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Music Volume

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 9:05 am
by Cheshire Katt
I've only just recently (as in, yesterday) grabbed the Exult source and started looking it over, so I can't really usefully answer this question myself yet, so here we go...

What I'm looking for is a way to set a volume multiplier on a song-by-song basis, and save that information to the config file (or simply put it in the config and not have it be changeable in-game, though I really would like to do both). I'm using the GeneralUser SoundFont that was mentioned on this board a few weeks ago, and generally loving it, except for one thing -- the volume varies GREATLY depending on the song (due to the different instruments used).

Combat is rather loud, whereas the song that plays in Rudyom's house in Cove is so soft as to be almost inaudible.

I'd like to be able to specify that song 1's volume is 0.75x base, and song 2's volume is 3x base, and so on (either in the config, or in-game, either via sliders for each song or a "Current Song Volume Up / Current Song Volume Down" pair of keystrokes -- or better yet, all three).

What would be the best way for me to get this added to Exult -- do it myself or submit a request to the developers?


Re: Music Volume

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 8:02 pm
by Colourless
It's possible to add this to Exult, but it would require a bit of work.

Incidently, have you tried using the config/audio/midi/volume_curve setting? I added it to correct the exact problem you describe. I have mine set to 2 and it increases the volume of the quieter songs quite a bit without noticably altering the louder ones.

-Colourless Dragon

Re: Music Volume

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 8:45 am
by Cheshire Katt
Actually I hadn't -- wasn't quite sure of what it was supposed to do (the documentation states "**set volume (kind of at least, best don't change)", so it didn't really jump out at me). I'll go play around with that when I get home.

