Jobs/pastimes/hobbies in U7

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Jobs/pastimes/hobbies in U7

Post by ultima7fan »

I read that there are other ways of making money in the game. Collecting eggs for that farmer East of Britain (where the Hoe of Destruction is) is one way. Baking bread is another. I had a couple of questions (sorry for so many, I just joined the forum!) How do I make cakes & rolls etc like the baker does? I can only seem to make the boring round loaves.

Is there any other way to make bread without using the stove? It is kind of heavy to carry around! It would be nice if you could just bring a sack of flour wherever you go and not have to worry about food because you can cook it over a torch or something...(not that there is a shortage of deer or cows to hunt)

Some of the other methods I've read about include getting wheat from crops and collecting pumpkins and apples. How do you do that? How/where do you sell the wheat? I also read you could mill it into flour, but AFAIK there are only like 2 mills in the whole game.

Has anyone managed to catch fish with the fishing rod?

Also, the blacksmith in Serpent's Hold tells you how to forge your own sword in a scroll. Has anyone managed to do so?

Those huge barrels of wine/ale in taverns - is there any use for them or are they just there to let your mates scold you when you leave it on?

What other interesting stuff can you do in the U7 world?
Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Jobs/pastimes/hobbies in U7

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

About the "baking bread with a torch", that's impossible, both in the game and in real life. Bread is to be baked!!! There is a need for engulfing heat. Heat must come from everywhere, and there must be nothing cooling down the bread.

About the wheat, you take it to the mill. About the flour, you won't make any money, as the miller sells it at higher price than what the baker pays you. About the pumpkin, you have to tell the other farmer. About the apples, I don't know where you read about it, but I am certain there is nothing you do with apples that makes you earn money.

I have never tried fishing, so I don't know if the fishing rod works.

The only sword you can forge is the black sword.

The barrels have wine/ale inside. You can fill a bucket with it.

Other interesting stuff? You are more likely to find out if you stop reading walkthroughs and start finding out yourself ;)
- Gradilla Dragon
Bomb Bloke
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Re: Jobs/pastimes/hobbies in U7

Post by Bomb Bloke »

Stupid sword scroll. I spent ages messing with that, and I always was unsure whether the thing should work or not...

I guess they were going to program it in, but didn't get around to it.
You're just jealous 'cause the voices only talk to me. :P
Guru Dragon
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Re: Jobs/pastimes/hobbies in U7

Post by Guru Dragon »

I don't remember ever being able to make anything other than plain bread.

The fishing rod didn't work for food. I spent a great number of times trying it, but all you ever get a clever messages like "I felt a tug" or "It got away".

I don't remember ever getting the sword creation working either.

However, perhaps all of these things may be implemented into Exult. It would be nice to see the world become even more interactive.

Re: Jobs/pastimes/hobbies in U7

Post by MV »

Food is the easiest thing to come by. I just hang around gremlin spawns. :)

As for money, just wack the parrot with the mallet and he'll squeel on where the treasure is.
Tristan de Inés

Re: Jobs/pastimes/hobbies in U7

Post by Tristan de Inés »

Fore some obscure reason, the fishing rod only works on Serpent Isle. My guess is, that the pollution from Loch Lacke turned Britannian fish into mutants with superior fish-intelligence that has tought them to avoid hooks.
While the avatar with his sub-normal intelligence is obsessed with finding Hook... ;)

You can only bake normal bread loaves. However if you take the doug that Willy puts on the table and put that into the oven, you also get some neat variety.

Another way of making money is acting as a meat merchant for Castle British... there's a shorter route to get to the meat than the one suggested by the cook though... ;)
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Re: Jobs/pastimes/hobbies in U7

Post by drcode »

I'm pretty sure the fishing rod was working the last time I tried it in BG. It's a pretty tedious way to get food, though.

My usual way to get money at the start of BG is to buy a cart, and then use it to ferry meat from Paws to the cook in the castle.

Re: Jobs/pastimes/hobbies in U7

Post by Paulon »

Just buy it at the market in Britain. Less travelling.
Guru Dragon
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Re: Jobs/pastimes/hobbies in U7

Post by Guru Dragon »

I used the fishing rod in Exult and it worked. I'm assuming this was added.

Also, I don't ever remember seeing fish swiming in the lakes in BG. Was this added to Exult as well or are the harmful ether waves affecting me?
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Re: Jobs/pastimes/hobbies in U7

Post by wjp »

We didn't add anything fish or fishing related as far as I know...