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Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:02 am
by Mika76
I was just wondering, has anyone ever looked at running the Super Famicom release of The Savage Empire (Called Ultima: Kyouryuu Teikoku in Japanese) on Exult? It states on Wikipedia that it uses the Ultima VII engine.

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:24 am
by SB-X
It uses the SNES Ultima VII engine. There isn't any way to load the data files into Exult. You'd have to make a new game with Exult Studio, recreate all of the usecode and copy the art from the ROM, to run it in Exult.

I've seen this game (briefly) and it looks almost as bad as the SNES port of U7. Someone can correct me if they played it longer than 10 minutes.

Do you know the poster that went by "JC Shakespeare" by any chance? :P

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:42 am
by Crysta the Elf
ive played it almost to the end

if you consider that it uses the same kind of hits system then yeah, it is DEFINITELY as bad as the SNES U7... and how.. you get killed WAY too easily


in terms of faithfulness to the original we're talking along the same lines of Ultima 4 on NES.. probably a bit more than that even.. once you get past the TERRIBLE hit system the thing is so danged close its scary.. my only real gripe with the game is Seggalion isnt in it this time :(

.. well that and no party members :P

only thing keeping me from finishing is not knowing enough japanese to know i have certain quests done right and such.. lol

oh.. by the way.. the ONLY time I really came across any trouble before this is when I tried to use the turtle bait and couldnt get on the turtle.. apparently (thanks to a friend who could read the text), you have to empty your hands to do it.. sad that I never woulda figured that out :P

if someone were to use the sprites and layouts from the game to make a full Savage Empire remake in Exult the thing would be undeniably impressive

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:23 pm
by nickasdf
actually that is a brilliant Idea to do a remake of it in exult, as all the art would just be ripped from the ROM! and you can get the text from the PC game somehow too

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:29 pm
by Dominus
Do not ask for the ROM here, please.
Remember, ripping art from the ROM, even just copying the graphics from an emulator or so AND then using these graphics for a game is asking for copyright problems. So real talk of such a feat isn't allowed here.

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:19 am
by Crysta the Elf
its no worse than making a full editor for a game that allows you to go through every fibre of it and use everything that already exists to make an entirely new game with graphics sounds characters and scripts that arent your own

or, for that matter, using said editor to help create a mod that combines two games that originally used the same engine

or even doing a remake of a previous game in the series using the art and sound from the game the editor is for

please note that all of those are alright to talk about here, and are no more, or less, legal than what I was talking about before

would you be saying the same things if it had been a full remake using the U7 engine on PCs to start with, and therefore being fully compatible to Exult?

and, btw, no one asked for the rom :P

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:47 am
by Dominus
Crysta, I deleted the question for the ROM.
And you are confusing two different things.
We only provide the engine and not the data files. And all mods are asked to provide only new graphics and not the original one.
Please elaborate how you see similarities to what Exult/Exult Studio does to a discussion of how to dissect an illegal ROM of a game.
would you be saying the same things if it had been a full remake using the U7 engine on PCs to start with, and therefore being fully compatible to Exult?
NO, the whole discusion above would not exist then, huh? but I'd say the same thing if people asked for the game here, just as we handle it when people ask for the U7 games. The Savage Empire ROM can mostly be obtained by illegal means. Not many people can dump the ROM of a Cartridge. Even if you own the cartridge, downloading the ROM is not legal (morally I'd say I don't care, but legality is not often the same as morally right). So detail discussions of how to use the graphics of the ROM is not the best here.

And please note, I said
So real talk of such a feat isn't allowed here.
I meant with that, that discussing how neat it would be to have that and what problems one would have to face bla bla bla would be nice, but when it begins with people asking for the ROM and then the same ones talking about ripping the graphics of the ROM, I had to say a few warning words.

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 5:31 am
by Crysta the Elf
well i gotta say you cleared all that up rather well :D

sorry.. obviously i missed the request :P

anyway okay.. talking about how neat it could be is ok but the rest isnt.. gotcha XD

i wasnt trying to be mean or rude or anything before.. so sorry about that if it ended up sounding that way...

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:16 am
by drcode
We would not want people sharing graphics ripped from a ROM. I suppose if you own the game, then using the graphics just for yourself would be fine.

But why do a remake of Savage Empire? Doesn't it still run okay on Windows machines? I played Martian Dreams less than a year ago. The real problem is that it's nearly impossible to find these anywhere.

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:24 am
by Crysta the Elf
why a remake of Ultima 6?

yet there still is one for Exult :P

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:15 pm
by Mika76
Ultima 6 remake in Exult? Really? Where?

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:57 pm
by nickasdf
ok since my post was misunderstood and deleted I will rephrase and ask again...

