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problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 4:24 am
by nad
I ve got a problem with wincvs, when i download the source i can't see in the browser the files I've downloaded.
The files are well checked out , and presents on my disk.
If the files have special attributes like "commited" or "no cvs file", i see them in the browser.
I've tried to install wincvs another time but it doesn't change.
I remember i have used wincvs a few time ago and it works well...
Has someone an idea?
Thanks a lot...
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 4:43 am
by nadir
This is not the right place to ask, sorry.
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 4:55 am
by nad
i know this is not direct exult developpement but this is part of it...
Perhaps someone is developping under windows (hum hum not good) and have had the same pbms so...
Nadir Dragon, is nadir your first name?
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 5:32 am
by Dominus
well, it could be that in the tools bar, you clicked the "flat mode" (arrow like icon) and "show comittable" and "show unknown" icons.
Can also be accessed through the "view" menu and in that the filters menu.
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 5:46 am
by nad
I've already try to play with this buttons...
Flat mode show the files as if they were all in the same it won't solve my problems:
I can't see any "normal" .cpp or .hpp files when I checkout a module, even if the .cpp and .hpp are well taken from the cvs server (i can see them with explorer on my drive).
I've already use wincvs quite a long time ago to download the source of exult and it works fine.
I have changed of computer now and when I install wincvs on it, i have the previous explained pbm....
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 5:53 am
by Dominus
But did you try the filters in the view mode (you didn't say)?
Also make sure that the file ".cvsignore" doesn'T contain the *.cpp or *.hpp files.
If that is not helping, I advise you to seek help from the developers of WinCVS (they are on sourceforge as well).
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 6:26 am
by nad
thank you dominus, i'll try this (filter+.cvsignore file)...
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 9:45 am
by Telemachos
... OR install Cygwin and end your problems once and for all
- Tele
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 10:21 am
by nad
but have you a gui for cvs under cygwin (i have cygwin installed already)??
I have heard of tortoisecvs...
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 11:18 am
by SB-X
Why would you want a gui?
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 12:02 pm
by Colourless
Wincvs can be used without a gui. This is something that MANY people seem to forget.
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 9:33 pm
by nad
i know but i hate command line...
we are no more in dos time but that's my personal point of view
Does someone use wincvs?
I've tried .cvsignore and filters in view menus but no change!
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 10:17 pm
by nadir
TortoiseCVS is very good. Windoze people use it at work here. But the command line rules everytime
No, Nadir is not my name. Check the About us page
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 11:16 pm
by wjp
> we are no more in dos time but that's my personal point of view
The DOS command line is _far_ inferior to any proper shell. You should try a modern UNIX shell like bash or tcsh. These things are insanely powerful.
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 3:04 am
by Dominus
I use WinCVS with the shell but I don't get your problem...
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 4:05 am
by artaxerxes
For Si-french we use wincvs in command line.
Actually, I made a perl script that wraps the 'technicalities' of wincvs so that only one param is to be passed.
I hate the gui part of wincvs, so I use either my linux box at work or my perl script.
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 4:31 am
by nad
the first time i used it i haven't this problem...
I've tried to use it here at work on windows nt and it remains the same:
i can't see the .cpp files in the browser...
Perhaps i am doing something wrong.
I have tried to create a local repository to test this.
Remains the same...
conclusion: i ve done something wrong in the creation process of repository and my home directory:
-first i install wincvs without changing default parameters
-i create a local repository : create/create new repository/
then "d:\nad\cvs repository" for cvsroot (local directory).
-then i create a new folder for putting inside my local files on "c:\cvs local"
-i do this: create/import module and i take the subdirectory "test" of "d:\nad\cvs repository\test"
-all files on "d:\nad\cvs repository\test" are well checked out, if i browse the "c:\cvs local\test\" i can see the .cpp and .h
but i can't see them in the wincvs browser(i have checked every files,commited,non cvs file aso...)
-if i make a change on a file on "c:\cvs local\test\"
i can see it in the wincvs browser
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 6:33 am
by Colourless
I really don't think anyone here can help you with your problem
-Colourless Dragon.
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 6:34 am
by Dominus
contact the authors of Wincvs, maybe they can help.
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 10:44 am
by Render Dragon
I hope this isn't a stupid question, but how exactly did you "download" the files? Did you get them by updating from the CVS repository, or did you just unload them on your hard drive somewhere from a zip file? CVS relies on all those little "CVS" subdirectories everywhere to know what files belong to the repository and which ones are just junk on your hard drive, and if those directories are missing, WinCVS shows all your files as non-CVS files.
You're probably way ahead of me on this one, though. I don't use CVS for any open-source development projects, but we do use it at work. It's a pain sometimes (I was used to Microsoft Source Safe when I came here and it was a hard transition), but I've learned to appreciate it.
Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 11:24 am
by nad
by updating from the cvs repository of course

Re: problem with wincvs!
Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 11:55 am
by Colourless
Actually, the first thing you need to do is a Checkout. After you have done that you can then use Update when you want to update in the future.