Daily Sourcecode Snapshot - Standardisation??

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Daily Sourcecode Snapshot - Standardisation??

Post by `daniel »


I was just wondering if you were able to automate the naming of the daily sourcecode snapshot to list the date it was taken??

For example, rather than having it called Exult.zip, perhaps it could be called .... exultcvs-20030511.zip ??? If this can't be automated than that's no problem. I can live with it, I just thought it would make more sense for those of us who run on a ports-based system and want to update it easily.

And could use tar & gzip(or bzip2 it) instead of using just the ordinary zip format?? It might seem like an alot of effort for CVS but releases are along time inbetween. Check out wine (www.winehq.com) if you can't understand what I mean.

I use Crux, which is a simple and generic distro of linux that uses ports. Here is what a port for Exult if you were to append the date onto the end of the file...


build () {
cd $name-$version
sh autogen.sh
./configure --prefix=/usr
make DESTDIR=$PKG install

Re: Daily Sourcecode Snapshot - Standardisation??

Post by `daniel »

just thought I would paste a message here to get people's attention.
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Re: Daily Sourcecode Snapshot - Standardisation??

Post by Dominus »

take a look at the irc logs, there was a brief discussion on this.
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Re: Daily Sourcecode Snapshot - Standardisation??

Post by Darke »

Why not setup a cvs-extracted build? Gentoo (yet another ports-like
source based distro) has a method for doing such.

The zip sourcecode snapshot is created by the same person who does the
windows .exe binary snapshots, which is why it's a zip.

BTW, the exult logs have a conversation to the effect of autonaming being
too much work for the snapshot person, since our snapshot releases
happen so regularly, so it's a more or less 'no' answer I'm afraid.

(Who only ever uses the zip when compiling under windows, it's too much
of a pain to get cvs working the once-in-a-blue-moon he needs to. *grin*)

Re: Daily Sourcecode Snapshot - Standardisation??

Post by `daniel »

Oh, I see...
I was pretty sure there would be programs out there that would grab stuff from CVS then tar, gzip, bzip2 etc them into a presentable file, then move them into webspace??

I would only ask this of you if it could be done automatically, I shall look into it though. I don't think I can be only one with this need?

As for the cvs-extracted build, Crux (www.crux.nu) ports system does not yet support that but it hopefully won't be too long.