GDB available..
Grabbing the source for GDB 7.1 and just going to try and build it myself..
I think tonight its time I get off my butt and just go get my Leopard disc back.

My Macs gonna run crappier but at least Ill be somewhat up to date again..

Although the last couple days its been shutting itself off at random times (in fact just noticed it a little while ago when I downloaded your snapshots) maybe something really IS wrong with my poor G4.. Console isnt giving me any clue why its shutting down though.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Ok latest GDB installed fine by hand.

Exult-debug-ppc no worky though.
When I hit run, it opens the executable but it just sits there and never loads..

Heres the terminals output for both the gdb run command and gdb bt..
After waiting for it to do something for like 10 minutes I just decided to do 'bt' and then I quit the app and shut it down.

(gdb) run
Starting program: /Users/mothra/exult-ppc-debug
Reading symbols for shared libraries .................................................................. done
Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
Exult version 1.4.05svn
Built at: Apr 22 2010 13:30:37
Compiler: gcc, version: 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5490)

Platform: Mac OS X
Exult path settings:
Data : /Library/Application Support/Exult/data
Digital music : /Library/Application Support/Exult/data/music

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _pthread_cond_init$UNIX2003
Referenced from: /Users/mothra/exult-ppc-debug
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

dyld: Symbol not found: _pthread_cond_init$UNIX2003
Referenced from: /Users/mothra/exult-ppc-debug
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x8fe057c4 in __dyld__ZN4dyld14bindLazySymbolEPK11mach_headerPm ()

(gdb) bt
#0 0x8fe057c4 in __dyld__ZN4dyld14bindLazySymbolEPK11mach_headerPm ()
#1 0x8fe156d8 in __dyld_stub_binding_helper_interface ()
#2 0x00394b00 in SDL_CreateCond ()
#3 0x00394608 in SDL_CreateSemaphore ()
#4 0x00350964 in SDL_CreateThread ()
#5 0x00399db4 in SDL_SYS_TimerInit ()
#6 0x00351238 in SDL_TimerInit ()
#7 0x00346cbc in SDL_InitSubSystem ()
#8 0x00346d80 in SDL_Init ()
#9 0x0006cc84 in Init ()
#10 0x00070788 in exult_main ()
#11 0x00071274 in SDL_main ()
#12 0x0034656c in -[SDLMain applicationDidFinishLaunching:] ()
#13 0x92bf5e1c in _nsnote_callback ()
#14 0x90805ec0 in __CFXNotificationPost ()
#15 0x907fdf20 in _CFXNotificationPostNotification ()
#16 0x92be0224 in -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] ()
#17 0x937c4be8 in -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] ()
#18 0x937c4ad4 in -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] ()
#19 0x937c461c in -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpen:] ()
#20 0x937c41c4 in -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] ()
#21 0x92bf6e28 in -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] ()
#22 0x92bf6c88 in _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler ()
#23 0x91500960 in aeDispatchAppleEvent ()
#24 0x915007fc in dispatchEventAndSendReply ()
#25 0x91500654 in aeProcessAppleEvent ()
#26 0x932bf2e0 in AEProcessAppleEvent ()
#27 0x937c290c in _DPSNextEvent ()
#28 0x937c23f8 in -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] ()
#29 0x937be93c in -[NSApplication run] ()
#30 0x00346ba4 in main ()

I dont know if that will help much since it didnt actually crash, it just didnt complete running and it never even brought up the splash screen.
Oh and I did make sure to put the latest data files from yesterdays snapshot into the right place too.

One thing I noticed, when I first type in gdb exult-debug-ppc, I get a slew of error messages about it not being able to fine object files which it looks like its trying to find them in your own user directory under /Code/SVN/exult/trunk/etc... I wouldve copy/pasted those too but its like a mile long..

I also just tried your second snapshot that was built off the 10.5 sdk and it gave me the same error yesterdays snapshot was giving me, the _NSDefaultRunLoopMode symbol couldnt be found.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

I tried to google my head off and came up with some stuff.

