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Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:58 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
Hi, I found some other strange things, but I'm not sure if they are real bugs (newest version of Exult and Keyring):

1. In New Magincia, south of the mage's house, you can just walk through the eastern wall of the large building (just some steps above the south-eastern-corner)

2. In the paperdoll view: If you wear a ring and a bag at the belt, there will be a visible green linke at the right side of the bag. If you click on it, it reads "ring"

3. Does the shrine of compassion in Cove intentionally look different in Exult than in the dos version? (dos: a impressive construction of pillars and fences with a ring in the middle, exult: a rather unimpressive stone circle with the sign of compassion (the heart) floating above.

4. In New Magincia again: Is it normal that my group attacks Robin and his guys in the hut automatically, if I change into battle mode?

It's my first real playthrough of the game, so I apologize if these aren't real issues.

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:16 pm
by Dominus
3. the keyring mod makes changes to the shrine and other landmarks, you should check these things with the non-modded version

1+4. a savegame would be nice.

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:24 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
Ok, I've uploaded savegames for 1 and 4.

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:40 am
by Paulon
1. That's the real entrance to the building, which is Alagnar's storehouse.

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:35 am
by Alexander Meltinus
Some other points I'm not sure if they are normal:

- Is it normal, that Paladins attack the party without reason? (in the woods south of the Skara Brae moongate, where Zauriel stands)
- If I enter attack mode, my party attacks not only the wolfes and other enemies in the wood, but also the neutral wisps
- The wisps are invincible
- If I follow the peninsula south of the Skara Brae moongate, there is a cave with some sceletons. It seems to be possible to trigger some kind of "teleport" that sends you back in front of the cave. (you have to move closely at the right wall after entering)
- some steps southeast of the ferryman to Skara Brae on the same peninsula, there are some places where three of my party members tend to run away, screaming "aiiieeee", "pity me!", "Thou wilt regret this day" (only Sentri, Dupre and the Avatar stand their ground) without apparent reason. After a moment the others come back. There is nothing special about the place however. There are sometimes ghosts in the area, but they are never in the close area where my party goes crazy.

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:09 pm
by Gunther1987
Point 2: LP'er Kikoskia had the same thing back in 2009. He used dosbox when he played BG and his party attacked the wisps aswell, so I think this is something programmed in the game for some reason (if I find the vid, I'll post it. I forgot which one it actually was, so.).

Point 5: I've had this in previous snapshots aswell and I think they do this, because they are afraid to go to Skara Brae (since it's a haunted Island now).

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:49 pm
by Gunther1987

Starting from 3:50. It's after they kill the wolf near Iolo's hut.

Appearently they use fire. When one attacked my party, he followed me into one of the caves in Jhelom and spawmed Scorpions.

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:58 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
Hmm... it seems to be the same thing. In my case the didn't use any fancy tricks however. Thanks for the link!

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:56 pm
by Dominus
Alex, to address the original 4 points:

1. as Paulon wrote, the real entrance to Alagnar's storehouse
2. it's a bug from the original data files, the same thing happens in the original SI (ring on left hand, bag in the belt and a staff like weapon (scythe, halberd...)
3. as I wrote, it's a feature of the keyring mod, which sends you on the rune hunt
4. same thing happens in the original

- teleport in cave, these things might happen at times and are intended
- Skara Brae, there is most likely an egg (trigger point) for this behavior, the island is supposed to put fear in you :)

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:51 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
Thanks for your answer. That sounds logical.
I guess the aggressive Paladins are something like Anarg and his guys in BG 2. ;)

Just some other questions:

1. Is it possible that the light system is broken? In dosbox the light has at least four different grades, depending on how far you are from the next light source or how many light sources you light. In Exult there are only two or three and sometimes they act strangely and don't update properly.

2. Are some reactions of the npcs on the environment cut? While testing the game in dosbox, I observed that there seems to be more activity in Britain (for example the guard in front of the castle bridge tends to light all four lamps at night or extinguishes them if you light them during daytime - in Exult I didn't notice such behaviour)

3. Don't injured enemies flee in Exult like they do sometimes in the original?

(if I ask too many stupid questions, please just say and I'll stop ;) )

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:17 pm
by Dominus
1. yes
2. should actually work, though it might not take the generic NPCs in consideration
3. I think not, the whole combat settings don't work and that probably extends to NPCs

Keep on asking ;)

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:29 pm
by Gunther1987
Actually, I have one. It's about SI.

When you steal that armor on the table in Standarr's armoury, the Leopard clan gets the "Evil" code. When I watch this on YT when LPer Kikoskia played this on Dosbox, he got killed, appeared in front of Fawn and when he came back to Monitor, it was as if nothing happen.

