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Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 7:39 am
by MAC
Hi Exult-Developer,

how about to insert a switch in the config-file, that let us choose if world will stand still when gumps (e.g. spellbook) are opened or not?

In an older thread we discussed this because of using the spellbook in combat and someone has said something like this:
To open the spellbook to choose a spell, is only the interface for the player to get one of the avatars memorized spells.
Its not the avatar who must use the spellbook to read in it, when he whants to speek a spell.

Ask yourself, how will magic functioning, if the mage must crawl out her spellbook, find the right side, read the spell, look for reagents and then ... ... ... pronounce it?

It will be nice if you will implement it.
(and it will makes me a lot happier ;)

Thanks and greetings

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 7:53 am
by Dominus
but how will you be able to use ANY spell in combat if the world doesn´t stand still?

I choose to look at it this way: Spellbooks are powerfull magical artefacts, so opening one has the instant magic effect of worldstandstill until the magician has chosen the right spell.

Of course there is one issue with Exult at the moment: In the original you could equip your book as weapon, chose a spell beforehand and in comabt you would automatically use the book and the preselected spell against enemies. I would love to see this implemented but I´m sure with time it will be!

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 8:34 am
by Lord Rat
Actually, an improvement to the original game would be to make it so that we could hot-key some of the spells (say 4 or 8) and with a hotkey cast one of them.

Personally, I would have four keys for the following spells:

And four for:
Death Vortex
Fire Field
Mass Curse
Energy Bolt

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 3:09 pm
by Tim
I think the spellbook should freeze the game because...

The Avatar knows these spells... it's just me (the player) who has to flip through the book to find the spell. :)

Hot keys for spells would be nice... configurable would be the nicest. Almost like the toolbelt in U9. Maybe that could go in there as well.

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 7:49 pm
by MV
Of course there is one issue with Exult at the moment: In the original you could equip your book as weapon, chose a spell beforehand and in comabt you would automatically use the book and the preselected spell against enemies. I would love to see this implemented but I´m sure with time it will be!

Damn. Never knew that.

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 12:43 am
by Paulon
Handy trick. There was one liche I found it essential for. Just set up the spellbook and hit him fast before he hit me with a deathbolt.

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 5:55 am
by artaxerxes
I think a trick would be a combinaisons of keys for spells.

Say you hit the 'c' key as in cast. It then freezes the game, and you hit a number between 1 and 8 for the ring and another number between 1 and 8 for the spell. Of course, we could use the 9's and the 0's for shortcuts for most used spells. If an error is made, hit backspace or space and you either re-type the number or exit ths function.


Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2001 4:35 pm
by MAC
A belt like in Ultima 9 will be great, but i think its a lot of coding to make something like this working.

For the first time, for me it will be enough when i can make a choice in the spellbook without haste. It's a workaround for the casting in combat.

If then in the future the development team of Exult can make an improvement like the belt or whatever, that will be nice.


Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 12:41 pm
by wjp
Toolbelt: Colourless and I just discussed the the u9-style belt. It's not unlikely that we will add it sometime in the future. However, since we'll probably go into beta soon, now is not the time to add features of this size.

Key shortcuts for spells: sure, why not. I'll probably add this sometime next week.

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 1:00 pm
by Tim
Configurable shortcuts for spells would be the best I think. I usually only use about 5-6 spells anyway. That's my opinion.

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 2:36 am
by dizrkiez
an idea would be to setup the number keys 1 through 0 or however many shortcut keys u want to use for spells, and add a combo of alt or ctrl to access them.. unless of course ur gonna use the idea for the backpacks of shift or alt or ctrl accessing the different inventories and such for each character. then u'd have to use something else along with the shortcuts.. i say shift and the number for the backpacks, and alt for the shortcut of the spells, unless someone has an easier combo that would be useful. and it wouldnt be too hard for the exult team to manage.

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 5:35 am
by artaxerxes
what is this toolbar everybody is speaking about?

Artaxerxes "I-don't-have-u9"

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 5:44 am
by Dominus
In U9 you find a belt right at the beginning of the game.
that belt has 12 slots in which you can put an item and use it by pressing F1-F12. You can put spells there as well. Made things a lot easier.

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 5:46 am
by artaxerxes

are the F[1-12] keys used at all on Exult? Can't remember....


Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 6:27 am
by nadir
F2 cheat screen
F3 map teleport
F4 toggle fullscreen
F10 show endgame
F11 show si intro

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 7:24 pm
by Vigil
It's a matter of personal preference how you want the keys set up anyway. And I personally think it would be a bloody brilliant idea to have shortcut commands to cast spells available.

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 4:00 pm
by GavinFox
"Of course there is one issue with Exult at the moment: In the original you could equip your book as weapon, chose a spell beforehand and in comabt you would automatically use the book and the preselected spell against enemies. I would love to see this implemented but I´m sure with time it will be!"

YEA!! How can we get this to work? I *soooo* want this to work.. :( :( :( I thought it would be awesome having a spellbook equipped, but it isn't.. :(

Also, why isn't the 'autoequip' feature working? For example, if your main weapon runs out of ammo (be it a glass sword or a bow or whatever) and you enter combat mode, you automatically equip the best thing you can? IE, if you have a bow equipped, you automatically equip a double handed weapon. If you have a glass sword/shield equipped, it goes to your best 1 handed weapon? And i remember it only happened when you enter combat mode... this would be REALLY useful, and, if applied to everyone, would help a LOT of bugs with SI training... any ideas?

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 12:43 am
by wjp
Equiping a spellbook works in the 1.1.x branch

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 3:23 am
by artaxerxes
and without breaking Draygan, I must add!

Thank you wjp! ;-)


Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 6:12 am
by wjp
Jeff implemented it, btw. I just fixed Draygan without breaking spellbook combat :-)

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 1:39 pm
by GavinFox
What about that quite useful autoequip feature? When is that going to be implemented, and what difficulties are there with doing that?

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 9:23 pm
by drcode
Autoequip: Exult's always done this a little, just not very well. I've improved it a bit in the 1.1x branch, but it's still not as good as the original.

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 9:41 am
by Skutarth
Author: Artaxerxes
Date: 11-09-01 06:55


"I think a trick would be a combinations of keys for spells.

Say you hit the 'c' key as in cast. It then freezes the game, and you hit a number between 1 and 8 for the ring and another number between 1 and 8 for the spell. Of course, we could use the 9's and the 0's for shortcuts for most used spells. If an error is made, hit backspace or space and you either re-type the number or exit ths function.


I think this is the coolest idea. Also, when you equip your spellbook it should cast the last spell you used during combat. I think those ideas together would make the coolest spell casting method! A belt would also be cool, but seems like it would be harder to implement.

Re: Does mages in Britannia having Alzheimer's disease?

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 6:21 pm
by Gileathane Dragon
Or even a text input box .. type in the spell syntax correctly ( in lor, uus sanct etc.. ) and cast the spell.
Ctrl B.
though that is a fair step away from the original ... as a feature that is brain needs coffee.. turn offable and turn onnable, it would be cool.
I missed that in all Ultimas post Warriors of Destiny, with the mixing of the spells and so on.

Gileathane Dragon