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Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:47 pm
by Skutarth
Try going here.

Maybe you can get the coding from him for Exult, even if you have to drop to your hands and knees and plead like you would for your life. I just sent an E-mail. And my reputation proceeds me for convincing. Try searching for the popular mod Worms Doom. Thank you!

Maybe a fan (or the Exult team) could make something of it.

(Please, Exult team!)

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 7:01 pm
by XxVenomxX
There should be a ranking page for the most repeated topics on these boards. hehe

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 7:10 pm
by Dominus
he he - so true XxVenomxX.

Well anyway before S starts to bother another one, the Blackrock Engine (that's what you find on tjhat link) has been dead now for about 7 months (that's at least when the last files were modified in their CVS). If you need Multiplayer that much, look at their code (it's open source) and put it into Exult yourself. If you had read our FAQ you might have read that we don't intend to do anything like that with Exult. And pestering us won't change this. Especially not someone who behaves a bit troll like. Not wanting to be overly offensive but your attitude could need a bit readjusting for this forum.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 8:24 pm
by Eric
I agree. As a professional developer I love contructive criticism but I don't appreciate childish bashing, especially coming from someone who doesn't understand the slightest the amount of work that goes into these kinds of projects. Saying things like "you guys suck" or "EXULT sucks" or other non-intelligent smart-ass childish remarks like that is gonna get you nowhere. That's only gonna piss the developers off and cause them to ignore you. After your behaviour I certainly wouldn't expect them to bend over backwards for you in the future =P

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2002 3:18 am
by Skutarth
I know you said that. That's why I pleaded to you.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 7:56 am
by Skutarth
I didn't say "you guys suck" or "EXULT sucks," I said the CHEAT SYSTEM ISN'T GOOD BECAUSE IT IS NOT DONE! NOT DONE!!!

The create item and teleport features aren't there.


Sorry. You just won't stop ranting about it.
EXULT IS GOOD! EXULT RULES! Exult just isn't done.


Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 10:40 am
by x-bow
Create item is there, its just not in the cheat menu. The new one is a hell of a lot easier to use as you can just scroll through the shapes. And teleport also works. So which bit of the cheat system do you have a problem with? I realise there is no Jesus, but I suspect you could fix that with a bit of work in Exult studio (I believe SI has an appropriately crucified model).

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 6:33 pm
by SB-X
Skutarth you did say Exult sucks, but thats not the real problem. The problem was that you said it sucks and that it's not done, but you didn't say at first WHY it wasn't done. Truth is it could be done. It's almost to version 1.0! The cheat system is better than the original.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 6:49 pm
by Daniel
The hack mover in Exult isn't better than the original because the items that hang on walls, fall through if you try to stick them on another wall. Things like torches, displaying sheilds and banners. Although I doubt this will ever be fixed because it isn't that crucial for the development of Exult.

Ohh an btw, you've heard this about 3 million times but can the party formation be fixed or is it always going to be like that?

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 1:57 am
by Darke
We've heard it enough for Dominus to put it into the faq anyway. *grin*

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 3:17 am
by Skutarth
-The problem was that you said it sucks and that it's not done.

No, I said " the CHEAT SYSTEM sucks BECAUSE it's not done."


Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 8:16 am
by SB-X
The cheat system doesn't suck. :P I don't think they need to work on it anymore.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 9:11 am
by Dominus
Daniel: I think I answered this before, not sure though, try with mapediting mode. Sure hackmover is not as powerful as in the original but that'S why we have the map-editing mode.

A short history lesson on Exult:
map edit mode was once called hackmover but when Jeff designed Exult studio it became too muc advanced to be really called hackmover. Hence we put in the simplified hackmover mode.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 9:14 am
by wjp
Dominus is right. Hack mover is really just for things like picking up objects you can't reach or moving doors/walls out of the way. If you want to do some map-editing, use map-editor mode.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 9:29 am
by fliptw
What exactly is it you can't do with exult's cheat system? state that, and we'll get off your case Skutarth.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 4:17 am
by artaxerxes
Skutarth: change your Nick... this one is forever dirtied.


Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 5:43 pm
by Skutarth
Artaxerxes, quiet.

And fliptw, you can't teleport to NPC's or use coordinates without the map(F3).

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2002 3:57 am
by Dominus
Well, you CAN teleport to NPCs, only thing that's missing is teleport to coordinates.

"Let's see, hmm, I want to teleport to an NPC, how would I do that. Ah, I know, I press F2.
Ah, the cheat menu, but there is no Teleport to NPC. What should I do now. Damn it's not there. Wait, I'll see if it is in the NPC Tool. It asks for an NPC number, I think 23 is LB. Right. Hm there is an option to teleport there. I'll try this! Hooray it worked!!!! I'm in LB's throneroom!!!"

23 - strange coincidence isn't it...

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2002 3:09 pm
by Skutarth
Man, your harsh.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2002 3:58 pm
by Dominus
but just!

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2002 4:03 pm
by Skutarth
But harsh!

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2002 4:22 pm
by fliptw
harsh begets harsh.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2002 5:53 am
by artaxerxes
See, I said you should change your nick! :)


Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2002 2:58 pm
by Skutarth

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2002 7:29 pm
by Roman
Timmy? LOL, no he is just saying his next name will be Harsh

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Sat May 04, 2002 7:46 am
by Skutarth
Wait, but does anyone BESIDES the Exult team want to team up and add it to Exult?

I'm so pressed for it, I'll learn C++!

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 8:51 am
by excessus
I wish I could know how to do it... an online version of U7 is everything (computer related, eh) I can dream with right now!

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 9:24 am
by RazorBlade

And how would it be like? Would you play the original game with friends? And who would be the Avatar? Whom would the others play? Who would be allowed to talk? What would everyone besides the Avatar be allowed to do? Where would everyone besides the Avatar be allowed to go and what could then happen? I do not want to oppose you but I dont think this would be a great game and it would be very fun, it would play like a bad Baldurs Gate(even worse MP than that). If it should be another game and only similar to U7 where you can walk around and fight and talk and trade I would recommend UO(personally I do not like it at all). But if you have a good idea for it, tell us! Perhaps someone wants to do it if its great. Or better start a project yourself on Sourceforge and search for members- I dont think you have to be an programmer to do that(?)..

(PS:sorry for posting in this topic @exultteam, but if this one disappears surely a new U7Online thread will rise soon..;))

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 3:04 pm
by Skutarth
For the character system, I think it you should be able to make a character and use any sprite you would like with any easy to use paperdoll face editor and import device.

I think it should look inbetween uo and furcadia for chatting...
It should look like before but with your face may be custom. You should be able to type a text message with Exult's cool backround behind what you type. It should appear by your face and they could read--so it looks like an npc talking in the original. Otherwise, there would need to be a party system and speak-to-where-ever Chat system type. Otherwise, everyone would be like their own avatar inside, and act or think as a good or bad avatar would. That's my idea of how it should work.

That would be cool.

Those are my ideas, and I will take suggestions. Please join me and I will listen to you, the developer, as I direct you what to do. Remember, it may be much work, but you would be very popular for it. Just see how far Exult is by being an open-sourced free project...
Remember how many people play it, like you! You would make a great experience to all the other players out there who still have good taste.

How would I find members on Sourceforge, anyway? Wouldn't it be hard to work together from large distances?

You all know it's the dream we all have inside ourselves waiting to brake loose, but a certain laziness is holding us back from our wants, but my crave is not a want, but a need. ;)

I will start the project when and IF I have enough members.

Please consider this message. Thank you.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 10:14 pm
by wjp
> Wouldn't it be hard to work together from large distances?

We have programmers from the USA, Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and other countries. I'd say we're doing pretty well so far :-)

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 12:55 am
by nadir
Italy !

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 3:42 am
by Skutarth
Hmm, that works...

I need members now, then...

