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Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:15 pm
by Knight Captain
Here's some of the huge number of bugs in the SI Usecode or graphics.

The SPRITE_TELEPORT_HERE and SPRITE_TELEPORT_AWAY animations are missing parts of the left side on multiple frames. This is true in BG as well.

Rudyom's Wand paperdoll art is clipped at the bottom, as are other pieces of artwork.

The SI landing area / opening scene could be re-done to work with higher resolutions, but at the cost of more Usecode.

The Companions do not arrive with armour. Add some new artwork.

The exchanged items do not fully match up with the Companions' new gear. Iolo makes no mention of his missing torches, nor new pumpkin. The bottle of wine is unexplained and does not match up with a specific item in the release (it was with a map in the Beta).

After Karnax is defeated, the some larger fires stay permanently. Shamino references them. They should be temporary so they disappear later.

The changes to the Starting Hints egg should be integrated into the original code.

Flicken could come to the gate and face West to talk to the Avatar. He acts like a BG NPC. If his schedule is PATROL he should find the gate and face it.

Nitpick - Flicken doesn't find it odd you're coming from the West.

Flicken has some conversation options unique to his first meeting. Perhaps add these to the main conversation tree.

The two Pikeman escorts bark "Pay the tarriff" but there's no other mention of the tarriff in the release. Maybe they could use another NPC ID to prod the player north?

After Cantra is cured, she will want to know about the Knight's Test.

Dupre can come from the South instead of the North after talking to Marsten. He should always come from the North.

Dupre should mention his missing armour if it is added to the game.

Shmed sits in his hut all day. She should have some LOITER or even an archery target to use. Where did he sleep with Selina?

Add the Fishnet Stockings sub-plot back in. Give Shmed a bag for the stockings, scroll, and key. Reading the scroll should set the appropriate gflag.

Selina's backstory is unexplained. She is described as worse than Rotolunica and Frigidazzi together by Flindo, yet Ensorcio makes no metion of her as a mage. Others describe her as servant-like. Does she have bipolar disorder or BPD?

Pikemen on gate duty should also come to the gate to talk.

Why is it possible to ask Krayg about ruins before knowing he likes to go for walks?

Cellia can say the cloak is ready if the slain wolf option is not clicked first. Need to test this.

Lucilla could make a heavy-handed comment about the wolf meat, if only for DEBUG_MODE fun.

Cellia says sometimes Luther brings leopard pelts, but none are seen in-game. This is in contrast to her specifically mentioning snow leopards shortly after.

Should Pibb's body be used for some sort of plot point?

Andral suggests asking Wilfred about Batlin, but it is not clear if this sets a flag.
Andral could take payment for a commissioning of a statue of the Avatar.

The constant comments from Shamino every time the tattoo poison returns get old. They shouldn't happen each time, and other party members should also speak up.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 9:02 pm
by Knight Captain
When first entering Fawn, Ruggs teleports too close for modern resolutions. He should be further south.

Shamino could react to hearing about the King of White Dragon when Olon mentions it.

Kylista, Standarr, and others should react to you wearing the missing breast plate.

Kylista does not handle the gflag for the armour correctly. She should also react more strongly to get getting the breast plate back, and call the guards.

The only part of the Fawn healer's body that was found was the head. But if that is the case, who was the body found NW of the Mint?

Jorvin says that Delphynia goes to the Healer's Hall but she is never seen there.

Jorvin sent for a new healer from the other two towns, but neither sent one.

Jorvin also mentions that Alyssand makes Fishnet Stockings. This may not set a gflag though.

Delphynia cannot cure the tattoo poison but will mention Harnna and the Varo leaves without you meeting Harnna or mentioning the leaves to Delphynia. She should not know what to do since she's not a "real" healer yet.

The Fawn Gate guard should not approach on exiting. Maybe check for the Avatar's facing direction via frame number?

Iolo does not mention the pumpkin when rescued, or ever.

Iolo's cell in the Beta has a bucket of beer, but this is changed to water for the release.

The Fawn Goblins need in-hand offsets so their weapons can be seen. A color conversion to brass to match the antique armour would look nice as well.

Why do the Fawn Goblins not have the the armour or swamp boots until their death? They do not sleep either.

What happened to the armour and weapons of the ambushed pikemen? We do not see chain mail or halberds typically.

