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Post by cessena1500 »

Can someone please explain about food? iolo keeps saying he is hungry. Do I need to put food in his hand? Will you die over time if you dont eat?
Posts: 61
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Food

Post by SepiaAndDust »

Double-click on something edible. The cursor will turn into a crosshair. Put the crosshair on whomever you wish to feed, then single-click the mouse. Keep doing that until you run out of food or until everyone in the party says, "No thank you." You can also use the "F" hotkey to eat whatever random bits of food you have in your packs.

A couple of notes:

1. Don't eat food that doesn't belong to you--you're the Avatar, after all!
2. I don't think that you'll die from hunger, but you won't heal when you sleep. Make sure everyone's well-fed before you take a snooze.
3. You can get meat from the corpses of cows, deer, rabbits, sheep, boars, chicken, and horses. Fish can be caught and eaten whole. You can eat fruits and veggies that you find lying around in the wild. You can also bake your own bread. As a last resort, you can buy food at taverns, Farmers' Markets, and from various other merchants.
4. Don't eat the garlic; it's better used as a reagent.
5. Once you've eaten all of your food, go get some more food.
Posts: 31
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Food

Post by Quentin »

or just look up Ultima 7 walkthrough or solution.

Google is your friend (or yahoo, bing, or whatever u prefer)

Re: Food

Post by cessena »

Thank you for the info, and great advice.