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U7 Music

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:51 pm
by Guru Dragon
I noticed that the Exult team recorded U7's music using a Roland MT-32 for the Vorbis files. I'm curious if they just recorded it while the game was running, or did they actually rip the music from the game files, and the sysex data and record it through a MIDI player.

If they did rip the music, is there a place where I can get the ripped music and sysex data?

Re: U7 Music

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:43 pm
by Wizardry Dragon
You can unflex the MIDI source from ADLIB.mus and the roland counterpart using expack.
Peter M Dodge aka Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer,
Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands

Re: U7 Music

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:02 pm
by Guru Dragon
Thank you for the help. I finally got around to actually unflexing the Roland music files from the MT32MUS.DAT file.

I noticed that the Ultima music collection has 61 files of music, but I was only able to pull 54 files from the MT32MUS.DAT file that had data in them. Does anyone know where the missing music is?

I noticed that there is an ENDSCORE.XMI file, but that still only puts the total at 55.

Any help is appreciated.

Re: U7 Music

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:20 am
by Colourless
The Exult team did not make the OGG files ourselves. They were made by someone else (Simon Quinn) for us to use.

As far as I know, they were extracted then played back with the SysEx data from the games.

Now, for BG everything is good, though I'm pretty sure that the SI tracks are not actually 100% correct for two reasons:
1) The timing of the SI specific tracks are wrong (too fast). That is most likely because the midi files he played back were converted with XMI2MID which tends to screw up the timing
2) Some of the instruments sound wrong. This will be due to the way that AIL/MSS (the sound system used by SI) handles custom instruments/timbres. It does it in a way that is not compatible with playing back ripped Mid files and using the Dumped SysEx data from the MT32 device for timbres. Only way to properly play back XMI files that use custom tibres is to use a player that understands the XMIDI Timbre Change Events and uploads the required timbres to the MT32 from the XMIDI.MT file.

-Colourless Dragon

Re: U7 Music

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:56 am
by marzo
Speaking of recording U7 music files: this site was done by someone who did just that. You might want to ask him for a few pointers.

Re: U7 Music

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:23 pm
by Guru Dragon
It's a shame he used XMI2MID. Winamp can play XMI and it supports USB MIDI devices (to a MT-32). Do you know how I can contact Simon Quinn to ask him how he did it?

I've sent the web site's creator (Tom) an email. Hopefully he can give me some insight as well.

Re: U7 Music

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:32 pm
by Guru Dragon
Okay, I spoke with Tom and he did indeed have all the ripped soundtracks! So I'm off to a good start (thanks for the tip).

I still have a few questions regarding the XMI music for the ending. Does anyone on the Exult team still have Simon Quinn's email address?

Re: U7 Music

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:21 pm
by Dominus
check the about us page.