Duplicate objects from chests

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Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Trojanorc »

Has anyone addressed this yet? Basically items appear on top of most chests that are suppose to be INSIDE the chest. Instead they appear both ways and create duplicates.
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by wjp »

I don't think any of us developers ever saw anything resembling this. Ever.

What exactly did you do to trigger this?

Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Trojanorc »

I downloaded the latest version and started playing SI with it. Didn't modify anything.
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by wjp »

With which chests does this occur?

Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by MV »

I also found this in TBG.

Items would be outside the chest. (On top of the chest).

Head up to the eastern part of despise. (Dungeon in the mountains north of britain). That's where I saw it the most. (That's the area I've mostly been to in the new 1.1 patch).

After playing a little, I think I found what causes it.

I picked up ANY item, just any old thing laying around, and then when you go to a chest that isn't in the immediate area, even one you've already been to, it's contents are outside.

Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Trojanorc »

Almost every valuable chest, including locked ones, like my stash waiting for me outside to be opened after I finish the Knight's Test.
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Darke »

I can't seem to reproduce it either, so...

Define "latest version". Beta1 or one of the snapshots?

What OS? I presume it's a windows variant, but knowing which
version might help narrow things down. If not, knowing which OS
would be useful. *grin* Also version of the compiler you compiled
it with would be nice if you compiled it yourself.

What version of SI/BG are you using? BG, BG+FOV, SI, SI+SS?
And what language?

Also, please define "started playing SI". From a brand new
savegame? Or a previous one? (The comment above was a little
ambiguous. *grin*)

(I'd also like your Credit Card number, bank account details, and... oh.)

Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by MV »

Exult 1.1 beta1

Windows XP SP1


New game from scratch.

Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by MV »

Ok, I just tested beta2 and it's still doing it.

To repro: (what I did)

Start a new game.

Teleport or walk to minoc and enter the artisian guild. Take anything from a table. EG: glass ball.

Teleport or walk to the bling bling chest that is south of trinsic. (Under the yellow tree).

See all the items stacked on it that should be in the chest.

Take all items, smash chest.

Lo and behold, you can get the items again. :)

AFAIK, all chests in the world are now in that state of duplication.
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Darke »

Still can't duplicate it. I couldn't find the chest south of trinsic
(haven't wandered around the place in a while *grin*), but I
checked half a dozen other treasure chests around the place
(Dungeon Despise, Britannia Mint, etc.) and didn't see a hare out
of place with them.

All chests had the appropriate items in them, but nothing on top
of them.

I am, however, using cvs (essentially the same as the current
beta2), linux, and the BG+FOV/SI+SS off the Ultima Collection

One question, when you said you 'took something from the table'
was it put straight into your inventory, or just moved to a
different spot on the table/floor/etc?

Also, have you modified your copy of BG in any manner, with ES
or added a patch directory, or something?

Can't see how either of these might affect it, but who knows. *grin*

(A rather puzzled rabbit.)
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Marc »


I've seen the same strange thing as MV.

The items duplicate everywhere not only in chests. Also in drawers and desks. But I've never seen things duplicate in barrels, I think.

I'm using WinXP professional, EXULT 1.1 beta1, BG + SI.

The items appear on top of chestes if you've played a while. They only appear in your immediate surroundings. Maybe the npcs who produce items trigger this bug. They never stop to produce items. The world gets filled with these items and maybe the engine messes things up. But it's a nice cheat to put the items in a crate and wait untli they duplicate ;-) I produced a few swords by accident that way.

Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by MV »

Ok, If you can't find the chest south of trinsic, (I thought everyone knew about that great starter pack chest. :) ), then I know that the chests in the eastern half of dungeon despise do it.

When I took an item, it was with inventories closed and dropped straight onto the avatar.

My ultima7 is off the ultima7 collection CD with no modifications.
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Colourless »

If you want to point out specific chests, tell us the coords the chests are at.

Just use the coords from the F2 cheat menu. Otherwise it's 'really' hard for us to find stuff.

-Colourless Dragon
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Darke »

Duplicated. It only seems to happen under windows. And it
doesn't effect all the chests, for example the Bank Of Britan was
fine, but the Dungeons of Destard (I think? Can't remember, the
one with the dozen or so dragons that keep respawning as soon
as you move off screen...) chests all exhibit the problem.

The following was identical: BG+FOV, 320x200x2xSAI, cheats on,
god on, speed 5fps.

What changed was either Linux, or Win XP Pro SP1.

Can anyone else (Kirben? Colourless?) dupilcate it? I followed the
steps above, then went to around point:

Hex: 0343, 084b, 00
Dec: 0835, 2123, 00

And found the items *on* the chests, upon moving them and
ctrl-d-ing them, the items were also *in* the chests.

Most weird, I'll see if I can find if anything else triggers it other then that.
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Colourless »

Ok. I can duplicate it too. I have a fairly good idea what's causing the problems. A fix will be coming shortly, once i've isolated the actual problem.

-Colourless Dragon
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Colourless »

Found and fixed. The problem shouldn't have affected the snapshots, so they would have been fine. The fix won't get rid of the duplicate items that were created by 1.1Beta1 or 1.1Beta2, so you may want to manually delete the items, unless you plan on exploiting the problem.

Anyway, the real way to cause item duplication:
go to a place with a chest
teleport/walk somewhere 'far' away (i.e. 4 screens away or something)
go back to the chest

Any items in the chest should be duplicated. The bug may not be triggered in all cases, but it will for most. You don't have to move any items around, as was reported. All you've got to do is teleport/walk a 'long' distance away from the chest (that causes it to be cached out).

Anyway, I would like to thank all our beta testers for their efforts in helping me track down this problem. In particular, I would like to thank Darke who made it easy for me to track down the problem. :-)

-Colourless Dragon

Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by MV »

Oh well, it seemed that I had to pick an item up to trigger it. I must not have been going far enough from them in the first place then after I first saw them. Only when I teleported far away, (minoc is very far away from despise and the "starter chest" ), then teleported back it happened it seems. Thus I thought that picking something up triggered it.
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

I think it may be the Windows 98 chain's problem (that is Win 98/XP/ME), as I am on Windows 2000 (based on NT) and I am unable to reproduce this error, even when I'm deliberately trying to :)

~ Wizardry Dragon

(Huzzah, finally an error that doesn't crop up on Win 2000!!)
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Dominus »

XP is not part of the Win9x chain.
XP is based on NT as well.
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Rat Man

Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Rat Man »

I started using beta 2 v1.1 with win XP. I swithced the compatibility mode to win2000 because I was getting the items not showing names when clicked bug. Now I get duplicates items occasionally...sometimes all the items in my ship's hold spill out. I've got enough food on that ship to feed all of Britania.
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Colourless »

Use the Windows Binary Snapshot from our Download page. That wont have the problem

-Colourless Dragon

Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by suji »

it certainly happens with '98 i have millions of gold in my barrel now lol

Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by c3p »

Oh great, I was just looking for a fix for this problem and you guys already made it. Love you. Really!
Greg Kornecki

Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Greg Kornecki »

I'm a newb who just bought the ultima collection. I had ultima 7 years ago and I'm just trying to play it without cheats etc. I am getting item duplication in some chest and barrels in dungeons. I downloaded the latest beta version and I am running xp home. Is there a way to patch this?
I'm not familiar with binary snapshots and such. However if someone would just tell me what to do...i'd gladly do it! Thanks

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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Colourless »

Just download this and install: http://exult.info/snapshots/Exultwin32.exe

-Colourless Dragon
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Re: Duplicate objects from chests

Post by Dominus »

oh, and if you want to get rid of the junk, start a new game.
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