It seems I can't compile for PPC 10.4 with the MacPorts built SDL, because that one isn't built against the 10.4 SDK.
When I try to compile it normally I get the corresponding error to your " _pthread_cond_init$UNIX2003" on linking. For some reason when I configured Exult to be built with the debug information it went beyond this point and actually produced a binary.
So don't worry about running that debug built again. It won't run for you.

The 10.5 SDK ppc built might not have been totally clean, I'll try that again, on Monday/Tuesday.

So after all that worked Colourless went through to get rid of the SDL_Mixer so I can easily produce a static built has not payed off... yet...

What I can do now is to set up a 10.4 SDK based ppc built environment by manually compiling all the necessary libs with the 10.4 SDK environment set. This will suck and will probably make me want to bang my head against the wall a couple of times :)
(well just maybe the 10.5 ppc built will run on your 10.4 but I doubt that...)
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

OR I'd need to set up a VM with a Tiger on it and compile there... Maybe...
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Oh the joys of dealing with now antiquated operating systems!!

If I could just get it to build normally that would rock but even just trying to build it without the new static libs options, I still run into that wierd error where it cant find the imagewin.a file even though its in fact there..

Luckily I kept the March 13th snapshot before you left for the month so I can still play for now hehe.

Fiance should be home soon and shortly after that my old roommate so I can go grab my Leopard disks and then Ill begin the three day long debate as to whether I should upgrade Tiger and then Ill probably just give in and do it when I realize something else in my recording setup got updated and Tiger is no longer supported haha..

Dominus you've done a hell of a job here. If we ever by chance meet up or have some giant Ultima Dragons picnic or something Im gonna buy you a six pack of something strong and Belgian for all your hard work!
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by MeddlingMonk »

Mono: Too bad I didn't look at this thread earlier. I could have saved you some trouble. GDB is included with Xcode. You already had it.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

I figured out how to build all the macports stuff with the 10.4 SDK and this way might be able to make working 10.4 ppc builds.
Hopefully I will have anybody to test this out in the end :)
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Oh Im still here hehe.. I actually went with my buddy to a show the day after I posted that and STILL forgot to get my Leopard disk and my old iPod with Leopard imaged on it back!!!
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

he he :)
I'm just rebuilding every port needed, tomorrow I should have a built for you (if all goes well) :)
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

New snapshot online, deleted all the test files. Please test and tell me that it IS WORKING!!!! PLEASE!!! :)

For this one, I compiled SDL manually via the /build-scripts/fatbuild.sh script in SDL's sources (the script needed some minor work to use the 10.4u SDK for building ppc). Then I hacked sdl_config a bit to point to either the ppc or i386 built of SDL when linking Exult statically.
Side effect is that the intel built should be 10.4 intel compatible as well. Before it was probably 10.5 upwards only.

Interestingly, the PPC built displays correct colors when run on my intel machines. Before the colors were always not the correct ones. This makes me hope it will work for you.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

So far so good!! Although I just fired it up and opened both Black Gate and SI and wandered around for a minute or so hehe.

I think Im gonna restart both games and this time use the mods.
I didnt know about those until I was already well into both games and never wanted to start over but now that I finally beat both of em I might as well!!

Since I seem to be the only one still using 10.4 around here at least I can really test it that way..
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

yeah!!! success :)

Thanks for testing it out and for saying it worked :)
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by MeddlingMonk »

It works for me, but I'm having a problem with sound effects. I'm getting terrible sound from just the sound effects: doors, lamps, etc. Very loud and with a lot of static. I'm using the digital sound packs. Now, in Fedora, the SFX Options are set to 'custom' and everything sounds fine and it looks as though Exult is respecting what I've set up in exult.cfg. But on the Mac, SFX Options is set to 'Roland MT-32' and it looks as though it's ignoring exult.cfg there and the reason I'm getting the bad sound is because that old PowerBook doesn't do Roland emulation very well. I can't seem to change the option via the GUI. Any ideas?
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Malignant Manor »

The sfx are all digital at the moment unless it is compiled with enable midi sfx (ENABLE_MIDISFX) which I seriously doubt is being done. If you can't change the sfx package with the menu, then Exult can't find the other sfx package.