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 4:16 am
by RazorBlade
Did you read my post?

You have answers to questions about details but actually do you not consider at all what this game should be about(at least you dont write it;)).
You should answer one question first: What type of game should this be? A MMORPG or an U7 where some NSC are played by players or a completely new type of game with the U7 landscape and the exult-engine? Or a completly other type of game?

Dont think about details before everything meanfully is fixed.(Hope this sentence is understandable and doesnt sound so horrible in english as I think..;)))

At first you should concentrate on this, work it out, write it down(best on a Homepage for it, you can get them free everywhere on the INet) and then be very polite and persevering and then you could find some people who will want to help if they like your idea. Also I would recommend not to spam here too often, so perhaps you will receive feedback(with which I mean positive criticism) on your idea and then you can think about details.

PS: I apologize for my english, but I didnt see anyone really trying to help him with this(also I know he did do everything to get attention but not help..)

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 8:03 am
by drcode
RazorBlade: Good questions. I also don't see the point in yet-another-MMORPG. I've tried to think about how a plot-based multi-player game might work, and it's pretty tricky.

Suppose you're playing Iolo in U7. You might have one mode where your character follows the Avatar around, and passively hears his conversations with the NPC's. But maybe you could also join in the conversation, which means the NPC's script has to be a lot smarter. You might also be able to wander off and talk to NPC's on your own; but then the other party members shouldn't know what you've discovered until you return and talk to them.

Suppose the other people want to play when you're not around. In the game, should Iolo be sleeping during this time? Or should he follow the Avatar (like in the single-player game)? If it's the latter, I suppose the game should provide you with a synopsis of what happened when you weren't playing.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 8:40 am
by Roman
Well, the way blackrock did it, was allow you to pick what you look like, like any of the people that walk around.

I would just imagine you can do anything you want...I would say you would be allowed to save your items, but just like diablo, servers are run by peoples computers that make the servers, and when they quit and come back, everything is restored back to like how it is from the beginning, except maybe you would start at lord Britishes castle instead of the town.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 10:06 am
by RazorBlade
Thats the point Roman, that way its like Diablo. I am not that big Diablo-fan, I wouldnt like it this way(I do not think I would like it multiplayer in any way which can be done in a few lifespans for that matter..;))

The only way I can think of where a U7O would be great, would be a version which would feel like U7, which would play like it more or less and which would be that dynamic that the party could seperate and go on without plotholes or -stoppers. I think it is impossible.:) Every other version would only remind on U7 in a very nostalgic way but not BE U7..

But always it is great idea in the first place and then it seams to be not that great idea or too great an idea..

Why doesnt anybody want to do a mini-U7 which connects BG with SI? (I think a modteam wants to do it alltogether with BG and SI but I give them no chance of ever completing me pessimistic-but it is TOO MUCH WORK). And the best is: You have the right worldmap with all needed characters placed on it and a great engine and good editor(which seems to become great).

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 7:36 pm
by Roman
well, if you are wanting everything open, so people can go on missions, you would have to eliminate the plot during the story, or somehow keep track of where people have gotten, kinda like in diablo where if you are of a certain level, then can you enter something, unless someone creates one of those teleport gates, then you can go in.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Wed May 08, 2002 12:29 pm
by Skutarth
What type of game should this be? A MMORPG AND a U7 where the players are who they want to be, and can join your party...

You should openly do quests, but a party can only be on one at a time.

I think you should come back where you last left off...

BTW, I don't see any grammatical errors in your sentence.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Sun May 12, 2002 3:09 pm
by Roman
yes, but for everyone to leave off where they last did, won't work...if its one server...thats why UO is like the way it is. If you are going to leave off where you last did, you are going to have to have individual servers

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 3:56 am
by Skutarth
How about an easy house deed editor, and you can spawn in your own house.

If it sounds too much like UO, tell me if Rennaisance let's you use a shard manager.
If you can go farther, tell me of a good shard manager, and a good GM tool, too.