Unused Housing
In Monitor, there are 6 unused. 3 along the crop field, 2 by the Crematorium (one has Johnson's book), and 1 between Spektor and Marsten (presumably for a Leopard).
No one appears to sleep in Sleeping Bull's main building but Devra herself.
There are 2 in the SW of Fawn, perhaps for missing sailors.
And there are two unused officer rooms in the main building in Fawn.

Kylista does not sleep in her bedroom but in a locked room inside the East of the Temple. But she refers to the magic armour being in her bedchamber. May need a schedule change.

Guard eggs do not seem to stop or slow at night. They should use a time check and then die roll so some are on patrol.

Stealing is totally broken and disabled in the Usecode. If enabled, it may require checking all movable items on the map.

There's only one magic armour in the plot, outside of the Dream Realm and Cheat Areas. Pothos could sell them post-Anarchy.

Gobl21 is trapped byhind the movable wall in Fawn Tower. He should be outside it if he cannot open it.

Fawn Tower's cleanup should be integrated into the code and include the basement.

The Monitor Banquet Egg should be changed so to not delete another egg.

The Monitor Banquet should include taking the weapons out-of-hand so they do not swing them when pointing at others.

Krayg does not face the confrontation between Shazzana and Luther, but just stops. Run or watch.

The Cantra vs. Batlin cutscene is in a different area of the map. It does not have enough space for modern resolutions, and has the wrong bed color (blue instead of red).

Cantra does not use the most effective spells against Batlin, such as Dragon Breath. This seems to be different from the original, which chose the most damaging weapon (spell) rather than the first she is given (poison, I think).

The brown bottle clue can be consumed without setting the flag to continue the game. Should drinking it do something via a Quality number, or be prevented since it is a clue (and likely empty)?

After the Monitor Banquet, Lucilla did not return to her normal schedule because she was in the kitchen at the time.

Goblin Simon uses a shape without the offsets, so his morningstar does not appear. Should he only change the visible parts (his head/face) rather than clothes as well?

The key in the crate in the Goblin King's house does not have a known purpose. This may add up with the scroll from him to Marsten that is not placed in the game world.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 9:18 pm
by Knight Captain
Cave entrances and exits have an egg that turns on/off the light from outside. Do all caves have this? 0x744

Johnson's heart attack egg does not seem to trigger if he is in the party via F2. Also, it shouldn't be mixed in with the Dream Realm code.

If the smaller evidence scroll is not brought back (and unread?), after Marsten is arrested alone Spektor cannot be arrested nor confronted.

Devra's conversation does not fully change when her slippers are returned. She still says she misses them.

Selina says Devra does not like her, but you cannot ask Devra about Selina.

After arriving in Moonshade, Hawk's TEND_SHOP is by the SW dock, which is right by the big tree with the battling harpies.

Fedabiblio's first conversation about the spellbook is not the first logically. He seems to act like he's already given you the quest.

Flindo says something about asking Fedabiblio about something, but no options are added.

Rotoluncia has a magic wand in-hand at the MageLord's banquet.

Pothos, like Ruggs, appears too close when he is teleported. He should be further south to match higher resolutions.

The post-Banquet party is readdded as Iolo, Shamino, Dupre. Re-add them in U6 order.

"Cute bird" is said way too often post-voyage.

In Furnace, Shamino repeats his comments about sleeping gargoyles for each egg. He should say it once and then rarely.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 9:27 pm
by Knight Captain
The halberd paperdoll is off by a pixel or two, as are some others.

The turtle ride shows how close Moonshade and Monk Isle are, as well as the Phoenix's Island. This does not work well at high resolution.

Erstam may have a single spelling mistake in his code, at the end of his conversation tree.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:54 pm
by Dominus
That's quite a list...

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:18 pm
by Knight Captain

There's at least one tiling error in the Monk Isle swamp, near the lower-center.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:59 am
by Gotcha!
I read a lot of continuity/plot hole issues; I wouldn't call those bugs. Maybe separate them from the actual bugs?
Issues with greater resolutions, I feel that's something players would just have to accept. It's an old game, I imagine it'd be a lot of work recreating parts of the world to hide these artefacts. :)

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:20 am
by Knight Captain
True, they're not Exult engine bugs. Eventually they'll end up in a bug tracker for my project, but for now, feel free to add any plot or similar bugs. I'll comb the older SIfixes threads for more later.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:09 pm
by Knight Captain
It appears it is possible to ask Melino, Columna, Torrissio, about the Moonsilk Stockings without any investigation pointing to them. But it does not appear Filbercio can be asked about them, as was mentioned elsewhere.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:43 pm
by Knight Captain
Frigidazzi does not need to wait until midnight to be roused, just getting her into the bedroom is enough.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:45 pm
by Knight Captain
The Words of Power for the spell of nudity appear over the Avatar, not Frigidazzi.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:31 am
by Knight Captain
SHAPE_OLD_MAN 581 is missing in-hand off-sets, so he does not appear to swing a weapon.

