Thease all nightmairs

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Thease all nightmairs

Post by kimminho »

Everything I could buy not ,
Nor pickup nor steal,
Something have to be bought, something pickup and, steal...

Enemy attacking us so streate.
So I can`t using fighting tricks with chances...

Programs getting slow when my encounted enemy...


Re: Ah, also...

Post by kimminho »

Have lots of plaes can`t go without my dead.
Two example, magicians exploding attack and gazers lazer.
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by GuJiaXian »

These posts and their terrible grammar and spelling are bordering on trolling. I visit the forums quite frequently (me=lurker), and it seems that the only posts are are made anymore are by this guy. Can the mods please do something about it? I know these boards aren't just for native English speakers or anything, but this guy's English...I think it has more in common with Swahili than the English I've learned.
Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

Don't be so harsh. He is doing a great effort to type something we can understand. I can't understand the first post. The second I think he means there are places where the monsters or enemies insta-kill you, and two examples are the magicians casting explosion and the gazers.
- Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Dominus »

Yes, please don't be harsh on kimminho. You can tell he is trying to make us understand what he means.

Kimminho: The reason for no answers is simply that we have a hard time to understand what you mean. Sorry for that, but we hope that we can help you anyway :)
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Snizzle »

I don't know if you have tried something like this or if it will help, but you could try a Korean to English translation tool like the one at

anyway hope it can help :)

Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

Have you ever thougt that maybe he is using it? :)
- Gradilla Dragon

Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Snizzle »

Your probably right my mind is like a stopped clock, it is only right twice a day :P


Re: Bable fish English...

Post by kimminho »

All it will get it is not with freebie.
Only it buys certainly and it does to the bedspread which comes out.
It does to touch at random, to be it does not pick up certainly and there are also times the bedspread.
When it meets the enemy and the game comes to be slow.
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Madoc »

Please don't understand that wrong, but I personally love kimminho's postings! (Even though I don't understand them, unfortunately...)

I know that one could misunderstand me now. One could think that I'm making fun of kimminho or mocking him when I say that I find his posts have quite a lyrical appeal to them. Look at the first post in this thread for example. You can take it as a poem, and the final "No" in the last line seems desparate, it sums up all that comes before. It's like the "catch phrase" of a Zen koan, basically a variant of "Mu".

But I'm not making fun of him, I don't disrespect kimminho. It's just my personal view, and I would really miss him if he wouldn't post here anymore.

Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Beryllium »

Imagine the problems translating a truely alien language.... are humpback whales intellegent? Their noises could potentially transmit a lot of information, but how could we ever translate between such diverse creatures as humans and whales?

The translations here look like from idiomatic language... slang, metaphors, that sort of thing.

Kimminho, please use baby talk. Short sentences. Simple language. Like "you Tarzan, me Jane".

Re: Aaa hahaha...

Post by kimminho »


Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Jammet »

Experiment #1.


簡単な単語で書きなさい。複雑な文を書いてはいけない。 書いた: あなたのゲームは余りにも多くの敵があるので遅い。 それは正しいか。 プログラムは遅いか。またはコンピュータは遅いか。 ゲームが余りに困難である時、モンスターから動く試み。都市にとどまることは安全である。
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by tetzlaff »

I've studied Japanese for a few years, so I'll translate as best as I can. I think it will be better than Alta Vista babel fish.

Please write simple scentences. I can not understand when you write complicated scentences. I wrote: Your game has too many enemies, and therefore it slows down. Is that correct? (ed:thats his words, not a question by me) Is the program slow? Or is my Computer too slow? My movement experimentation shows that the most difficult times are because of the monsters. (ed: this one even confused my Japanese friend.)
It seems that I am safe only in the cities.
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I'm an idiot....

Post by tetzlaff »

I just realised this was directed to Kimminho in Japanese... no wonder I got confused in the translation. Is it possible to delete what I posted now? I'm not going to bother going back to fix the translation now, as I just realised my error.

Re: Hey, it`s wong..

Post by kimminho »

I did`t say: Your game being to be even excessively many enemies is slow.
I wanted to say:In the game? When I encout enemy? My exult Ultima7 is getting slow ..

If I wanted to play slow?
I cold configure the gamespeed.
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

I believe he means that when he is in a combat situation, his game becomes slow (possibly unresponsive?) and wants to know how he can make it faster.

Try using the 'point' scaler, Kimminho.

~ Wizardry Dragon
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by wjp »

It is probably intended.

Ultima 7 has a 'fast walk' mode that only works when there are no enemies nearby.

So, you can walk from city to city quickly, but you can't use this speed to run away from monsters.
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

It seems to me though, that in the original U7 at least, if you switched out of Combat mode, you still could fast-walk away from enemies? (just usually at the cost of your companions lives =/ )

~ Wizardry Dragon
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by wjp »

No, this was outside of combat mode as well, if I remember correctly.

I seem to remember being really annoyed whenever some monsters on the inside of a mountain would slow me down while I was walking outside.

Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by SoulFrost »

OH! The fast-walk is by design! Heh... I always just thought that the monsters were causing lag.

Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Kensu »

Anyone else experiencing slowdown?
There might be a memory leak...

Re: No

Post by kimminho »

It`s same

Re: It`s not fast walk!

Post by kimminho »

I have only game-speed-controll in Exult Ultima7.
Can`t `I` fix the lag?
All types of weapon damae and enemy walking speed so same.
It`s just old classic game isn`t it?

I was able to say same rate slowingdown in game-speed-10.
It`s fixed now but who did this?
Who`s computer conected?
Neutronium Dragon

Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

Yes, there was a slow, medium, and high speed. When monsters got close, high speed was disabled, even in non-combat mode.

Neutronium Dragon

Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by SoulFrost »

I don't think there's a memory leak. The game seems to be working exactly as you'd expect if there are multiple speeds which depend on circumstances. I just assumed that the spawing was causing my machine to lag.

BTW, just for future reference, the most current release of Exult works perfectly well on my frankenstein monster (built from parts of 8 different computers after my good one crashed)-- 300 MHz P-II / 160 MB RAM/ 8 MB Video / Win 98 SE. The power supply is sitting on top of the case. The hard-disk is hanging by wires at a 45-degree angle, supported by a long-dead CD-ROM drive. The floppy drive is held in by one screw (yes, that's one more than the hard-disk has). If it'll run on this box, it'll run on anything.
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

It doesnt run on my old 286 holding the bedroom door open. ^_~

~ Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands

Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by SoulFrost »

Have you tried? ;)
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: Thease all nightmairs

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

Yep. It *does* run xU4 nicely though ^_^

~ Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands

Re: Ah yes.

Post by kimminho »

In the playing...
Yas it,.