I'm creating a monster

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I'm creating a monster

Post by Azulmagia »

What have i done... i've created a monster!. Actually, inspired by what other artists are adding to the game, i decided to try and draw a monster for Ultima VII. It's not complete yet, but i wanted to show a preview of it. I don't have the skills to actually put it in the game with exult studio, so if anyone making a mod or planning to do one, is free to take and use this thing when i finish it.

(hope the host works)

The ancient machine

Despite the futuristic look, it's supposed to be some ancient guardian, kind of an uber-automaton designated to protect old ruins or something like that. I imagined it using some kind of projectile attack (fireballs, rays, etc) or a very strong physical attack. I have only finished the standing, walking and attacking animations (front). I have to do de back animations and a hurt / death sequence. I have no experience in this, so any input would be appreciated (such as the number of frames for each action, i based this one on Crysta's Armored Lord Brit.)

I think it'd be great as a boss creature with a lot of hit points hidden in a ruined temple of old.
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Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by marzo »

Looks very nice. I can certainly think of a thing or two to do with it :-)

Oh, by the way: there are only two walking frames; the fourth frame is the 'use' frame.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Wizardry Dragon
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Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

"By the Virtues, as if the Kilrathi showing up weren't enough...

Iolo, get the blackrock and Rudyom's wand again."

~ Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands

Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Azulmagia »


Oh, by the way: there are only two walking frames; the fourth frame is the 'use' frame.

Copy that.
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

Also, make sure you're using Ultima VII's palette.

~ Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands

Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Azulmagia »

I'll convert it when i finish the frames. I take it that there's:

1 standing frame
2 walk frames
1 use frame (but not every NPC uses it? )
3 attack frames

I'm not sure how the sitting / hurt ones are used, and i assume there's only one for the corpse with no "death animation"... All this considering that stand/attack/walk have both front and back frames... Is this correct?

My next project will be to make the Skara Brae ferryman into a creature you can fight instead of a "prop"
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Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by marzo »

There is already a sprite for him (although he has no attack frames).

The full list of frames are:
1 standing
2 walking
3 attack (not all NPCs have these)
3 2-handed attack (not all NPCs have these)
1 Sitting
1 Leaning
1 Kneeling
1 Lying down
2 Spell casting (not all NPCs have these)

Ans yes, there are front/back versions of each frame.

The dead body is a separate shape altogether.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Wizardry Dragon
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Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

I think he means hes going to edit it so he does have attack frames, Marzo.

~ Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands

Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Azulmagia »

Ok, then i have to get rid of 1 attack frame, and draw the Lying down and dead frames. (Since it won't lean, sit or kneel, these frames can just be replaced by the standing or lying down ones)

And of course, do the "back" versions and change palettes.

Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Kyle »

that's cool. I'd really like to see a sliver serpent and a giant centepede. They were in the manual but not in the game!!

Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Azulmagia »


Here's anoter advance. I think those are enough -actions like spellcasting, using or sitting are not used OR can be replaced with copies of other actions-. All i would need now is to draw the corpse.

Although i was thinking..., don't you think it would look better if it expelled steam while moving and attacking?

Again, when it's ready, you're free to use it in your mods or do whatever you want with he frames, as long as you don't say you drew them yourself.
Jets Connor

Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Jets Connor »

Hehe, I looked at it the wrong way. The first few frames kinda look like a puppy dog when you think it's facing you.

Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by TdI »

quote>My next project will be to make the Skara Brae ferryman into a creature you can fight instead of a "prop"

I think he is "a prop" for a reason. If you`d kill him, there would be no way to reach Skara Brae (except for a rumored, hard to find sweet-spot where you can land the carpet).

Then again, you could resurrect him afterwards. Even though something about the logic of killing an undead being and ressurecting him afterwards gives me the wellies.

Anyway, all the frames for a Ferryman NPC already exist, so there is no need in making them. The work of actually turning him into a real NPC would have to be performed with EStudio and usecode.
Crysta the Elf
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Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Crysta the Elf »

actually ive found at least 4 spots where the carpet can land.. lol

Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Azulmagia »

I've landed several times on Skara Brae.

Also, are you positive about the ferryman having frames? I was almost sure he was just an object... even the scythe was a part of him, he didn't have it 'equipped'. I'll take your word on it though...

Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Azulmagia »

Ehm i forgot to say... is there an easy way to get the Ultima VII palette quickly? Does Exult Studio come with it? I think i'll read the faq again ._.
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

Under Palletes in Exult Studio you might just find said palettes ^_~

~ Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands

Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Azulmagia »

Yup... ^_^ i'm gonna include the corpse, change palettes and image type and leave this available for use.
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Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Dominus »

I would like to see that one in action :)
Reminds me a lot of a Zelda style endboss
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Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by TdI »

quote>Also, are you positive about the ferryman having frames? I was almost sure he was just an object... even the scythe was a part of him, he didn't have it 'equipped'. I'll take your word on it though...

Shape 155 is a shape labeled "The Ferryman" consisting of the Ferryman "object" with skythe in hand, which consists of only one frame. Way further down...
Shape 952 is a shape also labeled "The Ferryman" but consisting of 32 frames containing all usual NPC shapes. I believe it is never used in U7.

Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Azulmagia »

Oh, i see... i must have stumbled upon the 'object' ferryman with some shapeviewer.
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Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Garrett »

Looks great! Is the player going to be able to resurrect it after its defeat using Create Automaton? I could imagine that thing could haul a lot of pounds...

And is it just me or does it look like a Zoid? :)

Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Azulmagia »

Dang. I checked and i did not have Exult Studio installed, it seems, so i'll have to download it to get the palette.

Looks great! Is the player going to be able to resurrect it after its defeat using Create Automaton? I could imagine that thing could haul a lot of pounds...

Don't know, i figure it'd be for the mod maker to decide, but i don't see of it as a possible companion. ;-)
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Re: I'm creating a monster

Post by Vasculio294 »

Could you be inspired to make Liontiger or Tigerlion creature from Mackys cornfield
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