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The unsolveable Iskander quest

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 1:54 am
by Andrea B. Previtera
At least I remember is name as Iskander. I am talking of BG of course: in one of the dungeons, the one with the tetrahedron, you met two warrior girls trying to avenge their father's death by killing this cyclops.

Well, you went to the cyclops, let him tell you that he wasn't actually guilty, but nontheless you've got no way to return the information to the duo, forever stuck in the dungeon.

Same thing with the unicorn quest, I think: is there some usecode unfinished script perhaps?

Re: The unsolveable Iskander quest

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 3:56 am
by SB-X
I never thought they were quests.

Re: The unsolveable Iskander quest

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 4:36 am
by Kuroshi
Maybe you didn't think that because you couldn't solve them? =)

Re: The unsolveable Iskander quest

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 5:01 am
by raven566
I remember a while ago I was looking around in the usecode and saw the conversations for the 2 female warriors and the cyclops. The words to finish the "quest" are in there, but you never see them for some reason.

With the unicorn, you can just keep telling that guy (whatever his name is) that the unicorn says no and that's it.

Something similiar I've noticed: You can keep repeating things to NPCs even after the quests have been finished. For example, in Paws, after you solve the venom theft, you can keep telling Garrit's parents that he is innocent and to punish him and such. Is this a bug in the usecode?

Re: The unsolveable Iskander quest

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 5:36 am
by SB-X
I never tried to "solve" them.

Re: The unsolveable Iskander quest

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 6:02 am
by Colourless
The probably aren't bugs as such, but things that were unfinished, or classed as "don't care" problems. They are not exactly difficult things to fix in most cases. Many RPGs get such problems.

Re: The unsolveable Iskander quest

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 8:15 am
by SnowyThing
Most people like the closure for spending lots of time on little side-quests. Maybe thoughtful -added- conversation might be in order. Most people would appreciate it. :P

Re: The unsolveable Iskander quest

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 9:55 am
by IgnitusDragonn
To explain this problem w/ answers not disappearing, I'll tap into my minor knowledge of usecode and the UCC compiler.

Sample code of a fix would be:

else if (response == "Found venom")
say("Thou didst find the venom vial in Garritt's belongings? I am amazed! I am astonished! I am-- sorry."."Thou art a resourceful person. Unfortunately, thy discovery has upset me a great deal.");
UI_remove_answer("Found venom");

Where the original didn't have the command to remove the answer.
So thats just an example of what I THINK is the problem.

Re: The unsolveable Iskander quest

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 10:27 am
by SnowyThing
IgnitisDragonn, thou art the true Avatar.

Re: The unsolveable Iskander quest

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 10:31 am
by wjp
else if (response == "Found venom")
say("Thou didst find the venom vial in Garritt's belongings? I am amazed! I am astonished! I am-- sorry."."Thou art a resourceful person. Unfortunately, thy discovery has upset me a great deal.");
UI_remove_answer("Found venom");

You realize this would only work in the current conversation right? As soon as you start a new conversation, the answer will be back.

Re: The unsolveable Iskander quest

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 10:57 am
by IgnitusDragonn
I didn't understand the problem then, I thought the problem was only in the answer not leaving during the conversation the valid line of reasoning(which I ignored for some reason) would be that it would appear next time you spoke. To fix the actual problem I suppose you'd need to set the game flag that determines whether the quest is still going. Or another fix would be to detect whether the Avatar had the venom in his possession, if you didn't have the venom then the question wouldn't be there.
Or better yet, if you could reset the game flag for Ferwydin to before you found the venom...that would fix it. Or if the conversation code realized you had already asked the question then it would direct you to another question like "How is Garritt?". The game has several of these conversation-bugs.

The unsolveable Unicorn quest

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 2:39 am
by sqrfruit
After talking to Cosmo about his search, go back and talk to the unicorn. He'll have more to say. Though I don't think it goes any further than that, as Cosmo doesn't say anything more if you go back to talk to him.