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Various mysteries

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2002 7:26 pm
by Philippe Beaushesne

I've scouted the FAQ, bug report and doc sections, but still they coudn't answer my questions:

1st) TRINSIC: I'm standing in Dell's secret room. I block the only entrance with tons of stuff.
Dell calls the guards. A guard hugs the wall, waits, then teleports next to me... How comes?

2nd) AMBROSIA: I cheat, teleporting myself to the room where LB gets angry 'cause I'm a bad boy. I teleport to Britain and as Batlin cleverly exclaims "Looks like rain...", I step over the bodies crushed by the Armageddon spell. I teleport, without thinking, to Ambrosia's room blocked by the energy fields. OH MY!!! There's a poor child starving in the cage...

I hack move the iron bars and try to kill him, just like LB would ask me to, but it's the ULTIMATE CHILD OF DOOM!!! I mean, after 20 hits with my Death Scythe, he's still standing in front of me, unhurt... Is he supposed to be there? Who's he?

3rd) The Avatar isn't running while the arrow's long, he's still walking... Is this normal?

4th) Iolo shoots at a dimwitted guard and kills him. OH MY, Iolo went in a frenzy! His only shot sprayed about 10 bolts to the ground!!! Poor, poor guard... So I pick up one of the bolts.
Jaana asks "Is that virtuous?". I take another. Someone calls the guards. Another bolt. There's
almost 7 guards in the room. But hey, those were MY bolts!!! Why all the fuss?

5th) DESPISE (somewhere in, that is): my last question... the mage lost by the well. NOTE:
I'm not talking about the lunatic Abbey Monk. After I explain the way out, he says something like: "Come to my shop in the mountains, I'll gladly sell a few things to you!". Then he gives me some reagents and leave. But where the heck's his shop? Does anybody know?

Hehe, 'this a bit long, sorry to bother but it's always long when I write about Ultima...

Phil Beaushesne

Re: Various mysteries

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 6:25 am
by drcode
I don't know about the others, but I just fixed #4 (where they accuse you of stealing the arrows).

Re: Various mysteries

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 8:21 am
by Tim
#1... Who's stuff? Dell's stuff? If so, then that is why the gaurds were called. Otherwise, I don;t know.

Re: Various mysteries

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 11:39 am
by Paulon
Number 5, you never find him in the original game either.

Re: Various mysteries

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2002 4:24 pm
by Gileathane Dragon
Alternate explanation for #4 - though perhaps defunct now - Iolo shoots guard, guard begins to flee cueing the " I'll drop all my goods as I flee trick"
with his quarrels dropping first, or even possibly stacking with a missed bolt of Iolo's.

It -could- happen.

Gileathane Dragon