Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

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Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by Justin »

Any chance someone can port Exult to work in W.M. 2003?
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Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by Colourless »

I would if i had a Pocket PC to test and debug on. Last time i made a build, it wouldn't even start up.

Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by Arminator »

Just stumbled on this post. I don't know exactly, but I think the Visual Studio for Embedded Devices has a Windows Pocket PC emulator so you can run and debug your programs on the PC.

Having Exult on my Pocket PC really would rock :)

Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by Arminator »

And it's freely downloadable from the labyrinth like pages of Microsoft itself.

Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by Arminator »

Either I really need to start thinking before I post, or this phorum needs an edit option.

However: All links needed to download an Emulator for PocketPC, and the SDK stuff can be gotten from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en

I hope this is of any help.
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Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by Dominus »

AFAIK Colourless had that one already. Problem was that either Exult or Pentagram were running fine on the emulator but not on a real device :(

Nevertheless, thanks for the links :)
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Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by Arminator »

Hello Colourless,

I just got a new PDA and could spare my old PDA for some time, if this could get Exult on Pocket PC.

Its a Medion thats exactly like a Yakumo Delta 400, with Windows Mobile 2003. Its a 400 MHz Intel CPU. However, it's a German Windows.

If you were willing to try it out, I'd lend it to you for some time.

Just tell me, if you're interested and willing to do it, and I'll send it on its way to you.

Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by Ommadawn »

Has there been any more news on this front? I _really_ want to play U7 on my X50v.... :)

Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by Alex »

Maybe if we keep spamming... ;)

@Colourless: Could you perhaps (please!) release the build you already made?! It didn't work for you, but maybe some of us are lucky!

I've managed to play U6 with n0p's DOSBox build on my PPC, but Exult - that'd be amazing!

Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by MattO »

Yeah - this would be great - I've got the original U7 working on an emulator on my pocket PC (pdosbox I think was the emulator). It works fine albeit fairly slowly due to the software emulation, so a native Exult version would be awesome.

I'm sure someone would pick this up for Colourless as playing U7 on the train is pretty darn fun ;-)
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Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by marzo »

Maybe if we keep spamming... ;)
The most likely outcomes of spamming for it are (1) pissed of developers and (2) frozen thread. So take care to weigh in the consequences berofe you spam :-)
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Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by Lanica »

I'm working on trying to get a Pocket PC port working. Getting the development environment set up just right is going to be the trick. I could use some tips from Colourless ... if he is around.... I've got a real device in my hands that I can do some "damage" with :)
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Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by bd25g »

it starts well

but can't control green colored pointer

how to control

Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by TWolf »

To control the mouse arrow just drag it accross the screen. Dont just click, drag.

I have a problem running it on my wm6.1
I installed everything ok, sounds, music, changed the config file, etc.

But after I run the game, edit my character and press ONWARD to start the game, he goes to a red screen (or blue, if its the part2) and doesnt go anywhere from there, until it crashes and hides my top taskbar on the process...

I tried desabling everything on the game menu, but no difference.

Anything I did wrong?

Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by TWolf »

Oh, lol.. that was the loading screen, I had no idea since it shows no message on the screen and it takes over a minute to load...
So sorry... :)

Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by vo »

This works pretty nicely on my Axim X30, there is some freezing though, could be because of the speed of the SD storage.

Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by TWolf »

Im having a little problem configuring the keys, can anyone show me a working example?

The faqs and manual refer all the keys, what keys can be used, and how to make a separated txt with the binded keys (and even that I'm not too sure if its optional), but none has a working example of a specific key binding... Or even how to discover the hardware name of my specific button key...

Can it be something like this?

up = right
down = left
left = up
right = down
Malignant Manor
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Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by Malignant Manor »

I don't have time to clean up this list and there are probably other keys that can be assigned. If I remember right, capitalization doesn't matter. You can either put "defaultkeys.txt" in the Exult folder (or wherever it goes in PPC) if it doesn't exist or "patchkeys.txt" inside the patch folder. If it does exist edit that. Just create the file I previously mentioned (or find "defaultkeys.txt" in the source) .

The documentation does list the proper way to assign a key and gives examples of what is already used and can be overwritten. Key combination then key function. Add something like this example:

Code: Select all

Alt-KP+	resolution_increase
Alt-KP- 	resolution_decrease
Things you can assign to a key or keys (should use what is in between quotes):

Code: Select all


	{ "QUIT"
	{ "ABOUT"
	{ "HELP"

#ifdef UNDER_CE

	{ "DARKER",
	{ "USEITEM", 
	{ "STATS",
	{ "SCROLL_UP", 
	{ "WALK_EAST", 
	{ "CUT",
	{ "COPY",
	{ "PASTE",	

Keyboard keys (should use what is in between quotes):

Code: Select all

	{"TAB",       SDLK_TAB}, 
	{"PAUSE",     SDLK_PAUSE}, 
	{"ESC",       SDLK_ESCAPE}, 
	{"SPACE",     SDLK_SPACE}, 
	{"DEL",       SDLK_DELETE}, 
	{"KP0",       SDLK_KP0}, 
	{"KP1",       SDLK_KP1}, 
	{"KP2",       SDLK_KP2}, 
	{"KP3",       SDLK_KP3}, 
	{"KP4",       SDLK_KP4}, 
	{"KP5",       SDLK_KP5}, 
	{"KP6",       SDLK_KP6}, 
	{"KP7",       SDLK_KP7}, 
	{"KP8",       SDLK_KP8}, 
	{"KP9",       SDLK_KP9}, 
	{"KP.",       SDLK_KP_PERIOD}, 
	{"KP/",       SDLK_KP_DIVIDE}, 
	{"KP*",       SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY}, 
	{"KP-",       SDLK_KP_MINUS}, 
	{"KP+",       SDLK_KP_PLUS}, 
	{"UP",        SDLK_UP}, 
	{"DOWN",      SDLK_DOWN}, 
	{"RIGHT",     SDLK_RIGHT}, 
	{"LEFT",      SDLK_LEFT}, 
	{"HOME",      SDLK_HOME}, 
	{"END",       SDLK_END}, 
	{"F1",        SDLK_F1}, 
	{"F2",        SDLK_F2}, 
	{"F3",        SDLK_F3}, 
	{"F4",        SDLK_F4}, 
	{"F5",        SDLK_F5}, 
	{"F6",        SDLK_F6}, 
	{"F7",        SDLK_F7}, 
	{"F8",        SDLK_F8}, 
	{"F9",        SDLK_F9}, 
	{"F10",       SDLK_F10}, 
	{"F11",       SDLK_F11}, 
	{"F12",       SDLK_F12}, 
	{"F13",       SDLK_F13}, 
	{"F14",       SDLK_F14}, 
	{"F15",       SDLK_F15},
All alphanumeric numbers can be uses as well.

Re: Exult on Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 2003

Post by vo »

I think he's trying to set the dpad to landscape mode:

1) Go into the game
2) Double tap your character
3) Tap the floppy disc
4) Tap "Gameplay options"
5) Tap the button next to "D-Pad" and set it to "Landscape1"

Now the DPad should be in landscape mode