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new bug - submitted in the bug track

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 9:06 am
by artaxerxes
Just a heads up. It is also submitted in the bug track.

Latest CVS (19/06/2002 at 13:00 Eastern Time).

Using Serpent Isle.

The avatar, even stripped of all his clothes and items, still carries a weight of 3 stones. I removed everything I could: weapons, armors, backpack, bedroll, pouch etc... Normally, the weight should be 0 stones....

Please have a look at it yourselves. savegame submitted in the bug track.


ps: I'll take the oppotunity to mention something that has been bothering me for a while. In the intro screens (Exult with the music etc.), please do not pick up the events from the mouse until the game (BG or SI) screen (with "journey onward" etc.) appears. Otherwise, if you move the mouse, the cursor gets crazy and follows the path it was given during the animated intro.


Re: new bug - submitted in the bug track

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2002 2:14 am
by Oblivious
Oh, yeah, that. WHat it actually is is a usecode treasure chest with a bunch of numbers inside. Create a spellbook, use wizard mode, then cast 'vibrate' on yourself. The usecode chest will fall off of you and you will be down to 0 stones.

Re: new bug - submitted in the bug track

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2002 4:31 am
by artaxerxes

I don't want to lose my chest ! :)

Can someone confirm if that was the case in the original ?

Can someone code exult so that the usecode chest weight zero ?

Can someone modify the code so that the cursor queue is cleared just before the "journey onward etc." screen appears ?

So many question... some people will think I'm demanding now :)


Re: new bug - submitted in the bug track

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2002 6:29 am
by Ignitus Dragon
I'm pretty sure it was not the case in the original.

Re: new bug - submitted in the bug track

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2002 7:26 am
by corbomite
No, it did not weigh anything in the original. I just used a boot disk to check it out.

Re: new bug - submitted in the bug track

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2002 10:46 am
by Dominus
hm, wjp is already taking a look at this (I think) so no need to despair. Yet!!! :-)
And loosing that chest wouldn't be useful :-)

Re: new bug - submitted in the bug track

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2002 11:46 am
by artaxerxes
I wonder what my wife would say if she saw me worrying about a 3 stones chest.... :)


Re: new bug - submitted in the bug track

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2002 12:29 pm
by wjp
This is now fixed in CVS (1.1.0 branch)