NPC Properties

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NPC Properties

Post by Donfrow »

Ok, I've tried searching various places but can't seem to find the answer. The closest I get to is the ES documentation.

What exactly do some of the NPC properties do? I think I know what some do, but perhaps someone can shed a bit more light on it... hopefully someone can correct me if my assumptions are wrong.

Strength - This just increases how much the NPC can carry. Is there any effect on how much damage a character does?

Dexterity - The higher the value the less chance the character has of getting hit

Intelligence - Not sure, does it have something to do with max mana?

Health - Hitpoints

Combat - The higher the combat skill the better chance of actually hitting something?

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Re: NPC Properties

Post by marzo »

I may have missed a few uses, but: in Exult, the stats are used for:

Strength: Maximum hit points, how fast you heal (or rather, how much you do heal when you recover HPs), maximum load, damage caused by weapons, chance of poisoned weapon affecting target

Dexterity: Chance to hit, chance of being hit, chance of not being pooisoned by poisoned weapon, rate at which you attack, affects how much combat you gain when training

Intelligence: Chance to affect target with curse/charm/sleep/paralysis and chance to resist those, how smart pathfinding will be, affects how much magic you gain when training

Combat: chance to hit, chance of being hit

Magic: Maximum mana, how fast you recover mana (or rather, how much mana you gain when you recover mana)
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
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Re: NPC Properties

Post by Donfrow »

Thanks, seems I was quite off on what I thought they did.

"Intelligence: ... affects how much magic you gain when training"

By this do you mean how much the max mana is? Ie, have 20 max mana, train, then you could get 22 max mana?
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Re: NPC Properties

Post by marzo »

"Intelligence: ... affects how much magic you gain when training"

By this do you mean how much the max mana is?
You missed this:
Magic: Maximum mana[...]
Ie, have 20 max mana, train, then you could get 22 max mana?
It is a little more complicated than that (it depends on how much intelligence is above or below your magic score), but yeah. Training Dex changes Combat too, and the effects of training Combat or Mana depend on how much above or below Dex or Int (respectively) they are. There are more exact formula in this thread, if you're interested.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: NPC Properties

Post by Donfrow »

Thanks for the link. I know why I missed the Magic: Maximum mana. I was using the Exult NPC window in ES where the Magic is labeled as Max Mana.
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Re: NPC Properties

Post by Quentin »

"Strength: Maximum hit points, how fast you heal (or rather, how much you do heal when you recover HPs), maximum load, damage caused by weapons, chance of poisoned weapon affecting target

Dexterity: Chance to hit, chance of being hit, chance of not being pooisoned by poisoned weapon, rate at which you attack, affects how much combat you gain when training

Intelligence: Chance to affect target with curse/charm/sleep/paralysis and chance to resist those, how smart pathfinding will be, affects how much magic you gain when training"

I've experimented with spell damage while trying to create a game balance mod, and I discovered that currently, spell damage increases with the increase of Strength but not intelligence. I believe this is because the spell shapes (specifically lightning, fire bolt, and explosion, I haven't experimented with other spells). You can try to confirm this too; try hacking your Str really high, like to 200, and cast fire bolt on some monsters, and you'll be frying all of them dead in seconds.

I hope it'll be relatively simple to change spell damage to be dependent on Int?
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Re: NPC Properties

Post by marzo »

spell damage increases with the increase of Strength but not intelligence
That would be because damage in Exult always depend on an attackers' strength, whether it is a ranged attack or not, spells or not; there is, currently, no way to change that behavior.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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