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Problems opening game in full screen

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:25 pm
by Khisanth

Ok, one slight, but not too serious problem I guess.

I am running the most recent version (I believe), 1.4.01cvs. When I run the game, I can switch to any of the resolutions offered under video options just fine. I can switch to full screen just fine as well. The problem arises if I exit the game in fullscreen.

When I reopen Exult, it resizes my screen accordingly, but the Exult window doesn't come up (I do hear the music though). I end up having to go back into the config file and tell it NO under fullscreen.

Not the end of the world, but I'd prefer to play it full screen in 320x240 than increase up the resolution and 'cheat.'

I though at first this might be an issue with some type of non-supported resolution, but since it will go into it in the game, that seems kind of odd to me.


Re: Problems opening game in full screen

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:11 pm
by octopusfluff
Well, that's an interesting bug.

This also brings up a point that I was wondering about when I got a friend interested in Exult (mostly due to me rambling and ranting about my fun with compiling the Mac version).. There isn't a scale option beyond 'x2'. This seems odd to me; nowadays, the native resolutions of a lot of screens are significantly higher than 640x400, which is where x2 scaling puts the window size. This results in something a little smallish. x3 or even x4 might be needed, depending on how high res the desktop is.

Are the scalers able to do this, and it's just a matter of nobody bothering to push the limit on the scaling, or is there a limitation in the scalers?

Re: Problems opening game in full screen

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 10:01 pm
by Colourless
Higher than 2x is the limitation of the scalers. However the point scalers support manually editing the config and setting the scaling value to 3 or higher.

Re: Problems opening game in full screen

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:15 pm
by Garrett
Super2xSaI and the like can go above 2x, or at least it works like that in VisualBoyAdvance. Maybe you could nick some of their rendering code. :)

Re: Problems opening game in full screen

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:38 pm
by Alun Bestor
It could be that VBA and the like work by scaling up (target scale -1) times using the point scaler, and then going the final step by scaling the result through 2xSAI.