Questions about interaction/minigames/NPCs etc.

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Questions about interaction/minigames/NPCs etc.

Post by matroiachesei »

Can you get a job in Britannia, or maybe live the live of a farmer or something like that? Coudl you make examples of job you can get?

Are there minigames? How much interactive is the game? Could you give me examples of interaction?

IS there building/ship ownership? Even if you can't buy houses or castles, does the game engine allow you to take the property of them? How much interactivity with this aspect does the game engine allow?

Do your actions have an effect on the gameworld via major and minor quests, either in a major or minor way? Does the world change during the story? Can you affect NPCS' lives with your actions and/or interactions with them?

Also, could you tell me how much advanced NPC schedules and NPCs' actions are? Is eveything scripted or NPCs could be able to act to do something out of the ordinary, eg theft?

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Re: Questions about interaction/minigames/NPCs etc.

Post by mjohnston »

don't have much time to answer at the moment, but someone asked similar questions a while back, so you may find some answers here:
Andrea B Previtera

Re: Questions about interaction/minigames/NPCs etc.

Post by Andrea B Previtera »

Actually the questions are not similar... they're the same :) And written by the same guy too, I believe!


Post by matroiachesei »

Yeah, they're almost the same questions. It's 'cause i didn't get an answer last time. Please answer. I'd like to find out if this is the great game they described me.
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Re: Questions about interaction/minigames/NPCs etc.

Post by Dominus »

So please don't post the same questions in a new thread next time. You answered the last one with thank you, so people assumed your questions got answered.
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Re: Questions about interaction/minigames/NPCs etc.

Post by matroiachesei »

Please answer. Please.
Guru Dragon
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Re: Questions about interaction/minigames/NPCs etc.

Post by Guru Dragon »

Mini games? Yes
There is a house of games (AKA casino) with some simple betting games. Knight's Bridge by the Abbey. And of course Chuckle's "game".
Also, there are a massive amount of side quests which can be considered "games".

Building? Not really. You can stack items and make stairs, but that's about it.
Ship Ownership? Yes.
You buy a deed, and then you can sail your ship through the seas of the world.
You never own any land though.

Do your actions have an effect? Yes, but not very major. As you progress in the game certain NPCs say different things and, there are items which can affect the conversations and actions of certain NPCs. But the world is never torn asunder or even altered that much. Usually only things like passage ways are opened.

NPCs are interesting. They have schedules for where they are go at any point in the day. If you hangout at their workplace they'll practice their trades. A baker will open a bag of flour, take some out, mix it with water to get dough, place the dough on an oven, get bread. Blacksmiths will take iron and slowy forge it into into a sword on an anvil and furnace. When an NPC suspects you of theft they will follow you around, etc. They return to their houses to sleep at night, eat meals, and various other activities.

The engine isn't a powerful as Ultima Online which features an amazing amount of detail for the world (but not so much for the NPCs), but the game is about 15 years old. Also, some mods have been made that will allow for even more detail in the game.
Andrea B Previtera

Re: Questions about interaction/minigames/NPCs etc.

Post by Andrea B Previtera »

Oh well, let me see.


> Can you get a job in Britannia, or maybe live the live of a farmer or
> something like that? Coudl you make examples of job you can get?

You can get to do some chores, it's up to you to make a job out of that. Example: a baker pays 1 gold coin for each roll of bread you bring him. Well, you can bake bread, so you could - say - spend all your time inside the bakery, use water - flour etc., make bread and at the end of the day get paid for it.

> Are there minigames? How much interactive is the game? Could you give
> me examples of interaction?

There are no real mini games. There's an island, buccaneer's den, where you can find sort of a casino. There you can place bets on some tables, but everything works out with simple click click click, no complex games were implemented.

> IS there building/ship ownership? Even if you can't buy houses or
> castles, does the game engine allow you to take the property of them?
> How much interactivity with this aspect does the game engine allow?

You can own ships and carriages. You can't build anything. There are some empty houses here and there filled with debris that you can clean up a bit and inhabit if you want, but you're not recognized as the "owner".

> Do your actions have an effect on the gameworld via major and minor
> quests, either in a major or minor way? Does the world change during
> the story? Can you affect NPCS' lives with your actions and/or
> interactions with them?

Very little. There's a lake scattered with debris and trash that gets cleaned after you complete a certain quest, there are some characters that will treat you differently depending on how you behave, but little more than this.

> Also, could you tell me how much advanced NPC schedules and NPCs'
> actions are? Is eveything scripted or NPCs could be able to act to do
> something out of the ordinary, eg theft?

Schedules are scripted, but in a rather generic way. For example let's take the "waiter" schedule: the scripting doesn't tell exactly the NPC to take a specific dish, a specific glass, or serve a specific customer. It just says "At 21:00 o clock go to that area, and serve". From then on, the NPC will find glasses, dishes and customers on his/her own. If you drop a glass he/she will take it - if you kill all the customers he/she will idle because he/she has no one to serve, and so on.

Re: Questions about interaction/minigames/NPCs etc.

Post by matroiachesei »

Thank you SO MUCH to both of you.
Posts: 71
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Questions about interaction/minigames/NPCs etc.

Post by Skutarth »


Another good example:
When in Serpent Isle you expose the two goblin traitors, it effects a lot of conversation and those NPC's involvement in the future. However, you may recognize this as required to continue the game. You can, though, only expose one of the two traitors by only reading/bringing one of the two notes. This also affects the game in a significant manner.

Re: Questions about interaction/minigames/NPCs etc.

Post by Hilinar »

>Also, some mods have been made that will allow for even more detail in the game.

Which mods?

Re: Questions about interaction/minigames/NPCs etc.

Post by omg »

I think he's referring to Keyring, which includes Quest and Interactions mod.