Jendon charges Gold Coins

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Knight Captain
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Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

From looking through the Jendon usecode, he checks that you have enough filari for a room, but then takes the same amount in gold coins instead rather than the filari. Sneaky inflation.

Can anyone confirm in testing?

This may be a newly identified bug, which is pretty amazing considering the game was released nearly 25 years ago.
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

For renting a room.
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Dale »

It makes a check for filari but takes gold? What would happen if you didn't have enough gold?
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

Nothing different, because the key is handed over before taking the gold. Can you test this?

Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by WJH »

I just tried, and Jendon did indeed take my gold coins, keeping his hands off the filari.
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Dale »

Yeah.. having no gold also does nothing. I was wondering if it would get some error for trying to dip into the negatives.
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

Bucia will talk about the brown bottle, but her check looks from frame 0 which is the green bottle with a cap, not the Fawnish Ale frame. To test, set flag 69 and ask her about the brown bottle.
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

There's some additional conversation in the non-Ernesto ranger code that has not been seen in-game:
case "lively" (remove):
say("@Oh, yes! It might be as simple as putting out a fire and rebuilding a section or two of wall after.@");
say("@But sometimes 'tis far more dangerous... Like a dragon, or one of Rotoluncia's daemons, or somesuch. Never know from one day to the next what thou wilt have to face.@");
UI_remove_answer(["dragon", "daemon"]);

case "dragon" (remove):
say("@To be honest, I have never had to face one myself. But my commander remembers when she was a new Ranger, when the Strictures were newly in place. A Mage summoned a dragon that burned half of the city.@");

case "Strictures" (remove):
say("@I cannot tell thee much about them... Not being a Mage and all. Perhaps thou couldst ask a Mage.@");

case "Rotoluncia" (remove):
say("@Rotoluncia's forte is fire spells. So I suppose it follows that she would seek to summon daemons to her service.@");
say("@To be truthful, she hath not yet succeeded in binding a daemon. But it disturbs me to think that she might... and that I might have to face one some day.@");

case "daemons" (remove):
say("@Everyone says that daemons come from the hot depths of the world. That they are foul creatures of flame and melted flesh.@");
say("@I hope never to find if it is true...@");
Use of UI_remove_answer instead of add seems to be why the main reason this was missed. I'll add it back into my mod.
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

One of the long-lost plot elements was the Avatar was going to perform chores of some sort, including chopping wood.

I found this hidden reference in Kane's code about Devra post-sailing:
say("@Oh, she be a nice lady, ", title, ",!\" ~\"Mistress Devra helped me to count my money when I came.@");
say("@She put part of it in a little sack and told me that I was to give it to Captain Hawk to buy passage.\" ~\"And when she counted the rest I could not afford to stay here until the Captain decided it was safe to sail.\" *\"But she said if I helped by choppin' wood and such I could stay as a servant, like.\" ~\"That was terrible kind of her.@");
But this option isn't available because the Devra option is not available then.
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

I think I have my Boolean backward, it is:
say("@I wish Edrin and I were back with Mistress Devra. She was nice to me, and said that I could return to Sleeping Bull and be her helper. I'd like that.@");
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

Another small bit, this is from Templar if you're not a Knight:
But I must not speak of these things to a stranger. Thou couldst be a spy for them...
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

Rocco always uses the male pronoun when talking about Julia's extortion when the companion is kidnapped.


The original code uses a different variable for "her" which it shouldn't do.
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

Topo on Columna:
She is also known as the Green Enchantress. She's quite pretty, in her own way. For a Mage...
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

Topo also checks for the wrong brush frame, 5 instead of 6.
Knight Captain
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Conquests Usecode Research Thread

Post by Knight Captain »

Since this has become the Conquests Usecode Research Thread, I wanted to add notes.

The game start in SI is more elaborate than in BG, and split into several functions.
1. The Avatar is hidden by egg object#(0x6CB) which changes him into shape 239, and sets the DONT_MOVE flag on him.
2. The rabbit shape#(0x32B) nearby on PATROL has PROXIMITY code, which:
a. Teleports the Avatar to the strip with the boat.
b. Creates a few items on him, including the spellbook.
c. Wipes the TOURNAMENT and other flags from all NPCs, and sets a few.
d. If the Avatar has the Usecode Container (I think) it will start playing Stones on delay. Presumably this was to let Origin play testers know if the Usecode Container with the path egg was missing.
e. It also calls the code in shapeIolo.
3. The storm teleport egg object#(0x7AD) is cached in, and that starts multiple other functions.
4. The convoluted shape code for Iolo shape#(0x1D1) has multiple checks, but gets down to causing lightning flashes, creating the teleport sprites, party barks, and calls the Iolo NPC code.
5. The main Iolo code in object#(0x403) has the opening STARTED_TALKING text about the passage through the Serpent Pillars.

There's also checks in the Serpent Gate code for the activity of marked_for_death NPCs if Flag 4 is set.
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

Draxinar's code misspells "dificult" in five spots, and also has a variable check if he has told you about Aram-Dol. Since that is never set, this line never appears:
"I have already told described the liche to thee. Shall I tell thee about the liche again?"
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

// Never added as an option.
case "treasure" (remove):
say("@It hath been many years since one of thy kind ventured into my domain. Those who came before thought they could slay me with their bits of iron and steal my tresure!");
say("@They were wrong. They paid for their foolishness and greed with their lives.@");
say("@Aye, tis true. I have a treasure. What self-respecting dragon doesn't have a treasure horde?@");
say("@Of course, there is my aunt's son Longtooth. A sorrier dragon thou shalt never find! Of course, what happened to him was not his fault.@");
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

Digging into the Avatar's Usecode, I found the fawnTrialArrest section really doesn't need to be imbedded in that SCRIPTED block. It is called by Yelinda's NPC code. The fawnTrialArrest also calls to startMageLordDinner object#(0x7DC) which is kind of a silly mix of functions from two towns.
Knight Captain
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Knight Captain »

Palos has no Combast skill whatsoever. Does this mean his likelihood to strike a target is minimal?
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Re: Jendon charges Gold Coins

Post by Gotcha! »

Do Brunt and Deadeye have combat skills?
Perhaps it has to do with them transforming into cyclopses when they fight you, possibly changing their stats?