I need U7

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I need U7

Post by Anubis »

Lost my disks years ago while moveing. Anybody know where to get a copy please post here. thanks ;P
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Posts: 173
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: I need U7

Post by Darke »

EBay's your best bet, but if you're looking for a 'downloadable' copy, see the FAQ section 2.7.

Re: I need U7

Post by Anubis »

Damn your fast :[ Thanks

Re: I need U7

Post by Anubis »

and not asking for downloadable ;P
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Posts: 173
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Re: I need U7

Post by Darke »

All part of the service. *grin*
Posts: 67
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: I need U7

Post by Kuroshi »

Try the under $10 shelves or sale bins at nearby software shops. You might be able to pick up the Ultima Collection.

Re: I need U7

Post by Telemachos »

Actually that might be your best bet to get a U7 cheap (getting the Ultima Collection) The original releases of U7 and U7:SI often go for more on EBay because of the collectors who wants the originals, the maps and trinkets etc..

- Tele

Re: I need U7

Post by DragonWizard »

Yeah, plus the original is on 5 and 1/4 floppies. I have it. Very nice. Anyway, try for the Collection. Best game I ever paid $10 for. I think the Collection is included in a special edition of U9.

Re: I need U7

Post by Skutarth »

You can get it for free when your friend isn't looking. :P

Re: I need U7

Post by Anubis »

lol thanks all