Pick Pocketing

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Pick Pocketing

Post by Vasculio294 »

Is it just my imagination or did i hear a rumor of the avatar being about to pickpocket npc's?

Anyway that would be a cool feature to add to exult
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by Ezric »

Ctrl-Alt P turns on pick pocket mode.

That having been said, genuine pick pocketing might be a cool addition, though definately not very virtuous.

Thinking about how it works in D&D 3rd Edition terms, maybe some kind of check could be performed that takes the avatar's dexterity into account (and maybe even some stat of the target like intelligence, so smarter people were harder to pick pocket). On a failed check, the NPC notices the attempt and calls the guards and/or attacks...

Deciding what types of items could be stolen would take some planning, though. I mean, stealing someone's pants is hardly something that would go unnoticed...

On the flip side, maybe some NPCs could be made to attempt to pick pocket the avatar and company (based on alignment, I'd suppose). It'd make rough neighborhoods something to fear :). You'd just have to make sure they couldn't steal plot-breaking items.

Really, some other free-ranging NPCs in the game would be really great. Other groups of adventurers, maybe, with their own agendas and abilities similar to those of the avatar and friends. Image walking into Destard only to have a run-in with another group of adventurers in there killing dragons, taking all the good loot, etc.

And then to top it off, their thief steals your pants :D
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by artaxerxes »

> On the flip side, maybe some NPCs could be made to attempt to
> pick pocket the avatar and company (based on alignment, I'd
> suppose). It'd make rough neighborhoods something to fear
> :). You'd just have to make sure they couldn't steal
> plot-breaking items.

That could be a subplot in itself... Recovering a random plot-breaking item stolen by an unknown NPC...

Neutronium Dragon

Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

It could also end up breaking the game in SI, where some areas may change between the time something gets stolen and the time you notice it.

Now, if it's limited to only being able to pickpocket money and equivalent items (gems, jewelry, etc), then it might be okay.

Neutronium Dragon

Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by TdI »

NPCs that have their schedule set to "thief" steal stuff from the avatar and his companions. At least they did this in the original.

Found out about this after killing the impostor in Empath Abbey and he was full of loot stolen from me.

Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by Gruck »

I can just imagine it now... I`m walking around Castle Brittania when just for a joke Chuckles decides to steal Rudyom`s wand. HILARITY. Of course I still need the bloody blackrock detonation device back so of course I decide to steal the bloody thing back. Chuckles gets pissy and calls the guards, Lord British proceeds to incinerate me.
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by drcode »

I never noticed that in the original. What if they steal something necessary for the plot? Or maybe they only steal certain things (money, gold, etc).
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by Vasculio294 »

Its funny, but i do vaguely remember someone stealing from me in Black Gate.

Anyway i want be able to pick pocket the mages of Moonshade before the release of the banes. I want there spell weapons lol
Uncle Rico: Napoleon, you know we can't afford the fun pack. What, do you think money grows on trees in this family? Take it back! And get some Pampers for you and your brother while you're at it.
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by wjp »

The ones I know of in BG: the thief in empath abbey steals gold, Nicodemus steals reagents.

Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by MkM »

That was one of many disappointing things in exult, there wasn't stealing anymore. It's odd that you haven't found out that in original. To me and my friends it was obvious. But...

If you could steal then there should be npc-stealing definetily back again. Avatar stealing sounds fun (but of course only certain items).

I remember Nicodemus and Kreg were stealing horse and ship deeds. Nicodemus reagents.
Could someone test what items they stealed? Gremlins stole only food, right?

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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by SB-X »

I posted a feature request on this a long time ago, and wjp closed it.
So maybe it works now.
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by Dominus »

According to our changelog:
* schedule.cc: Support thief schedule.
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by TdI »

>The ones I know of in BG: the thief in empath abbey steals gold, Nicodemus steals reagents.

I'm absolutely sure that thieves stole other stuff too, in the original. I found out about this, after I couldn't use my ship or cart anymore, because the deed disappeared, and I later found it on the guys body.
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by drcode »

I wonder if Nicodemus's stealing is controlled by his usecode script, perhaps while you're talking to him.
Neutronium Dragon

Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

From what I recall, the thief walked right up to you and started saying things like, "How art thou?" - everytime they said something at you, they also pickpocketed an item.

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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by marzo »

I wonder if Nicodemus's stealing is controlled by his usecode script
*checks Nicodemus' usecode* Nope; he only takes gold when selling things and the unenchanted hourglass (and then gives back the enchanted hourglass... why not simply change the frame? ah, well...).
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by TdI »

>From what I recall, the thief walked right up to you and started saying things like, "How art thou?" - everytime they said something at you, they also pickpocketed an item.

Yeah, and "Nice weather today". But its true, the thief would come and stand right next to someone. On a slow machine you could even notice the "theft" happening, because the game would freeze for a very short time. It appears that thieving was expensive in CPU cycles.

I would run away from Nicodemus when hearing these lines, out of fear he may steal an important item from me. And I didn't want to kill him, after all. He would chase me around for great distances...
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by SB-X »

Fortunately Nicodemus doesn't always steal. You just have to talk to him at the right time.

Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by MkM »

You don't have to talk him at all.
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by drcode »

Okay. This will give me another schedule to fix up.
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by SB-X »

What did that other commit add?
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Re: Pick Pocketing

Post by drcode »

Yes, looks like I already did this about a year ago. In the current code, a thief will only steal gold, though.