Roland is the default if Exult finds it and can't find the sfx package you specify. If the sound blaster package is in a directory that Exult searches for, then it should be available on toggle.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

In the brief bit I played with it today my sounds were ok opening up the menus and whatnot (like I said I didnt do a whole lot just made sure it opened and started my games)..

I gotta say since I got the sound effects issue situated and figured out I had everything configured wrong, Im loving the game all over again especially with the awesome Roland sounds!
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

But on the Mac, SFX Options is set to 'Roland MT-32' and it looks as though it's ignoring exult.cfg there and the reason I'm getting the bad sound is because that old PowerBook doesn't do Roland emulation very well.
SFX has nothing to do with Roland emulation. Both the SB and MT32 soundpacks are "just" playing back the wave files. Please post what you have written for and where your sfx packs are on your system.
You might need to fiddle around with the sample_rate, a new setting in exult.cfg which is not yet documented (see http://exult.info/forum/viewtopic.php?p=325501#p325501 at the bottom, I'll add this now to the docs).

Roland MT32 emulation only concerns playing the music (and also needs the Roland ROM files) and really might tax your system if you use that.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

Monotremata: can you test the newest snapshot again? Codewise nothing changed but I managed to get MacPorts in shape, so I don't need to hack as much to get normal SDL compiled against the 10.4 SDK.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Well it runs okay but the colors are seriously screwed in this newest snapshot.

Is it possible to take screenshots in Exult (sorry never bothered before hehe)?

Last snapshot works perfectly, but in this new one everything has a sick green hue on it.
The Exult logo went from that Ultima 7 blue color to a brown, the Show Mods links are neon green, when I click journey onward, the blue moongate looking thing it does is green too. Its really wierd even in the game, everythings tinted green.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

Interesting, that's the color I got before with Ppc builts against the Sdl&Sdl_mixer frameworks. As I wrote above I didn't get that with the more hackish selfbuilt Sdl, but I have it with the current one again (same sdl source, just differently compiled).
Thanks for testing, I'll stick to the more hackish sdl built then. Tomorrow I'll either do a new snapshot or upload the previous one again, depending on how much time my daughter permits me :)
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Hehehe no worries! This might be fun to play its like you have green slime vision haha.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

New snapshot online, which *should* have the correct colors again.

Out of curiosity, please try http://exult.info/snapshots/exultppc.zip - for that I built SDL slightly different, I doubt this will have the correct colors (doesn't have it for me), but please try anyway!
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Yep you are correct sir!

New snapshot=ace.
Exultppc=green slime vision.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

ok, thanks, then I'll stay with the more hackish way of building Exult. IT's scripted so it's not really a bother :)
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

tried to do some more with it. Abandoned MacPorts building of Exult, instead I compiled all the needed stuff (autoconf, automake, libtool, pkg-config, SDL, libogg, libvorbis, zlib) in seperate prefixes for intel and ppc.
Then compiled Exult for each platform with the corresponding prefix and finally lipo'ed them together. Worked nicely, I guess.
The color problem should be gone, I learnt that this is an issue with the last SDL release, SDL SVN does not have that problem anymore (and when it worked before it was using a SVN SDL built :)).

I also used optimized compiler settings for both Exult and its libs.
For PPC I used "-m32 -O2" and for Intel I used "-m32 -O2 -msse -msse2 -force_cpusubtype_ALL".

Please test and let me know whether that works :)

(and if that works, I might have finally found the almost optimal way to build Exult universally :))

Btw., still compiling without fluidsynth enabled, since that is dragging in too many libs when static linked :(
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Gameplay seems to be working fine however...

