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The call for submissions for the "SI Fixes" mod

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:16 pm
by marzo
I mentioned in a recent thread that I was planning a new version of SI Fixes and would start collecting new SI Fixes. So this is the "official" announcement.

If you know of any bugs in SI which are not (a) already fixed by SI Fixes or (b) not in the list below, please post it here. Bugs introduced by SI Fixes also count :-)

Here is the list of fixes suggested in the thread I mentioned above:
Mortegro does not acknowledge that I have the severed hand in my inventory
when I speak to him about it.

The entry for ice wine on the list is not updated even after I speak about
it to Julia in Moonshade.

Erstam still claims the lab apparatus belongs to him, even though Ducio says
that it is Vasculio's and the hand is what was exchanged from Erstam.

After learning from Jendon about the Breastplate of Beauty, I am unable to
speak to Kylista about it.

By the way, have you considered adding the map of Britannia to be exchanged
with the bottle of ice wine? I know the displayed map is hardcoded, but you
could instead have one of the party members commenting that a map of Britannia
will be of little use in Serpent Isle.

Still on the lab apparatus: while Ducio says it belongs to Vasculio, the
list also says it is Erstam's.

The answer to the last dragon's riddle in Silver Seed is wrong. It should be
13, but the game accepts only 14. This is the riddle about grabbing bundles
of cloth with three different patterns while needing to make five identical
dresses. Worst case is 4+4+5=13.

The staircase to Pothos' apothecary conceals a secret door, and beyond that
there is another secret door with a teleporter behind it. This leads to a
baseball-themed secret area which has some goodies, enemies and a nonfunctional
teleporter. I think making this teleport you back outside the apothecary
would be the logical spot, since the teleporters in other secret areas also
return you close to the well-hidden entrance teleporter.

A minor thing, but it would be nice if you could mention the fur cap to
Frigidazzi once you find out it belongs to her.

This last point goes a bit beyond bug fix. In Silver Seed Surok the healer
asks you to bring back the body of Ardiniss, if you happen to find it.

Tsandar also laments on his body being lost. Adding a small sidequest to
recover the body would be nice. I would be content with just a few lines of
additional dialogue and perhaps a couple hundred experience points as a reward.

Would it be possible to prevent Vibrate spell from making magic users drop spells?
Get yourself into prison in Moonshade (either by getting arrested or casting
Telekinesis on the secret door), then cast Fetch on the key on the desk,
unlock the cell door with it and step into the teleporter. An easy fix for
this would be to place the key inside the desk.

You can have the seance with Mortegro at noon. I thought you had to wait until
Midnight for that?

The List Field still at times has problems. When training the NPC's, they
will fight, but if the fight lasts for too long (not enough damage dealt to
one of them), the person they were fighting, will wander off, and the NPC
will continue to chase them, but the other person will not fight back, thus
the event will never end.

In the 2007-10-02 version (with the Serpent Isle Fixes), You can have the
seance with Mortegro at noon. I thought you had to wait until Midnight for

Having the nocturnal encounter with Frigidazzi while Serpent Bond is active
really messes up the game.

Mortegro and Bucia do not acknowledge Rotoluncia's death in their dialogues.
This is especially glaring with Mortegro since he takes over her seat in the

The List Field in Monitor has a couple of issues. First, one of the trainers
may slip out the open door while your party member leaves the arena. After
that the only way to get him/her back there is hack mover.

Second issue comes up if you go training when it's almost 12, 3 or 6 o'clock.
The trainer you picked can leave while the entering animation plays, and then
you're stuck.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:48 pm
by Malignant Manor
Troughs can be emptied by buckets, but not filled back up. (Original SI problem)

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:17 pm
by paulo
Having the nocturnal encounter with Frigidazzi while Serpent Bond is active
really messes up the game.

No! Leave than on! That magnificent perversion cant be lost to younger generations.

Though making the magelord comment would be nice.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:28 pm
by paulo
And Frigidazzi too!

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:47 am
by Quentin
These suggestions are more additions than "fixes."

How about having Tsander or maybe even butthead Wilfred being able to train Dexterity + Combat in addition to training str + combat? I hated the fact that you can't train Dex anymore after the Banes massacre. Having a mage in Moonglow (Fedabiblio perhaps) train int + magic would be nice too.


