SI crash after scene with Frigidazzi. Workaround?

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Jacob Jorvang

SI crash after scene with Frigidazzi. Workaround?

Post by Jacob Jorvang »

Hey all,

I'm running SI 1.1.10rc2 on MacOSX.

I'm experiencing a bug where the game quits after the sex-scene with Frigidazzi, the cold-mage in Moonshade.

If I accept her proposition, we start doing some bed gymnastics (complete with magic sword still in Avatar's hand), then the game quits.

if I reject her, the MageLord appears and tells me I'm going on trial, then the game quits.

I can't find any reference to this bug, but I have a very vague recollection that the same thing happened the last time I played SI (was using Exult for Windows, and it was probably a couple of years ago).

Could this be a bug on my Ultima Collection CD? I suppose I could try with a different STATIC library, only thats kind of hard to come by.

I can't find any patches for the original game, except something to do with sound cards, so thats not an option either.

So I'm thinking: How about I just teleport to the coordinates where I'm supposed to begin in the Mountains of Freedom? I guess the completion flag for this whole thing is more likely to be related to successful completion, that just starting it, so it might not even be a problem when considering the game's liniarity. I've looked around for the place, but can't seem to find it. Does anyone have the coordinates?

Any suggestions, hints or otherwise?

Maybe its worth mentioning that somewhere back in Monitor, the Avatar's picture swapped with that of a female automaton. I can only assume that its that of the barmaid in Moonshade, since she has my picture... I don't know if this could be causing the bug. Just a thought.
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Re: SI crash after scene with Frigidazzi. Workaround?

Post by wjp »

Try disabling sound to see if that helps. The Mac midi code has been known to crash before.

Bypassing the Frigidazzi scene sounds like a very bad idea. If disabling the sound doesn't work, please send me a savegame of just before the Frigidazzi scene so that we can try to reproduce the crash.

About the picture swap: I'm fairly sure this is a bug related to getting the tattoo in Monitor.
Jacob Jorvang

Re: SI crash after scene with Frigidazzi. Workaround?

Post by Jacob Jorvang »

Brilliant! Disabling the sound removed the problem. And I could enable the sound again, once in the dungeon, without any problems.

Regarding the picture swap: It happened after I got the tattoo, but not immidiately after. I had the tattoo for a while before the picture swap happened. The barmaid has the tattoo, btw. Also, when the Avatar's face appears somewhere else than the bottom of the screen (sometimes it appears in the middle of the screen, just like when the companions make a comment) the picture is the right one, with tattoo and everything.

Thanks for your help.