Thanks AgentOrangeGuy. If someone could email the extracted beta Usecode I'd be happy to post more finds.
As part of checking out the list of flags, I'm able to match up the Beta's FLAGNAME list with what
we know from the released game's Usecode and it does help explain a lot of the unused flag numbers. The (not-in-usecode) ones are taken from the Beta.
Seems like the die-off in Monitor was more controlled, and you were able to tell Harnna about Cantra being taken by the Monks:
Code: Select all
91 5B AgreedToFindCantra "Avatar offered to help Harnna find Cantra."
92 5C (not-in-usecode) toldharnnamonks
93 5D (not-in-usecode) metpostshazzana
94 5E (not-in-usecode) dupreatwolves
95 5F Got_Clue_Brown_Bottle "Appears to be set by Harnna and Lucilla, maybe others.”
96 60 AvatarGotTheShortStraw "Avatar has been chosen to sacrifice himself."
97 61 DupreSacrificed "Dupre has sacrificed himself."
98 62 (not-in-usecode) duprefights
99 63 (not-in-usecode) firstsaved
100 64 (not-in-usecode) secondsaved
101 65 (not-in-usecode) wolf9dead
102 66 (not-in-usecode) wolf10dead
103 67 (not-in-usecode) wolf11dead
104 68 (not-in-usecode) wolf12dead
105 69 MarstenDead? "Checked by Krayg. Never set. If set manually, Krayg will wonder who will take over for Marsten.”
106 6A (not-in-usecode) standarrdead
107 6B (not-in-usecode) shazzanadead
108 6C (not-in-usecode) harnnadead
109 6D (not-in-usecode) brendanndead
110 6E (not-in-usecode) lucilladead
111 6F (not-in-usecode) renfrydead
112 70 (not-in-usecode) kraygdead
113 71 (not-in-usecode) shmeddead
114 72 CaladinDead? "Checked by 0x8EF. Never set. ‘Caladin is already deceased!’”
115 73 (not-in-usecode) lutherdead
116 74 (not-in-usecode) templardead
117 75 (not-in-usecode) lydiadead
118 76 KnowOfVaroLeaves "Harnna has said Varo leaves from Fawn are needed to cure poison."
119 77 (not-in-usecode) senttomarsten
There was also "askluther
commonshield" at Flag 171, which isn't in Usecode. So it appears you were supposed to be able to ask him about it prior to Flag 172 being set.
And some bits from Moonshade, including some that match up with the leaked Moonshade.doc design plan. Presumably you free Andrio from the headlesses he summoned, and get a Serpent Tooth from Filbercio. Not sure what Rocco's note would have been.
Code: Select all
243 F3 EdrinSpokeOfSiranush "Edrin told Avatar about his dreams of Siranush."
244 F4 andriofreed
245 F5 frelisaidstatue
246 F6 HaveSerpentScroll gaveserpscroll
247 F7 gustgavetooth
248 F8 filgavetooth
249 F9 roccogavenote
250 FA stefanogavetooth
251 FB stefanogaveserp
252 FC HaveCrimeCertificate "Got permission to commit crime from Julia."
253 FD stolecomb
Another flag regarding the dead cat:
Code: Select all
260 104 ShowedEggToBucia If set, and you have the egg, she says “Go away from me with that rotten egg. Phew!”
261 105 (not-in-usecode) In the Beta, was ‘BuciaSawDeadCat’
262 106 KnowSeleniaBoughtFishnetStockings Set by asking Bucia about fishnet stockings with them in your possession, allows you to ask Julia about Selenia’s disappearance.
Selina, Selenia, and Celennia are all used as spellings. Also, if she's a mage, why doesn't she have a manor in Moonshade like every other mage? Even Ensorcio has one that Stefano is squatting in.
Code: Select all
268 10C CanAskFedabiblioAboutEgg
269 10D (not-in-usecode) “In the Beta, was ‘FedaKnowsCat’, not in release.”
270 10E CanAskFedabiblioAboutSkull
And some in Fawn:
Code: Select all
338 152 OfferedToDeliverRuggsLetter "Agreed to deliver a letter from Ruggs to Delphynia."
339 153 jendonsaidfellowship
340 154 jendonsaidgoblins
341 155 jendonsaidlady
342 156 CanAskDelinAboutBatlin "Allows you to ask Delin about Batlin. Never set."
343 157 KnowAboutMoonShade "Asked Jendon about Moonshade. Can then ask Delin about it."
344 158 AskedAboutDaemonArtifacts "Asked Jendon about daemon artifacts. This will now be brought up during the Fawn trial."
345 159 jendonsaidsailors
346 15A jendonsaidstorms
347 15B AskedJorvinAboutPikemen "Jorvin asks if you are a pikeman if this is not set."
Code: Select all
495 1EF RefusedGargoyleTest? "Checked by Zhelkas. Never set." If set in Exult, will ask if you have reconsidered.
496 1F0 ? something about logic test avatardeniedlife
497 1F1 ? something about logic test avatardeniedfamily
498 1F2 ? something about logic test avatardeniedhome
499 1F3 StartedVirtueTest? begunwormtest
500 1F4 StartedAttackingWorms? killedfirstworm
501 1F5 ? set and checked with $1f4 killedfourthworm
502 1F6 ? set and checked with $1f5 killedseventhworm
503 1F7 ? set with $1f6 killedninthworm
504 1F8 ? checked with $1f7 and set with $1f7 and $1ed wormtestdone
505 1F9 Picked up Serpent Staff gotserpstaff
506 1FA ExplainedLogicTest? "Zhelkas explained the test of logic."
Anti-Theft, the flag names here are from the Beta:
Code: Select all
722 2D2 (not-in-usecode) BadAvatar
723 2D3 (used-unknown) Iolopissed “Never checked. Set in Func0633. ‘I am leaving!’”
724 2D4 (used-unknown) Duprepissed “Never checked. Set in Func0633. ‘I am leaving!’”
725 2D5 (used-unknown) Shaminopissed “Never checked. Set in Func0633. ‘I am leaving!’”
There's a bunch more in the mid-500s, including some of the 4 platform teleporter puzzle in the frozen north, including this:
Code: Select all
550 226 Acid dialog option with Petra AskPetraAboutAcid? (and !item_flag(0xffe4, 6)) (declines to help $270 is set) knowacidsecret
551 227 Read Body Transference havereadtransferancebook
552 228 avatarwasmale
553 229 triedtoenteronce
554 22A triedtoentertwice
555 22B TALKED_TO_CHAOS_HIEROPHANT "Set when Avatar first meets the Hierophant."
And more with the dead cat, these are the missing flag in the middle of the list of items:
Code: Select all
646 286 (not-in-usecode) “In the Beta this was ‘GotDeadCat’.”
664 298 KnowCatsHaveNineLives “Set by reading ‘My Notebook’ in the Seminarium. In the Beta, was ‘KnowDeadCat’ per list order.”
So at the very least if someone did want to add the glowing dead cat plot back into the game conversation-wise, the Beta usecode would likely have conversation to quote.