U8 Pentagram speed

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3D Master
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U8 Pentagram speed

Post by 3D Master »

Ah, since I found no forum or other way to get support for Pentagram, I thought I'd try here:

Does anyone know how to slow Pentagram down? I can't finish reading any dialog. It switches back to to options or to a next section of dialog far too quickly.
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Re: U8 Pentagram speed

Post by wjp »

If you want to slow down the dialogs, change the textdelay option in the
config file. Default value is 8, higher is slower.

Re: U8 Pentagram speed

Post by ShaggyMoose »

I am currently replaying U8 under DOSBox and the inconsistant, juddery scrolling is really get on my nerves. Is this any better under Pentagram, or did they just emulate this facet of the original game as well?
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Re: U8 Pentagram speed

Post by Colourless »

Why don't you try it out and see: http://pentagram.sourceforge.net/

Re: U8 Pentagram speed

Post by Sergorn »

I played U8 with Pentagram for a while a couple years ago ('till I hit a plot stopping crash :-P) and it already was pretty awesome. Higher resoluions, bigger field of views and graphical filter *really* rock my world.

Just like I can't stand the original U7 after Exult, I really can't contemplate going back to the original version after trying out Pentagram


Re: U8 Pentagram speed

Post by ShaggyMoose »

Thanks for the response. Do you know if Pentagram is compatible with the original saved games?
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Re: U8 Pentagram speed

Post by Dominus »

as with Exult it's always better to read the FAQ first :)
Read the documentation and the FAQ! There is no excuse for not reading them! RTFM
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