This last point goes a bit beyond bug fix. In Silver Seed Surok the healer
asks you to bring back the body of Ardiniss, if you happen to find it.

Tsandar also laments on his body being lost. Adding a small sidequest to
recover the body would be nice. I would be content with just a few lines of
additional dialogue and perhaps a couple hundred experience points as a reward.

Great suggestion but I'd saying about 50 xp reward to each party member will suffice, as you already get such a ridiculous motherload of xp from solving Silver Seed.

Mortegro and Bucia do not acknowledge Rotoluncia's death in their dialogues.
This is especially glaring with Mortegro since he takes over her seat in the

Rotoluncia's such a wimp that I can't imagine how she managed to kidnap one of the companions. Beef her up a little so she'd put up a bit more of a fight. Give her a couple of automaton lackeys, too.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:23 pm
by ShadowTiger
Not sure what *kind* of bug this is, but if you modify your characters stats to, say, 255 for STR, DEX, INT, HP, etc, (As high as they go.) and save, then the next time you load, your characters (Save for the avatar.) begin as sprite 0 (A little 8x8 water tile.) and have either -1 or 0 health apiece. Can be reverted with some F2 Cheat menu work, but still rather annoying. I think it also crashed once when I did this with Boyden in the party for the first time.

That's all in 1.4 by the way.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 8:12 pm
by TdI
How about not having everybody die off after the banes are released, adding new dialog to reflect the madness that is going on, gradually restoring order in the cities after the banes are defeated, and...
Well, that should be enough for now. Wouldn't want to ask for too much or anything.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:45 am
by Dominus
As it just came up in another thread, it'd be nice if someone from the party makes a comment on the original spellbook when discovered.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:59 am
by marzo
How about not having everybody die off after the banes are released, adding new dialog to reflect the madness that is going on, gradually restoring order in the cities after the banes are defeated, and...
That goes beyond the scope of SI Fixes: this would be a plot restoration, not a "fix".

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:57 am
by Achile
The captain who travel you to moonshade should give you his key to his room (after being poisonned) instead of Fedabiblio (much more dramatic and the conversation is active when you delete his egg)

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:36 am
by marzo
The captain who travel you to moonshade should give you his key to his room (after being poisonned) instead of Fedabiblio (much more dramatic and the conversation is active when you delete his egg)
Once again, this would be a plot restoration, and thus outside of the purview of SI Fixes.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:52 pm
by Malignant Manor
Normal bells don't work you get an X cursor flash.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:55 pm
by Malignant Manor
Forgot to clarify shape 0x2A3, "desk item" frame 20.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:29 am
by marzo
Normal bells don't work you get an X cursor flash.
That would actually be a bug in how Exult does an intrinsic compared to the original; I made a note of it to fix.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:57 am
by Dominus
hmm, what about the columns in the SS fort that start something else(some test I think) that I don't remember anymore if you click on them. Clicking on them in the fort is really a bad idea :)
(or is that already fixed in main Exult, we talked about this before, just my faulty memory doesn't help :))

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:39 am
by marzo
It is fixed in SI Fixes already (the columns in Death Watch Keep send you to the Test of Purity).

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:16 pm
by Dominus
*oops* :)

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:16 pm
by kurtzyload
The blowgun sound is definitely not right...

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:03 am
by marzo
The blowgun sound is definitely not right...
Not an SI Fix, but possibly a problem with the SFX Exult uses for the blowgun.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 3:56 pm
by Achile
-Some plaque in fawn are unreadable even when I click (it dosen't show)

-The stacking-crate stuff to reach the bell in mountain of freedom aren't working properly

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 4:10 pm
by marzo
-Some plaque in fawn are unreadable even when I click (it dosen't show)

-The stacking-crate stuff to reach the bell in mountain of freedom aren't working properly
Once again, these are likely bugs in Exult, not SI Fixes. Perhaps I should add an introductory description of just what constitute SI Fixes...

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:50 pm
by Quentin
for the last part of Silver Seed, offer a better in-game clue to how to reach that sadistically tough-to-find basement. Perhaps a clue from Elyssia or a book in the library.

