Interesting Korean game

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Interesting Korean game

Post by Macaw »

There is a game I just recently discovered called 'Liar' that was Korean-developed and released only in Korea (and therefore only in the Korean language) in 1995. It is EXACTLY like Ultima 7. To the graphics (houses for example have virtualy the same wall graphics as in ultima 7) to the Conversations (SI styles, big heads in the exact same areas that SI has them during converstions, also a Korean font that has the same yellow colour as the U7 font) to the World interactivity (items can be moved around. You can sit in chairs etc...etc...) to the combat which is identical apart form some handy pop up commands for your party. Also, the map is used in the same manner (it pops up over the screen) and a crosshair shows your current possition just like in u7.

In other words this game is exactly like u7 in every conceivable way apart from graphic orientation (it is more like final fantasy than the semi-isometric style found in u7/u6) Also while I cant read anything i dont know the story, but it is set in a medieval europe setting)

Just thought this was a interesting thing to let you all know. This is easily the most similar-to-u7 game out there. Bear in mind it WAS a commercial game released in Korea, not some fan-game with ripped graphics.

Re: Interesting Korean game

Post by Caravaggio »

Every once in a while you'll read articles about pirates in asia that don't just copy games, but go into the code and edit them, putting Mario and Luigi in Zelda for instance. It may have been widely sold but are you sure it was legit?

Any links to images/info?
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Re: Interesting Korean game

Post by SB-X »

Maybe Origin licensed their engine to the company. Like you said, it clearly isn't the exact same game. They could have just been "inspired" by U7 too... and figured nobody would notice since it wasn't released in English.

In unrelated news, here is a game that uses the exact same graphics as U7:
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Re: Interesting Korean game

Post by Colourless »

Hmm... I am going to say Epic Beyond is a copyright violation... I see no indications that Electronic Arts has licensed the graphics.

Re: Interesting Korean game

Post by Macaw »

The Epic Beyond guy just downloaded a ultima7 graphics pack and used that for the game (or at least thats what he told me when I was playing a older version of it). The game is free at the moment so i dont see anyone taking any serious action against it.

Anyway, here is a website on 'Liar' by the company that made it: .....I think the screenshots speak for themselves.

By the way, the game is officialy called Liar - Legend of Sword 2. The original 'legend of sword' is not related to Liar very much at all though, just designed by the same guy. THe original legend of sword was also released back in 1987. So comparing Liar - Legend of sword 2 to Legend of Sword 1 is probably comparable to comparing Akalabeth to Ultima.

Re: Interesting Korean game

Post by trevor »

hmm i dont understand...

the screenshots show a graphic engine, who has a similiar style like the ultima 7's one, but the graphics are not the same and the perspective is not the same...

or didnt i understand correctly?
Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Interesting Korean game

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

I see no problem with this game. The perspective is so much different. I would call it an Ultima7-inspired game, though. The graphics hold a lot of resemblance, but they are definitely not the same.
- Gradilla Dragon

Re: Interesting Korean game

Post by Macaw »

whoops i didnt mean to say the graphics are the same as in ultima7, (although the houses looks virtualy the same, see last screenshot) or that this game is infringing any copyrights.

I just mean the game is designed almost identicaly to u7 with the exception of some interface stuff, and therefore its such an interesting game.

here are some better screenshots: ... &field=num

Notice the last screenshot on that page of the in-game map being used. Now ignoring the fact that the world is called Uterus and the capital city is called Fallopian, the map is incredibly similar both in its design in relation to brittania and in the way it is used in the game. Also note the Tavern screenshot where there are plates, bottles etc...on tables and even pirates around.

Re: Interesting Korean game

Post by Caravaggio »

I do see some similarities, in the road tile and some walls. It's obviously a different engine (Though I wouldn't be suprised is u7 could be tweaked for stright perspective) but I also wouldn't be surprised if smaller pieces of graphics weren't "borrowed". Grass and street blocks.
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Re: Interesting Korean game

Post by drcode »

I'll agree that the Korean game may be inspired by U7, but the graphics are original. OTOH, Epic Beyond is a complete ripoff, and it seems like a pretty dumb thing to do.