Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

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Grimlock Dragon
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Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

Well, I told everyone that there would be something to look forward to, and here it is. The cut plot for Moonshade, plus some juicy hints about other cut plots like Claw Isle. Also, the castle of the White Dragon must have originally had another use, because the Banes were supposed to be taken down in their individual citys.

Sorry the pages are a bit sloppy. It's all I could do to scan the documents (using OCR), and then correct them (OCR definately isn't perfect!). Andy has two jobs, AND very little time! Anyway, here's the MEAT of the matter. ... part_2.htm

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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Trevor_Clim »

That's really awesome ! Great work!
:D (conspiracy! ;) )
where did you get these informations exactly if you dont mind me asking you? ;)
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by suraimu »

What a time to randomly check the forum after a few months. :P
Ram dragon

Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Ram dragon »

You wrote a keyboard full there...

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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by artaxerxes »

Very interesting.

Some little gems I picked:
* the ice wine was supposed to be swaped with a map, which Ernesto was supposed to give you.
* you were supposed to see Frigidazzi again as well as Gustacio to kick Shamino the Anarch.

Still reading though.

Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by RazorBlade »


Could you perhaps upload the full doc-file instead of those pages? I would really appreciate that!
Grimlock Dragon
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

Trevor Clim
where did you get these informations exactly if you dont mind me asking you? ;)
As far as my sources, I can't really say where I got it from (sorry).

Could you perhaps upload the full doc-file instead of those pages? I would really appreciate that!
The reason why I separated the document into pages is because that's how I scanned them. Do you mean put all the separate pages into one document?
Achile Dragon

Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Achile Dragon »

Wow. Can it be incorporate in the game?

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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Dominus »

Yes please one file to download would be nice. Just dump those pages into a zip to download. I only looked at the first page but it looks good.

Achile Dragon: This would be a whole project for another team besides the Exult team but it probably can be done with Exult Studio and an EXTENSIVE patch for SI...
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Morg »

I'd like to say that I am offically impressed and I'm only half way done reading it !!! :-)

And I thought serpent isle was a great game even when it only had half its plot

Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by RazorBlade »

Yes, that's what I meant, one whole document, for easy use.^^

I copy-pasted all pages in one doc, but the format is broken.
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Trevor_Clim »

As far as my sources, I can't really say where I got it from (sorry).
i know why the release of Deus Ex 2 is pushed to Christmas! Andy kidnapped Spector and now tries to get everything about SI out of him!
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by MV »

Some little gems I picked:
* the ice wine was supposed to be swaped with a map, which Ernesto was supposed to give you.
That was actually in the game itself I think, (or the balancing the scales hint book), but I couldn't get the map.

You were supposed to give the icewine in exchange for a map of Britannia. I searched the Rangers "house" all over several times trying to find that map.

Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by AJ »

On page 18 with the list of NPCs, any idea what "Cony?" means? I'm thinking it has something to do with whether you can talk to this person? The only NPC it's set to "no" for is the goblin, and I remember you couldn't talk to him/her in the game.
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by SB-X »

I could be "Conv".
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Annorax »

Wow, that is awesome. It would be even better if this could be implemented.
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Grimlock Dragon
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

"Cony" is supposed to be "Conv" meaning conversation (fixed).

I've tried to upload to my ISP, but for some reason it won't accept a MS Word document... hmmm....
Grimlock Dragon
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

Alright, complete Moonshade and Mad Mage documents uploaded as zips. Enjoy!
The Viking

Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by The Viking »

Any chance of an upload of the rest as well?

Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by RazorBlade »

Thanks very much Andy! \o/

So many people asked for it, ARE there actually more of those?
Achile Dragon

Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Achile Dragon »

I hope so

Grimlock Dragon
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

From Viking
Any chance of an upload of the rest as well?
Unfortunately, these documents (Moonshade and Mad Mage) are the only ones my source had. So, in short, no. I (of course) am always looking for more, but it has taken me this long to get these documents.... Never give up hope though.

Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Covenant »

Well, good luck then...

You have done a great thing thus far, but we always want more! ;-)

PS: I have read the full Moonshade doc and I think it's great (but maybe a little sad) to know how could be SI. Hope you can find the rest one day...

Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Armchair_Avatar »

I wonder if similar documents exist for Ultima 9...
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Dominus »

hm, U9...
I think there was some tool or documentation on how to load the old maps. It is quite amazing that all the old, scratched maps get installed as well. Some are really interesting some just crash the game.
Unfortunately I still need to find the CD I burnt those instructions on...
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Dino (can't log in) »

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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Dominus »

yes, that one. Thanks
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by drcode »

Wow! I'd have thought all of this was lost. I'd like to thank whatever former Origin employee (who I'm sure wants to remain anonymous) for giving this to you.
Grimlock Dragon
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

They have my gratitude, that's for sure. :0)

Now what do you all think about it?

It sounds to me like the Avatar was supposed to go to Claw Isle as a way-point between the Moonshade Catacombs, and Furnace (when the party notices that one part of the dungeon must be underwater). Yearl, instead of being in the Silver Seed is supposed to be on Claw. A Ratman can go in place of Yearl in the Silverseed (that plot point fits perfectly, the character there wants cheese, is trapped like a rat in a maze, and there was mention of a ratman portrait that was not included in the game (not in the documentation I have of course)).

At least I found out how the bloody certificates were supposed to be used to commit crimes in Moonshade.

Any predictions of what the other town plots were about? We have tantalizing hints of Monitor in the usecode of the people of monitor being turned into their respective wolves, leopards, and bears.

In Fawn, Mad Iolo is supposed to be pulling pranks, and illusions. In the Moonshade documentation it mentions Lady Yelinda's skinless problem as being an illusion and not real.... Perhaps Iolo goes around making people and things ugly. The Comb of Beauty is supposed to restore things back to their original state.

Please, discuss what you find interesting.
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by wjp »

A part of the 'Monnitor' plot has been posted before:

I'll repost a bit of it here:

MONNITOR, post-"madness":

Later in the game, after the Bane of Wantonness possesses Dupre, the companion becomes a white ape and leaves the party. By the time the Avatar arrives back at Monnitor, the entire town has changed. Every NPC has become either a bull, a bear, or a panther. The Bulls are sex-driven and roam the city; they will attack anything that stands in their way. The Panthers are territorial, staying mostly in one area; they will attack if approached. The Bears are cannibalistic hunters, and like the Bulls, roam about searching for prey. Dupre is able to control any one of these three factions, and will take on the characteristics of the Bears, Bulls, or Panthers at will.

Each of these animal NPCs can be spoken to normally; they will remember who they are, but their perceptions of their "past lives" are that they were "wrong" and "misguided" and now they are living their lives in a truthful fashion.

Naturally, the Avatar must correct the city, and he must do this by curing Dupre himself. The only way to do this is by actually slaying Dupre (which replaces
the ape type with the original Dupre type). The Bane must be trapped in the Soul-Jar at this point. Dupre's body must then be taken to the Shrine of Discipline (after it is repaired) and "cleansed". This restores Dupre back to his normal self.
Grimlock Dragon
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Re: Serpent Isle cut plot SOURCE DOCUMENTS

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

Hmm... yes, I remember that being posted. I think that was from an old build of the plot before Origin decided to give Dupre a snake head. Then of course there were all of the name changes. Wasn't it mentioned on this board somwhere about a former Origin employee that possibly had the source code for Serpent Isle, and Ultima 8? What was his name? If you do not want to post it please email it to me.