Voldin Spoiler Warning

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Voldin Spoiler Warning

Post by Vasculio294 »

Did you know that you can spared Voldin's life! Remember the level room where you have to reset the verdic for Dupre's Trial. Heres what i did and acted fast on it! Memorize the lever combination. Make sure that you have some sleeping powder on you. Go into the room! You'll engage dialog. Quickly! press the "I" key! Make sure you have either a blue potion or sleeping powder which i think is at Lydia house in Monitor. Use it on him.
He'll go to sleep for a few seconds. Quickly use the memorize combination and get out of the room. Don't worry! He can't leave that room.

You get a new scenario afterwards when going to the update trial.

Re: Voldin Spoiler Warning

Post by Anderewrey »

I will try it now...

Thanks for the info

Re: Voldin Spoiler Warning

Post by Paulon »

The discussions with the priestess after the trial have dialogue inputs from him too, if he's alive to be imprisoned.

Re: Voldin Spoiler Warning

Post by Vasculio294 »

Cool you guys tried it!
Posts: 85
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Voldin Spoiler Warning

Post by Michele »

It worked back in the original game too.
I remember those 2 sniping at each other in the Jail :p