If you double click your character and open up his paperdoll window..
Click on any of the icons at the bottom (the heart, disk, etc..) and Exult's crashing out for me....

Heres the Console output for ya.

Exult version 1.4.05svn
Built at: May 31 2010 00:09:32
Compiler: gcc, version: 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5490)

Platform: Mac OS X
Exult path settings:
Data : /Library/Application Support/Exult/data
Digital music : /Library/Application Support/Exult/data/music

Looking for 'blackgate' at '/Library/Application Support/Exult/blackgate'... found game with identity 'FORGE'
Looking for 'serpentisle' at '/Library/Application Support/Exult/serpentisle'... found game with identity 'SILVER SEED'
Looking for 'forgeofvirtue' at '/Library/Application Support/Exult/forgeofvirtue'... but it wasn't there.
Looking for 'silverseed' at '/Library/Application Support/Exult/silverseed'... but it wasn't there.
Black Gate : not found (/)
Forge of Virtue : found
exult_bg.flx : found
Serpent Isle : not found (/)
Silver Seed : found
exult_si.flx : found
Creating AudioMixer...
Audio opened using format: 22050 Hz 2 Channels
OGG Vorbis Digital Music: Enabled
Trying: `CoreAudio'
Midi Output: Enabled
Starting a BLACK GATE game
Game path settings:
Static : /Library/Application Support/Exult/blackgate/static
Gamedat : /Users/mothra/Library/Application Support/Exult/blackgate/gamedat
Savegame: /Users/mothra/Library/Application Support/Exult/blackgate
Patch : /Library/Application Support/Exult/blackgate/patch

Opening digital SFX's file: "/sqsfxbg.flx"
Resetting AudioMixer...
played intro
Gamedat identity FORGE
Reading usecode file.
Support for SI Paperdolls is enabled.
Support for SI Multiracial Avatars is enabled.
Loading /exult_bg.flx...
Loading default keybindings

May 30 18:46:56 Tiamat crashdump[2051]: exult crashed
2010-05-30 18:46:56.348 exult[2049] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x669c90 of class NSCFArray autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
2010-05-30 18:46:56.348 exult[2049] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x6137a0 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
2010-05-30 18:46:56.348 exult[2049] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x60b850 of class NSCFNumber autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
2010-05-30 18:46:56.348 exult[2049] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x6600a0 of class NSCFDictionary autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
2010-05-30 18:46:56.349 exult[2049] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x60b8f0 of class NSCFNumber autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
2010-05-30 18:46:56.349 exult[2049] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x665490 of class NSCFDictionary autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
2010-05-30 18:46:56.349 exult[2049] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x645340 of class NSCFArray autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
2010-05-30 18:46:56.349 exult[2049] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x662c30 of class NSCFArray autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
2010-05-30 18:46:56.354 exult[2049] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x6151f0 of class NSCFArray autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
2010-05-30 18:46:56.355 exult[2049] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x661d80 of class SDL_QuartzWindow autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
May 30 18:46:57 Tiamat crashdump[2051]: crash report written to: /Users/mothra/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/exult.crash.log

Oh and thanks for the email notification by the way! Havent touched Exult really since the last snapshot I probably wouldnt have realized a new one was out for another week or two hahaha...
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

Thanks for testing this. Of course the intel build doesn't crash...

I'll investigate, in the meantime I re-uploaded the snapshot from the 5th of May...
And really many thanks for testing all these failures...
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

hmm, even the ppc-only binary I still have around is behaving nicely...
I have no idea what is going wrong again...
Maybe time for a debug built again :)
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

New files to test :)
Two ppc files, one like before just without optimization, the other without optimization and the SDL libs/sources that worked before...
Can you test them? Hopefully one of them works :)

The data files from the failed snapshot should be ok for those.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Same deal with both of the binaries in there..
Game works fine but clicking on any of those icons at the bottom of the paperdoll/portrait screen just goes crashola..