There are fan projects out there called dejap which translates rom text. now these projects release patches that translate your rom file. In much the same way that exult uses the data files and you need to own ultima VII these translation projects require you to already have the ROM to the game, and the ROM is not supplied. So you can see that there is nothing more illegal about that than the exult project itself.

Does anyone know if there is a project to translate the jap version of the savage empire rom?

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:17 pm
by Dominus
In much the same way that exult uses the data files and you need to own ultima VII these translation projects require you to already have the ROM to the game, and the ROM is not supplied. So you can see that there is nothing more illegal about that than the exult project itself.
We all know what this means in the world of ROMs...

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:01 pm
by Garrett
No, it's not the same thing.

Except in the case of 5ΒΌ disks you can easily bung your copy of Savage Empire into any current PC, copy the files in a flash, fire up whatever program and play the game in a near-authentic state. You could be up and running within ten minutes. There's no need to even consider downloading a copy, because you can install your own one in a flash.

You can't do this with a console. Now, think about it. You want to play the SFC Savage Empire on the PC. You hunt on eBay for the game, carefully finding a seller with good rep so you don't get ripped off, then track down a copier, laboriously learn how to use it, check your dump with GoodTools to ensure it's functional, redump if it isn't, adjust the header if it's faulty... and only THEN play the game? Or would you just fire up Google and get the ROM the easy way?

All things considered, the number of players actually doing everything legally in order to play Savage Empire under Exult could carpool in a two-seater. As beautiful as it would be, neither the development team nor the players would be able to play legally without a lot of hassle.

I've heard nothing about a direct translation either. You could check The Whirlpool (or whatever it's called now). For me that's less than ideal anyway; it's still using the Black Gate engine, which I loathe with a vengeance.

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 5:58 pm
by Vasculio294

So thats what the in game graphics look like!

Too bad i can't play a game in japanese. :{

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:44 am
by Garrett
Um, you probably shouldn't post links from ROM sites... anyway, here's some inline screenies for lazy people like me:


I must say, visually it's a stunning remake. In some ways I wish they'd brought it back to the PC. I wonder if the script suffered as badly as The Black Gate's did... of course Nintendo of Japan was much more lenient, it was really only stateside that things got watered down.

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:38 pm
by Vasculio294
My bad!

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:46 am
by nickasdf
Anyone know of anywhere I can buy this game cart?

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:57 am
by Dominus
eBay in Japan probably and sometimes on other eBays and auction sites :)

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:22 pm
by Gruck
I`ve located about a dozen copies of Savage Empire SNES during my stay in Japan :) Obviously I`ve only bought one or two though. I once found a store that had a dozen copies of Ultima 3:NES with full box and instructions. Each one was retailing for 300 yen, or about $2.50 US. By the way... where is my "Thank You" on the Pentagram website which I was totally promised for sending you guys a free copy of the Ultima Collection in Japanese?

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:24 pm
by Gruck
Correction: Two free copies.

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 1:39 am
by wjp
You have a permanent spot in the special thanks section on the credits page.

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:57 am
by Gruck
Colour me blind, I totally didn`t notice that. My face is turning some gnarly shade halfway between red and embarassed.

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:15 pm
by Scythifuge
"But why do a remake of Savage Empire? Doesn't it still run okay on Windows machines? I played Martian Dreams less than a year ago. The real problem is that it's nearly impossible to find these anywhere."

I remake (or port, as I like to look at it) with Exult Studio, of any Ultima prior to VII, would be awesome if done right.

Some features that the older ones lack would be:


-Larger sprites and other graphics, enhanced special effects

-Gumps, enhanced inventory support

-Improved sound and music

-Interaction that was unavailable in older Ultimas, improved interaction in Ultima VI based games

-expansion pack support

-weather effects

-portraits for pre-VI games

Other possibilities that I have envisioned are interactive, scripted cutscenes of older Ultima's intros, such as Ultima VI. With multi-map support, someone could recreate the Avatar's house on earth, and have the avatar discover the moonstone after scripted lightning hit the center of the stone circle. Picking up the orb of moons could trigger a red moongate, which would transport the avatar to a stone slab, with gargoles all around. Another moongate appears with Iolo, Shamino, and Dupre running out of it, rescuing the avatar, after Iolo nails the gargoyle priest with his crossbow...

I myself, play all of the Ultimas in their original form all of the time, as well as VII in Exult, Lazarus, enhanced versions like IV-Vga... I can't get enough Ultima!

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:18 pm
by Scythifuge
"I remake (or port, as I like to look at it) with Exult Studio, of any Ultima prior to VII, would be awesome if done right."

Oops, typo. It should read "A remake..." I don't see an option to edit my posts.

Re: Savage Empire on Super Famicom

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:55 am
by nickasdf
damn I've been looking on auction sites over a year for the Famicom game and have never even seen one being auctioned.