Also, a mention by the companions to keep the blackrock serpents and Orphidian sword with you for the last part of the game.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:32 am
by WWWWolf
A random cute wolf-thought!

As everyone knows, Windrunner doesn't speak, and as such, you can never ask him what his name is. He always shows up as a "timber wolf".

Would it be too hard to make Windrunner's name show up once you talk to Morghrim about him? I guess the Avatar can easily identify the wolf based on the description. I mean, there's not a whole lot of wolves running *in* Morghrim's cottage =)

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:15 am
by marzo
Would it be too hard to make Windrunner's name show up once you talk to Morghrim about him?
It would be quite easy, yes, and quite in the spirit. I've added it to the list

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:13 pm
by Bobbers
"Also, a mention by the companions to keep the blackrock serpents and Orphidian sword with you for the last part of the game."

I think it should be obvious enough that you're supposed to keep the blackrock serpents, since a good portion of the game is you finding them? The first one you get without cheating (not counting the one you lose in the teleport storm) is Batlin's chaos serpent, and you directly witness what it does. How many people are going to drop it and then forget where it is? In fact, Lord British's letter at the beginning of the game *does* tell you to keep the one you have, and that it will "become useful shortly" or something to that effect.

I don't recall how much clue is given in the game about needing the Ophidian sword.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:07 am
by Achile Dragon
Iolo have always two lutes after the storm in fawn.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:48 pm
by quentin not logged
yes you're right about the blackrock serpents being obvious. But the Orphie sword not so much. You're supposed to kill the statue of the Great Earth Serpent with it in the very end. So I guess nevermind about the blackrock serpents but a reminder about the Orphidian sword.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:40 pm
by marzo
Iolo have always two lutes after the storm in fawn.
In SI Fixes, one of them (the one that appears) is already an ordinary lute.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:08 am
by mikemayday
-It took Ruggs three reloads (he got stuck two times) and then half a minute to approach me when I enter Fawn for the first time. In the original, he runs up to me immediately.

-After the defeat of the goblins in the pikemen tower, they still get respawned in the middle of it every time I exit the basement or approach the tower again. This doesn't happen in the original.

-When I talk to Marsten, Dupre and two Pikemen are spawned right in the chamber. In the original, they came from the entrance.

-I stole weapons and armour from the store in Monitor- the guarding pikeman attacked me, but thanks to the new equipment I killed him... and that was the end of the problem. In the original, additional guards were summoned, they tried to arrest me and chased me all over the town.

Exult 1.2.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:17 am
by mikemayday
Also, the pikemen escort when entering Monitor should carry halberds. They don't.

When I first went to meet Marsten, all the four guys were standing under the wall in a row. In the original, they wandered around the urn.

Man, the first time I played SI it was with exult, now that I decided to check how it works originally, I might gonna replay it in Dosbox :P

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:19 am
by Dominus
Mike, thanks for the bug reports but this thread is not about Bugs in Exult that need to be fixed but bugs or inconsistencies or whatever that needs to be fixed in SI in generally.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:54 am
by mikemayday
Oh dang. Sorry about that.
I'll look for the SI bugs then ;)

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:16 am
by Thomas Decker

How about having Tsander or maybe even butthead Wilfred being able to train Dexterity + Combat in addition to training str + combat? I hated the fact that you can't train Dex anymore after the Banes massacre. Having a mage in Moonglow (Fedabiblio perhaps) train int + magic would be nice too.

It always bothered me that after you restored Cantra to lucidity, you could never talk to her afterwards. I suggest that she lets you train Dexterity afterwards, as. After all, she seems to be a swift little cat, dodging Batlin left and right...

