Re DrCode: There are still approximately 25-30 ex-prealpha folks out there that have been dying for the oldschool UO ever since we enjoyed the p-a tests back in the day. Now that a lot of us have grown up, there are a significant amount of people capable of building a server emulator that would give us someting playable, for nostalgia's sake.
I've been mirroring every single prealpha content for the last 2 weeks, and its been quite a process. carries a large amount of old screenshots, but I'm mostly relying on fan accounts (and my own memories) for generating landmarks like the BoD, The Sweet Dreams Inn, the Conservatory, etc.
For a bit of a history lesson, the very first UOX server (built by Jaegermeister, who is one of the alpha folks still around) was originally intended to run as a server for the prealpha client. The project was abandoned and taken over by Cironian, but the possibility of having something worth playing is still there.
Re DreamMaster: I actually have a copy of the very first pre-alpha map, labelled "Pre Alpha Britain". Pretty tiny city, but a lot of us have some great memories of it
Re VenomX: are you sure you're talking about a pre-alpha file? The pre-alpha client was a 12-14 megabyte file distributed on during the tests. It was not ever sent out on CD, unlike the betas, which had seperate cd's for both.