Man, is Exult awesome. I really can't get over what an AMAZING undertaking this is, and that's not just obligatory fluff before I get to the heart of what I'm really writing for: are there any plans to get the cheats fully implemented? The reason I ask is that I've hit a wall in Serpent Isle, one I actually hit before, way back in the day, but managed to completely forget about: I gave Torrissio the Philanderer's Friend by mistake, killed him to get it back, and now realize I need him alive to take care of the Banes. Ooooops. Using the existing Exult cheat functions, I can determine the location of the living Torrissio (4000, 4000) or something like that, but there seems to be no actual way to get to this place, so I guess it's a fake location stat for dead people. (Irritatingly, he's not just put in the house of the dead at the top left corner of the map...) So, basically, I need a way to teleport an NPC to a given location, which is one of the functions apparently not implemented yet in Exult. Is this on the agenda at all or are there bigger fish to fry still?
Again, I'm astounded at the quality of this work, and once absolutely everything is squared away you can bet I'm going to blow a couple years of my life building the Ultima 9 "that should have been" with ES.
Addison Godel (Volatios Dragon, UDIC)