Now when I did this and returned to Monitor, Standarr came out of his shop and attacked me with his Two-Handed Sword. Appearently the Leopard clan still hated me, is this an Exult thing? And no, I can't give you a savefile, since I don't have one (got a new PC, because my previous PC-Dealer was an Oaf and I went to another shop where they build the PC that I actually asked for. So, I haven't played SI yet with my new PC.), but maybe someone can test this out.

Also can someone tell me about that "Abandoned Outpost" bug in detail? There's a reason why I want to know that.

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:49 pm
by Dominus
What more information besides the bug report do you need?

About stealing... don't know :)

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:35 pm
by Gunther1987
So, that was the bug? I thought this was normal? I had the same thing with the fireball shooters back in Januari with a snapshot from November 2013.

Also, that noise almost made me deaf.

But, now instead of just damaging you badly, it can instantly kill you because of the fireball shooters going haywire now (I read something about this on the ultima codex site where they were thinking that this could be the end of Exult)? So, this problem still exists in the lastest snapshot? Since Marzo said:

"Should be fixed in latest SVN. I am leaving this as "pending-fixed" instead of "closed-fixed" awaiting feedback for things broken by this fix."

And that was on 13 June, so.

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:37 pm
by Dominus
it should work since June 13 and not instantly kill you. It is still a bad place to be :)

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:11 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
I have a question concerning the ambient sound effects (birds, winds, frogs etc.). I noticed if I continue the game with "journey onward", there are all the sounds working, but if I load a savegame from the ingame menu, all ambient sound effects (with one exception: the sea is still there) are completely gone. The action soundeffects still work - opening doors, use items, combat etc. as well as the music. On restarting the game and continuing with "journey onward" the ambient sounds work again, until I load another game.
My sound configuration is set to use the Roland MT-32 sfx-pack, midi device is disabled, digital music active.

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:52 am
by Dominus
Hmm, we have tinkered with these ambient sound effects lately, maybe we have put on too many screws...

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:55 pm
by Gunther1987
Speaking of sound effects, whenever I just arrive in Trinsic I keep hearing this weird sound. It sounds alot like a sqeaking door that desperately needs some oil. In fact I can even hear this noise around the area with that treasure chest outside of Trinsic (the one with 500 gold, full set of magic armor and a Flame Sword).

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:23 pm
by Dominus
Gunther, what are your audio settings?

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:08 pm
by Gunther1987
Same as Alexander, Roland MT-32.

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:37 pm
by Dominus
Details, please ;)
All your settings in the Audio menu

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:54 pm
by Gunther1987

Also, it's "Sound Blaster", not "Roland MT-32". I personally thought it was the Roland version I selected. Guess I was wrong.

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:14 pm
by Dominus
hmm, you shouldn't be able to hear the ambient sound effects with those settings at all (the ambient sfx are not part of the sfx packs but are actually music tracks only available to certain music devices (real Roland MT32, Mt32Emu)).

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:26 pm
by Gunther1987
If I had any recording program and knew how to work with it, I could've recorded it and place a download link here. Which would've also been handy with the Filbercio thing several months ago (have no clue if it will happen on this snapshot aswell since I haven't had the time to do SI, so).

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:16 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
So the ambient sounds and music tracks cannot play together? I noticed the sound effects stop working when a music track begins to play. After the track ends, the sound effects don't start anymore (until I restart Exult).

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:25 pm
by Dominus
Yes, I think so though they should start again when you are near one of the triggers again and not stop alltogether

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:32 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
Are these triggers specific places in the gameworld I have to trespass to activate the sound effects again? So the sound doesn't change music and ambient tracks automatically?

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:04 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
And another question: ;)
At several occasions I noticed that if I encounter enemy hideouts (for example the pirates southeast of Moonglow) and try to plunder their bags after the fight, the game recognizes that as a crime and two guards appear.
That's possibly a issue in U7 as well, but I thought I'd ask to be sure.

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:30 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
While strolling in the eastern jungles (east of the desert) I stumbled upon an area with a big "X" and a chest on it and a really creepy voice mumbles something incomprehensible. In the chest is just garbage, but one key too. Is that the place where the Lock Lake-garbage goes (and the key a copy from the one for Mack's shed?)? These are really bad disposal methods in Britannia! ;)
I'm utterly confused now... can you enlighten me?

Re: Some observations (possibly bugs)

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:46 pm
by Dominus
That's from the original. I'm sure we've discussed what it opens somewhere. And if you record and play back waht the guardian says: i am the pagan lord