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:00 am
by WWWWolf
One annoying thing that came in my mind:

If you use flux analyser on the Black Sword or maybe the other way around, you get a mysterious sound effect... okay, a better way to state the problem: flux analyser + sword = weirdness, no matter if you do it *right* or *wrong*. I can never remember what effect I'm supposed to see when the sword is properly fixed, and if I spend 10 minutes hacking at the Banes, the thought slowly creeps in my mind that *maybe* I didn't fix the sword properly after all. =)

Possible ways to fix this:

1) Avatar could comment "This doesn't seem to work" etc, etc if you use the items in wrong order.
2) Make both ways work (i.e., BOTH using analyser on sword AND using sword on analyser could have the exact same effect)

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:53 am
by Achiledragon
It should have a conversation about Cantra Madness because, it's not evident to know which water to use on her. And, if we can take her back to Monitor and change Harna conversation.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:42 pm
by whatever
Some of these - key, location of the return of the teleport, Erstam and the lab apparatus (this seems like a incomplete subquest), are not bugs per se but developers choices. Removing these is akin to making the game more linear, its nice that sometimes characters disagree, if there is a logical reason, its nice to figure out shortcuts. Think at a higher level

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:53 pm
by marzo
1) Avatar could comment "This doesn't seem to work" etc, etc if you use the items in wrong order.
2) Make both ways work (i.e., BOTH using analyser on sword AND using sword on analyser could have the exact same effect)
It should have a conversation about Cantra Madness because, it's not evident to know which water to use on her. And, if we can take her back to Monitor and change Harna conversation.
Both noted.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:00 pm
by Paulon
TdI suggested this in the "[mod idea] More generous Lord British?" thread.

Remove the ability to use the ritual blooding device on undead.

My own thoughts are that it might be a better idea to disallow the use of that kind of thing (poison & sleep potions for example) on non-party members while there is a gump open, and treat it as an attack to see if it succeeds in combat.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:26 pm
by marzo
As far as the blood-letting device goes, I'd guess that it would be reasonable to require that it can be used only on the person holding it (or someone paralyzed or asleep) -- it is a *ritual* blood-letting device, after all. The idea of requiring it to be an attack while in combat is feasible too.

While writing this post, an image suddenly flashed on my mind: the avatar pointing to a dragon screaming "Hold him down!", while the other party members try to grapple and pin the dragon so that the avatar can force feed a sleeping potion. That would actually be doable :-)

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:28 pm
by Paulon
My vision was of the Avatar running in close, and timing a throw of a sleeping potion to try to get it down while the dragon has it's mouth open to breath fire. Who's gonna be first?

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:47 pm
by Malignant Manor
The basin (shape 714) places the bucket inside a wall in the Banes Release room. It needs to be at least two spaces lower. (Original SI bug)

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:44 am
by Malignant Manor
The SI Fixes creates a bug with the bucket when dumping onto the ground. You have the target come up twice. I not sure if anything else is affected though. Having UI_click_on_item() in DumpBucket 0x88A () and then referring to the original function is causing it.

Basin (shape 322) doesn't even work (original SI bug).

No code is written for it. Func0889 0x889 (var object) is the bucket filling function.

The problem with the first basin (714) is in the line I commented out below and replaced in this function. I haven't tested all locations with this shape but I don't think it would be put in an inaccessible location in other instances than what it is meant to fix.

Code: Select all

Func019C 0x19C (var var0000) // gets called by shape 714
some code		
		//var0002[0x0002] = (var0002[0x0002] - 0x0003);
                var0002[0x0002] = (var0002[0x0002] - 1);
more code

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:42 am
by djolk
The town guards, pikemen etc, get kinda piled up in little knots telling each other to "stand aside!" Maybe that's an exult thing though.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:55 am
by marzo
Having UI_click_on_item() in DumpBucket 0x88A () and then referring to the original function is causing it.
Hm. The problem is that set_intercept_item does not intercept a tile click.
Basin (shape 322) doesn't even work (original SI bug).
How so?

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:34 am
by Malignant Manor
Shape 322 doesn't fill up the bucket even though the identical (except for rotation) shape 744 does. Func0889 0x889 (var object) (fill bucket) doesn't include that shape number nor does any other function.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:52 pm
by Malignant Manor
There is a funny side effect to "fixing" the location of where the bucket is created.


Here is the "fix" of the other basin that didn't work before.


Both are using the fountain head as the target for the bucket. I guess I should script the Avatar to face a different direction.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:57 am
by Malignant Manor
Here's a patched bucket_cure.uc that adds the ability to empty troughs.

