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OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 12:55 am
by Kurt
A few years ago a friend of mine mentioned the possibility of making an Ultima Movie - during the spree of computer game-based-movies such as the dreadful Wing Commander, the dire Street Fighter, the pretty cool Mortal Kombat and it's awful sequel, the kinda-funny Mario Brothers movie, and so on.

Do you think it would work? Obviously it's a real long story so if they followed the game story, it would be spread out across lots of films.
If so... who should play the characters?

Kris Kirstoffersen as Iolo!
Ewan McGregor as Shamino (he should keep his accent too, not do a pseudo english accent ala Phantom Menace)
Tom Cruise as Dupre
Bruce Willis as Geoffrey
Haley Joel-Osment (the only child actor that doesn't make me want to break the TV) as Spark (with some glitter on his butt)


Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 1:46 am
by suraimu
Tom Cruise as Dupre? Last I heard, Dupre was not a Scientologist. :)

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 1:58 am
by Kurt
Yes, but he's poncy lookin'!

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 2:19 am
by Dominus
Tom Cruise as Hook (or some other Fellowship memeber) if at all.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 3:10 am
by Fimbulty, the Viking Chieftain
Dupré - Pierce Brosnan
Lord British - Sean Connery
The Avatar - Rutger Hauer
Nastassia - Neve Campbell
Raven - Liv Tyler ;-P (OK, OK, I swear, that was a joke!)
Nystul - Marlon Brando

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 4:50 am
by lanzz
sean connery? sean connery looks nothing like richard garriot. and i didn't like the "aged lord british" idea in ascension. the perfect image of lord british from the games is in ultima 6, i think. why not richard garriot as lord british? :)

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 4:55 am
by Dominus
why not RG as LB? Well, his voice acting sucks, I want to be spared his full acting :-)

Travolta as Batlin :-)

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 7:13 am
by Hacki Dragon
Why not Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Avatar? :D

See, that's the problem with an Ultima movie: You must not have a fixed appearance of the Avatar. Don't forget that the Avatar could also be black or female.
I'm sure they would end up using a male, blond guy like in U9.
However, a movie showing what happened in Britannia after the Avatar travelled to Serpent Isle could be quite interesting.

Let's just hope nobody will ever make an Ultima Online movie!

oh, btw: Hi everyone :)

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 7:56 am
by Colourless
Hmm, maybe i'd pay to see a movie that captures everything that is Ultima Online. It would be a very violent and amusing film.

-Colourless Dragon

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 8:33 am
by XxVenomxX
Hey Hacki! Happy Birthday! :P Forgot to say so on Horizons.

Yeah, a UO movie would be, umm... interesting. Especially with the new addition coming out. Bleh :-Q

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 8:40 am
by nadir
I want to play the Avatar !

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 9:00 am
by MagicMop
If their was a U7 film, it would likely end up something like Dungeons & Dragons... and that is a though I don't want to ponder for too long...


Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 9:27 am
by Kurt
Tom Green looks like Richard Garriot

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 11:22 am
by Fimbulty, the Viking Chieftain
Garriott absolutely SUCKS as an actor, the intros to Ultima Underworld I and Serpent Isle should've proved that well enough..
I stick with Sean Connery as Lord British

Oh, and of course:
Jim Carrey as Chuckles the Jester

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 9:30 pm
by Kurt
No! Jim Carrey is a terrible actor :P
"I'm funny, because I pull a lot of stupid faces and talk in a funny voice. I can't make jokes but there you go".

Maybe this is just my opinion as an Englishman, and generally the opinion of the British doesn't (or at least shouldn't) count :-D

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 10:58 pm
by Oblivious
"Garriott absolutely SUCKS as an actor, the intros to Ultima Underworld I and Serpent Isle should've proved that well enough.."

Agreed. He sounds like a pastor playing an actor's role on stage. How about Armold Swharzinnegger as Gorn (he has to grow out his hair) That would be hilarious!

I have a PERFECT one for Raven! Britney Spears with a black wig!

But who would do Jaana?

And Julia?

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 12:29 am
by Fimbulty, the Viking Chieftain
No good suggestions for Jaana..
But how 'bout Kate Winslet as Julia?
And Meryl Streep as Gwenno?
And if Jim Carrey is no good as Chuckles, how about "Kramer" (from Seinfeld)?

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 12:39 am
by SB-X
You seriously have to get the cast of 'Star Trek: TNG' to play as the
residents of Serpent's Hold; but maybe my suggestion is too obvious :)

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 4:04 am
by Belyaev Dragon
Why, I think Richard Garriott's voice acting is good. Well, it doesn't at least SUCK as you say IMHO.
Why not make David Watson as Iolo? He is Iolo's real life prototype, a friend of RG, a crossbow maker.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 5:59 am
by Alexei
hah, who want to be Spark the shiny ass??

- or -

Sherry mouse?

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 7:23 am
by artaxerxes
I personally think of the avatar as a mage more than a barbarian, so to me, Arny is out for the avatar.

When I come to think of it, every time I play RPG I always choose the wizard/mage kind of guy... Even when I play nethack I choose the wizard... I find them to be really deadly when they are sufficiently trained... The barbarian are good at a low level but tend to get not as powerful at high level as the wiz would.


Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 8:33 am
by drcode
May I suggest Tom Baker for the "Time Lord"?

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 9:06 am
by Kurt
The timelord could be Patrick Stewart. Because he's mysterious and intelligent.

I vote Nicole Kidman as Jaana. Julia needs to be a tough, slightly butch looking girl. How about Lucy Lawless (The one that plays Xena... right?).
Kate Winslet as Katrina, because she's crap :-D

And as the Guardian - the ULTIMATE bad guy... CHRISTOPHER WALKEN (muwahahahahhahaha)

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 11:59 am
by Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore
The Time Lord should be Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy or Paul McGann.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 12:38 pm
by drcode
Stuart: Don't forget John Pertwee (if he's still alive). I think the Time Lord in the game even looks a bit like him.

Also: Cristopher Walken was in another Origin game, Privateer 2 (nice plot, but a stinker of a space sim).

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 2:52 pm
by suraimu
Oh my God, I could just imagine Walken as the Guardian. That would
be way too messed up.

Avatar... I... I-I am your provider..... your master....

(Walken doesn't really transfer well to text, does he? :P)

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 11:36 pm
by Lord G
I think a series of Ultima would be better,something like Sinbad or Hurcules.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 1:46 am
by Vigil
William Shatner translates a little better.
"Avatar! Know...that, Britannia, has entered. Into a new...age! Of ENLIGHTENMENT!"
Anyone ever hear that cover he did of Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds? Listening to that has got to be the most fun I've ever had while still wearing pants.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 8:06 am
by Kurt
I guess the Guardian would have to just be computer generated and use the original voice (Bill something isnt it? got no manuals handy at the moment). Nobody else could do it justice.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 8:47 am
by suraimu
I could see James Earl Jones pulling it off. (The voice.)

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 9:45 am
by XxVenomxX
I had that same thought suraimu

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 1:44 pm
by Fimbulty the Viking Chieftain
I just _want_ Hugh Grant to be in there but don't quite know what role he would be fitting for...
Maybe Feridwyn? Or Patterson (Britain's Mayor)?

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 10:52 pm
by Kurt
I think the celebrities would have to stick to the major roles. I can't imagine Hugh Grant would want to be a guy that runs a homeless shelter or a guy cheating on his wife and being caught in the act :)

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 10:53 pm
by Kurt
Of course, this is fantasy, but I can't picture a celebrity being a small character :P

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 5:44 am
by Thomas_Decker
Kris Kristoffersen would be the perfect Dupre, if you ask me.
Dupres portrait in SI looks quite like him, though younger.

Who could play Batlin? Big, evil, sophisticated...

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 6:09 am
by Thomas_Decker
Ah, Marlon Brando would be a perfect Batlin.
Rutger Hauer would be suitable for Dupre.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 6:23 am
by alexei
Donald Pleasence (died 1995 .Role of Dr. Sam Loomis in Halloween -movies)

I mean, when you play the Serpent Isle, the Batlin's portrait looks like little a bit him.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 9:47 am
by Stuart
Jon Pertwee died in 1996 (two weeks before the Doctor Who TVM was broadcast in the UK), sadly.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 1:58 pm
by Thomas_Decker
Maximilian Schell as Nystul

BTW, the original voice of the guardian in the U8 intro was a German game magazine correspondent, named Busch, i think.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 5:52 am
by Oblivious
Lucy Lawless sounds perfect for Julia (with a red wig, of course.) I mean, Julia usually ends up resembling Xena whenever I draw her (which is annoying...)

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 7:10 am
by K.I.L.E.R
Wesley Snipes as dupre would be perfect.
Will Smith as Iolo.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 9:32 am
by Kurt
I don't remember having a party of black guys :-D

Hail Iolo, how hast thou been for the past two hundred years?
Yo I be fine muthaf***er, how bowt yo white ass bro?
is something different about you?.. Hast thou had a hair cut?
Man dat s*** is WHACK yknow whut am sayin' y'all? Brother ain't had no god damn hair cut man I got me a new ho, her name Gwenno, mmm mmm that's some fine black ass, baby got back.
Shut up Iolo
Dude you trippin?
Shut up and die, and go to hell.

Maybe have Wesley Snipes doing an interesting Cameo as Thurston, who is as far as I remember the only black guy that has anything interesting to say.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 4:26 am
by K.I.L.E.R
(roling on the floor laughing my ass on the beach headed floor)

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 7:19 am
by crypt

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 8:10 am
by XxVenomxX
I have quite a few black friends, and they talk nothing like that, heh.

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 9:32 am
by Kurt
yes, I have black friends too, I was just trying to picture Will Smith playing Iolo :)

(I hate Will Smith, if you couldn't tell)

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 9:48 am
by XxVenomxX

Re: OT - If there was to be a U7 film, who should be in it?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 11:19 am
by suraimu
The Fresh Prince of Bel Britain is gonna pop a bolt in yo ass.


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 12:53 am
by sprodfish
that kid in the harry potter moveie could play spark
with a computer generated steroidal body though...

Re: .

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 3:20 am
by K.I.L.E.R
(roling on the floor with pay to play)

Or we can get pamela anderson to play a female avatar in the movie.
(i could see how the movie will be most popular among pervs)