Reverted back to my working snapshot and everythings fine again..

May 5th?? Eeek I missed one! The snapshot Im running is from April 30 I think (after we got the funny colors fixed)..

No problem on helping out with testing! Anything I can do to make Ultima live forever! Just had one of my built in USB ports die last week on me though.. My good old PPC dual G4 may be on its way to the big Apple headquarters in the sky...
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Just for the record... May 5th snapshot also working just fine so far..

If I can get myself off of Super Mario Galaxy 2 Ill get a new game going of BG from the beginning (so I can FINALLY use the keyring mod!)..
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

ok, that helps a lot. I'll have some more for testing on Thursday or further down the weekend.
Now I know it's something I'm doing different with something :)
Seriously, since it's not my new SDL compile and nothing changed codewise in Exult, it's something with the other libs (zlib, ogg, vorbis, nothing else I'm using there)...
Unfortunately it seems I'm unable to build a debug built for some strange reason :(
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

Just uploaded the new test builds.
exult-ppcorg is the binary with all my "self compiled" libs with some other compile options for exult
exult-ppct is does have the libs from the macports installs and the same compile options as above...

Edit: same link as before http://exult.info/snapshots/Exultppc.zip
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Same crash unfortunately..

I was wondering if maybe we finally ran into one of those spots where SDL doesnt work on Tiger anymore but I just checked and were still on 1.2.14 which has worked so far (and SDLMAME still works ok)..

Looking through my Console, Im seeing alot of weird errors from other apps now so I wonder if its my Mac going nuts.. Perhaps thats why I cant even compile it anymore.. I know Ive had to recover a hard drive a couple times in the last year due to power failures, one of my built-in USB ports just died on me a couple weeks ago (although I dont see all of the Watchdog errors in the console that used to pop up every second a few days ago)..
Not to mention it seems to be spitting out alot of heat from underneath it (at least my feet are toasty under my mixing desk haha)..

I mean heres my Console just from opening Tech Tool Pro 5 and running the Memory Test (which actually passed ok but I thought maybe it could be RAM too):
2010-06-04 10:32:47.202 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** Message from :
State restoration failed on node "RenderInImage_1"
2010-06-04 10:32:47.205 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** State restoration failed on
2010-06-04 10:32:59.694 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (-1) beyond bounds (3)
2010-06-04 10:33:06.110 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (-1) beyond bounds (3)
2010-06-04 10:33:08.421 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (-1) beyond bounds (3)
2010-06-04 10:33:09.117 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (-1) beyond bounds (3)
2010-06-04 10:35:14.241 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** Message from :
Cannot create node of class "QCLine" and identifier "(null)"
2010-06-04 10:35:14.241 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** Message from :
Cannot create node of class "QCLine" and identifier "(null)"
2010-06-04 10:35:14.241 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** Message from :
Cannot create node of class "QCLine" and identifier "(null)"
2010-06-04 10:35:14.241 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** Message from :
Cannot create node of class "QCLine" and identifier "(null)"
2010-06-04 10:35:14.241 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** Message from :
Cannot create node of class "QCLine" and identifier "(null)"
2010-06-04 10:35:14.241 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** Message from :
Cannot create node of class "QCLine" and identifier "(null)"
2010-06-04 10:35:14.243 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** Message from :
Cannot create node of class "QCLine" and identifier "(null)"
2010-06-04 10:35:14.243 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** Message from :
Cannot create node of class "QCLine" and identifier "(null)"
2010-06-04 10:35:14.244 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** Message from :
Cannot create node of class "QCLine" and identifier "(null)"
2010-06-04 10:35:14.253 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** Message from :
State restoration failed on node "RenderInImage_1"
2010-06-04 10:35:14.255 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** State restoration failed on
2010-06-04 10:35:14.270 TechTool Pro 5[290] *** NSThread: ignoring exception '*** -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (-1) beyond bounds (3)' that raised during delayed perform of target 0x18ec28d0 and selector 'completionHandler:'

So somethings up over here which might be why Exult isnt working...
Whats the cpu requirements for Exult if any??
Ive got a G4/500 sitting here with 10.4.11 on it I could fire up and see if the ppc builds are really working on 10.4???
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

And go figure, after just noticing that I was no longer getting the Dead USB Controller messages, I just swapped my keyboard and lo and behold the port that was dead just a couple days ago works again...