Code: Select all

used for pathfinding, function calling, and item forwarding (whatever you want to call it)
var0006 is usually target (likely the location to pathfind to)
the called function recognizes  object as "item"
var0006, var0005, and var0004 are arrays. I'm not sure if var0003 can accept an array
function is called with event Event
extern Func090D 0x90D (var var0006, var var0005, var var0004, var var0003, var function, var object, var Event);

DumpBucket 0x88A ()
	var target = UI_click_on_item();
        var unk1;
        var unk2;
        var unk3;
        var trough = 741;
        var trough2 = 719;
        var shape = UI_get_item_shape(target);
        var bucketframe = get_item_frame();
        if (!target)

	UI_printf(["The shape clicked on is %s", UI_get_item_shape(target)]);

	var npcnum = target[1]->get_npc_number(); // It's item, position.
	var bucket_quality = get_item_quality();
	var handled = false;

	if (bucketframe == 1)
		if ((npcnum == CANTRA) &&  (bucket_quality == QUALITY_LOGIC))
			// Without UI_set_path_failure, Cantra's would be stuck in waiting
			// mode if the player moved the Avatar before reaching Cantra:
			if (UI_path_run_usecode([target[2], target[3], target[4]], CureCantra, item, PATH_SUCCESS))
				UI_set_path_failure(CureCantra, item, PATH_FAILURE);
		else if (((npcnum == DUPRE) && (bucket_quality == QUALITY_DISCIPLINE)) ||
		    ((npcnum == SHAMINO) && (bucket_quality == QUALITY_ETHICALITY)) ||
		    ((npcnum == IOLO) && (bucket_quality == QUALITY_LOGIC)))

			if (UI_path_run_usecode([target[2], target[3], target[4]], CureCompanion, item, PATH_SUCCESS))
				UI_set_path_failure(CureCompanion, item, PATH_FAILURE);
	        if (shape == trough || shape == trough2)
                        if (shape == trough)
                                unk1 = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, -2, -3, - 4, - 4, -3, -2, 1];
                                unk2 = [1, 0, 1, -2, -2, -2, -2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1];
                                unk3 = 1;
                                unk1 = [1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, -2, -2, -2, -2, 1];
                                unk2 = [0, 1, 1, -2, -3, - 4, -5, -3, -2, 1, 0, 1];
                                unk3 = 1;
                        Func090D(target, unk1, unk2, unk3, shape, item, 10);
	// Let orig. function handle it.

The original coder/s did most of the work but they had it abort in DumpBucket and Func090D was called with target instead of bucket (item) so I have no idea why they didn't finish just add a variable to that parameter considering the trough usecodes had the filling code finished already.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:54 am
by Malignant Manor
var shape is really

UI_get_item_shape(target[1]); (not that it really matters [got to stop posting when tired])

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:24 am
by marzo
The problem is that set_intercept_item does not intercept a tile click.
Next snapshot fixes this.

Re: The call for SI Fixes

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:14 pm
by Malignant Manor
Some npcs with the tournament flag don't give xp when logically they should.

The usecode for the npc or shape kills it and says not to award xp. This probably happens with more npcs (or all killed that have the tournament flag). The code below is untested.

Code: Select all

// Wolf totem allows xp on death patch
void Wolf shape#(0x219) ()
	if (event == DEATH) {
		UI_clear_item_flag(item, SI_TOURNAMENT);
		UI_reduce_health(item, 55, 1);

// Shmed allows xp on death patch
extern void delayedBark 0x97F (var npc, var bark, var delay);

void Shmed object#(0x44B)()
	if (event == DEATH && UI_get_item_flag(SCHMED, SI_TOURNAMENT) {
		if (!gflags[0xC5]) {
			SCHMED.say("\"But I don't understand. How didst thou survive the Knight's Test? We fixed the place with traps to be absolutely fatal!\"");
			SCHMED.say("\"I did not want to do it. She seduced me into trying to kill thee! Yet even now, I cannot betray her...\"");
			UI_clear_item_flag(SCHMED, SI_TOURNAMENT);
			delayedBark(SCHMED, "@My love!@", 1);
			delayedBark(AVATAR, "@Die with dishonor!@", 5);
			UI_reduce_health(SCHMED, 55, 1);
			abort; // unneeded?