Request for cut text of Moonshade in Usecode

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Grimlock Dragon
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Request for cut text of Moonshade in Usecode

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

Hello All,

I am in need of any cut plot conversations in usecode regarding the plot in Moonshade. I have access to a very helpful source, but I need to jog his memory.

Artaxerxes, I noticed that you posted some of Julia's cut text. That has already been a little helpful. Anything else? Are there any other characters from Moonshade that have additional unused text?

Give it all to me people.

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Re: Request for cut text of Moonshade in Usecode

Post by Dominus »

Some way to trigger cut conversations (relies on the built in cheats):

after the banes got released teleport outside of the cities but preferably into a house or such (so the roof pops away :-)). Enable eggview ('e'). use the arrow keys (1.0 version) or Alt+arrow keys (1.1.x) to view the cities without actually moving the avatar. Most of the dead NPC should still be alive and have a green "horseshoe" formed "egg" next to them. Put the mouse pointer above these eggs and press "Del" to delete them. Save the game.
Go into the city and talk to them.

Some conversation may crash Exult (if there is an conversation option but no text in the usecode that is linked to that option - happens with Delphynia in Fawn, I think).
The savegame is useful if you forgot an egg :-)
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Grimlock Dragon
Posts: 56
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Re: Request for cut text of Moonshade in Usecode

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

Thanks. Hmmm.... I'm going to have to be busy the next couple of days. Can someone send me a save game right at that point?
Achile Dragon

Re: Request for cut text of Moonshade in Usecode

Post by Achile Dragon »

I can't delete them

Achile Dragon

Re: Request for cut text of Moonshade in Usecode

Post by Achile Dragon »

For delete an egg it's ctrl+d in the 1.1x version
