A million thanks to the Exult team!

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A million thanks to the Exult team!

Post by DragonKain »

I first purchased Ultima 7 when it was first relased. I played through the Black Gate, Forge of Virtue, and some of the Serpent Isle. I never got to finish SI though, due to the invention of PCI sound cards and windows 95. Finally, years later, i have been able to beat Serpent Isle. And you guys were the ones that made it possible! Great work everyone! And thanks!
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Re: A million thanks to the Exult team!

Post by drcode »

Thanks! It's great to see that someone was able to play all the way through SI without having to submit a half-dozen bug reports... or did you?:-)
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Re: A million thanks to the Exult team!

Post by DragonKain »

I found a few things that you could consider bugs. Nothing i couldnt get around or wasnt fixed with the latest snapshot.

Then only problems i found were...
-In mountains of freedom, game locked when mage turned fawn guard into a skeletal dragon.
-Game froze after you give dream crystal to woman when she is supposed to send you back to the swamp.
-Erstam didnt see that i had the jawbone in my posession.

Thanks again! Currently im going to go back and play The Black Gate again. When i beat it i was like 12 years old.
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Re: A million thanks to the Exult team!

Post by SB-X »

Windows 95? PCI soundcards? What are these foul sounding devices?
The original Ultima7 works just as well for me as it did when it was
released... but Exult is(or will be) better. :-)
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Re: A million thanks to the Exult team!

Post by DragonKain »

I was never able to get sound to work on a PCI sound card. How did you? It made the game very boring and i just waited till someone would come up with an alternative.
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Re: A million thanks to the Exult team!

Post by Dominus »

Dragon Kaine, first of all, the patch for theoriginal makes it run with sound in Windows (the link is on our links page).
2nd, I´d still like to get a savegame from before you pick up the jawbone so we can reproduce this bug (the save may even be before you board the turtle).
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Re: A million thanks to the Exult team!

Post by DragonKain »

Unfortunately im far past that point and i do not have that saved game anymore. For some reason, on the third or so try, it did trigger the conversation to bring up "i have the jawbone". Sorry i cant help any further.
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Re: A million thanks to the Exult team!

Post by SB-X »

Dragon Kaine, heh I just meant that I never bothered to buy a PCI soundcard because my ISA SB16 works fine, and I use the Ultima7 bootdisk which the Install program created to run Ultima7 in MS-DOS.

Re: A million thanks to the Exult team!

Post by belfong »

Hi Exult Team, I have just downloaded Beta 1. Good work! Have been an avid follower since Alpha 0.9x.

I am running the Credits to BG in a window as I am writing this just to enjoy the fabulous music. I notice that for certain songs (eg Fellowship song), the volume suddenly faded and I could barely hear it. Then another song will come up and the volume is normal. Is this how the original U7 works too? I can't quite remember. I am using XP Pro now.
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Re: A million thanks to the Exult team!

Post by DarkFistDragon »

A friend told me today that he dug out an old 486 so that he can play ultima VII.. I told him about Exult and he loves to play the ultima's on his main pc.
A thanks from him and from me for this excellent program.

Re: A million thanks to the Exult team!

Post by Aegir »

Just wanted to add my heartfelt gratitude to the team that made Exult. The new beta is amazing ... I lub joo guys! :)