Maybe I could auction off my old Ultima's and get a new iMac or something hahaha.. Too bad my chinchilla ate a big old chunk out of my Ultima 7 cluebook!
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

damn, I wish I'd knew what's wrong.
I am uploading a new set of test binaries right now, all named exult-mp-something.
exult-mp-special *should* run, it's compiled the same way as the working snapshot. This is just test case to make sure that nothing changed in general with my buildbox.

exult-mp-sdlnew is done as above, just linking the SVN SDL

exult-mp-newlibs is done as above, just linking ALL the new compiled libs...

What is not yet done is a built with updated macports (I hope that the first build is really done with the same libs as the working one and I have not updated any macports libs before which cause it to fail)... let's see how that stuff behaves...

I sure hope your mac will live a lot longer and not just for my testing sake :) (I'm thinking of getting a PPC mac mini on ebay for this if I can get it kind of cheap)

Edit: updated the zip file with the binary exult-mp-updated
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Well it seems to have miraculously sorted itself out now..
Maybe it was just too hot that day my port decided to quit working heh.. Its been working just fine ever since my last reply up there (keyboards typed into it now even)..
Has been rather humid here at the beach and my Mac is sitting underneath a studio mixing desk thingy..

Ok heres the reports..

Special - worked fine just like you said.. Went through every icon there at the bottom of the paperdoll/inventory screen with no trouble (until I turned on combat haha!)

SDLnew and Newlibs - same crash again when clicking the icons.

The last one with the updated Macports libs just checked out to be fine too..

For the most part the ones that have been crashing, what little gameplay Ive done seems to be ok. Its just clicking on those icons on the inventory screen that kills it.. Hitting escape still works to bring up the options menu, hitting 'c' still takes you into combat..
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

good to hear that your mac will be around a bit longer :)

And thanks for the report, only makes me puzzle more, though :)

One more idea I have is that maybe I need to build perl on my own as well to make it work... I'll bother rhoenie from the #dosbox channel with some ideas :)
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

I'm doing it again... sleepless nights to deliver the perfect build..

Since the last time, I acquired an old used Mac Mini G4 which I'm remote controlling.
I got it working and then suddenly I didn't... The problem is related to Audio.
When you disable audio, all the old builds work. If you disable it, it crashes and burns...
Can be tested with the current snapshot :)
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

ok, found the cause for this and a probable risky workaround:
The crash problem is caused by some endian bug in our audio code, triggered by sfx on PPC.
The color problem was also an endian problem because the initial SDL 1.2.14 did use a configure script generated by autoconf 2.63 which caused the wrong endian being set for PPC (http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-autocon ... 02721.html) thus the nice situation that the color was wrong but no crash :)
The fixed configure script in current SDL 1.2x branch took care of the color problem but introduced the sfx crash in Exult.

The workaround:
- compile SDL either by grabbing current SDL 1.2x branch or by running ./autogen.sh in the SDL 1.2.14 release
- after that is done you need to edit /include/SDL/SDL-config.h and change

Code: Select all

/* Endianness */
#define SDL_BYTEORDER 4321

Code: Select all

/* Endianness */
#define SDL_BYTEORDER 1234
(which is the wrong byte order for PPC)
- compile Exult. The colors are right and it will no longer crash right away when you open the inventory screen or click on some of the clickable stuff in the inventory screen.
But beware I have no idea what bad stuff can happen with this byte order being set wrong AND if you compile other stuff that depends on SDL you should revert that change to SDL_config.h.

