Main menu all wonky in BG and SI?!?!!11!1ONE

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Main menu all wonky in BG and SI?!?!!11!1ONE

Post by captain_thunderpants »

I got the latest snapshot and I haven't seen anyone complain here about this yet (or maybe I'm just skimming through the topics too quickly), but has anyone else had the problem where the main menu (both in BG and SI, not the Exult main menu) doesn't show the options or the mouse cursor? Then when I try to move the mouse around, the invisible cursor will reveal parts of the menu options as it moves over them, but the cursor itself still won't show. I managed to get a new game started to see how gameplay works, when I open up the paperdoll it's the same. I'd bug report it, but it could just be an nVidia issue (I'm about to see how updating the driver does) and submitting a savegame would be pointless. Give me your thoughts on the matter.
Hey, where can I find a Wing Commander Academy walkthrough?
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Re: Main menu all wonky in BG and SI?!?!!11!1ONE

Post by Darkstar »

Works fine here (just checked). Probably your drivers. Try setting the environment variable "SDL_VIDEODRIVER" to "windib" before starting Exult, this fixed some issues for me in the past (though it is probably slower). Or try lowering the hardware acceleration of your graphics card in the "advanced" tab of the windows display settings.

For the walkthrough, have you tried Google?

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Re: Main menu all wonky in BG and SI?!?!!11!1ONE

Post by SepiaAndDust »

Usually that happens to me when I've got a video mode selected that's unsupported. I just change it manually in the .cfg. Hasn't happened since I used Dom's fullscreen patch, though.

Re: Main menu all wonky in BG and SI?!?!!11!1ONE

Post by Gadget2006 »

Can someone please direct me to Dom's fullscreen patch? I have the same issues as mentioned in this thread - the main menu, while in full screen, goes berserk in both BG and SI (and the main menu before that). If there's some kind of a fullscreen patch that resolves the problem, I'd like to give it a try.

Re: Main menu all wonky in BG and SI?!?!!11!1ONE

Post by Gadget2006 »

Oops, sorry, nevermind - found a solution to the problem. :)

Re: Main menu all wonky in BG and SI?!?!!11!1ONE

Post by AJ »

What was it?

Re: Main menu all wonky in BG and SI?!?!!11!1ONE

Post by Gadget2006 »

I set the SDL_VIDEODRIVER to "directx" prior to launching the game executable and it fixed the problem. Now I can play the game in full screen in 320x200 with Hq3x in 3x mode without any problems :)

Basically, I created Exult.bat in the Exult folder with the following contents:


Then I just ran Exult.bat instead of Exult.exe. I found this suggestion in the other thread dedicated to full-screen problems, it's very helpful.