I'm testing a little bit more and will upload a new, hopefully working, snapshot today.

Edit: There is one big bug when doing the above workaround, the static ppc build of Exult will only produce static on intel OS X machines. This is kind of acceptable for now until the real bug in Exult is found, since the snapshot is universal and has both the ppc and intel binary included and on the intel OS X only the intel binary part will be used. And that plays fine :)

Snapshot uploaded!!!

Edit2: hmm, apparently the ppc port also suffers from static when the problem got worked around like that (also the former "good" snapshot from beginning of May is showing this effect as Meddling Monk had pointed out in fact before!!!) :(
Seems to affect some sfx (like opening a door or lighting a latern) and the Mt32emu...
For now best turn off sfx :(
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by MeddlingMonk »

I've been 'away' for a while, and what do I find? That I really wasn't crazy after all. Although I sort of drove myself crazy trying to address the static problem, being convinced it had to be a setting or something else on my PPC Mac. Oh, well.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Just finished moving myself and getting set back up..
Upgraded my Mac to 10.5.8 couple days ago so hopefully snapshot testing will go smoother now hehe.
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

@MeddlingMonk, yes sorry. I really thought something was wrong on your machine. I'll try to keep bothering Colourless to figure out where the problem is in the audio code...

@Monotremata, let me know how it works out for you on 10.5. Since this gives my access to both 10.4 (mine) and 10.5 (yours) PPC machines, it's perfect for testing :)
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Latest snapshot working fine under 10.5 PPC YAY!
Although now that I started setting up Macports it appears I cant build smpeg for whatever reason so I cant install the SDL-Mixer..

Fink is still working but guess I wont be able to make all those nice universal binaries on my end in Macports..
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

Latest snapshot working fine under 10.5 PPC YAY!
But I suspect that the sfx are not that nice, for example lighting a street lamp gives a horrible static sound.
Although now that I started setting up Macports it appears I cant build smpeg for whatever reason so I cant install the SDL-Mixer..
You need to follow the instructions in the readme.macosx :)
There is no more need for SDL_mixer.
For building Exult you *only* need:
pkg-config (I'm not even sure whether you really need that)
(probably in this order)

Just be aware that the SDL you get from MacPorts (and most likely Fink) is borked. You need to get the SVN of SDL 1.2x branch or you will end up with distorted colors on PPC.
And if you made it this far you have to change the byte order in /inlucde/SDL/sdl_config.h otr your Exult compile will crash on clicking the icons (or earlier when certain sfx are played).

Edit: fixed doublequote
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Ooooh gotcha! Got all those libs installed fine so guess Im good to go hehe.
Gonna go make those SDL changes now and here we go!!
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by monotremata »

Alrighty.. I think its finally time to give it up and let Dominus have at it hehe.

Im thinking you simply cant compile an x86 binary on a PPC mac.
I gave Exult a go today, and my regular static PPC build works fine.
I renamed it to exult-ppc and exported all the proper CFLAGS and LDFLAGS and whatnot to build an i386 version.

It stops here during ./configure:

checking windowing system... Mac OS X
checking for gawk... (cached) awk
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... configure: error: in `/Users/mothra/dev/exult':
configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs.
If you meant to cross compile, use `--host'.
See `config.log' for more details

Earlier in the day when I was trying to use SDL's fatbuild.sh script to build a universal lib, I kept getting the same message during the configure stage. Anything built natively for PPC works fine but for some reason I just cant build an x86 anything..
Has anyone else sucessfully built an x86 binary on a PPC Mac? I hope its not just me again haha!
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Dominus »

Honestly I haven't tried building an intel binary on ppc. It really just might not work
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Re: OS X - Snapshot and static compile discussion

Post by Colourless »

SFX causing crashes on PPC machines has now been fixed in SVN.