NotABug - SHAPE_CANTRA is "Evil" in the Beta.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:19 am
by WJH
I'm doing a play through for the first time in a year or so. The improvements to the NPCs doing desk work, waiter jobs, and the like are great! Combat too is fantastic. It's wonderful to play my favorite game in an even better form than the original. :)

There are a few things I've noticed going through.

Some of the information NPCs respond to your strange items as if they were not in your inventory, even when they are. It only happened a few times, and I should have kept a list. I'll mark down who/what in the future.

Pathfinding sometimes seems weird and erratic in combat. I notice it especially when there is lots of rubbish on the floor, such as in the goblin camp. Companions sometimes go after offscreen enemies who are not yet a threat, leaving behind the enemies I'd like to be fighting.

I might just not be remembering the original right, but it seems not to get fully dark. There is a difference between day/night in color and tone, but never so much that I've ever wanted a torch. I seem to remember night and caves as being very dark without a light source.

When using the F feed command, did I consume the bottle of ice wine?

After requesting a vision from Draxta, she never leaves the Place of Visions after that, even when the bells toll and the other monks move on.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:02 am
by Dominus
Please do not use this thread for random bugs of the original :)

1. strange items list: the original is very buggy in regard to this. It's already fixed up much better in the SI Fixes mod.

2. combat... *sigh*.... :)

3. Depends on what you carry (some light source perhaps?) and if there is another light source around. But it should get completely dark

4. yes, that might happen. Another original bug :(

5. You might need to leave monk island properly through a serpent gate and return properly through one. Or her schedule never resets, which is likely yet another original bug (which may fit this thread after all :))

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:14 am
by Knight Captain
Ha, I want all the Usecode bugs here.

1. Items in Conversation - Yes, this is an issue in NPC conversation code that is not addressed in SIfixes. Topo checks for the brush frame one lower than the Goblin brush. Jendon checks for FRAME_ANY on the bear skull, and will respond the same to the mysterious cat skull.

3. Lights inside caves - Known issue with a number of areas, Furnace and some of Delin's basement might be examples. I am seeing the non-night issue on an old build I test with.

4. The ice wine could be changed to another new shape, and thus be undrinkable. This would require a good bit of code work. The same may also be needed for Simon's bottle. Sadly, there isn't a function that does the check; rather it is built-into the NPC code.

5. I've seen this as well, it would again be in the NPC Usecode.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:52 am
by Knight Captain
After Ale is turned back into Edrin, Kane stays at Gustacio's table unless he's talked to.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:28 am
by Knight Captain
Tons of paperdoll size clipping:
Most two-handed weapons appear one pixel up from what is expected. Not clear if this is an Exult bug.
53 - The handle end does not consistently glow.
67 - Magebane on belt does not have a curve.
68 - Magic arrows - Top of arrowhead glow is missing. Doesn't match shape anyway.
70 - Gauntlets are also too wide in Frame 2, with one pixel being over the belt bag.
108 - Two-handed sword is missing the top of Frame 1.
120 - Rings have a vertical band on Frame 4 over the belt bag.
134 - Rudyom's Wand is clipped below on Frame 1.
152 - Both stockings are missing parts of the toe.
167 - Same as 70, Frame 2 is wide with extra pixels.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 1:26 am
by Knight Captain
Krayg does not update his conversation after the real traitors are uncovered.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:11 am
by Knight Captain
Frigidazzi's Goblin Messenger won't return to normal business if she is in the room during the sex scene. Since she can't be talked to, she's stuck.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 9:37 pm
by Knight Captain
Talking to Jendon is required for Kalen to attack.

When Kalen attacks, he only fires a shot before fleeing. He should not flee. Or better, fire from someplace up high so he is not easily dispatched.

Kalen also has no armour on.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 9:51 pm
by Knight Captain
Jendon is interested in the bear skull, but once you know what it is you cannot give it to him. 994, 1781, 3 might be a good spot to hang it.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 9:59 pm
by Knight Captain
Fawn Trial - Ruggs and Olon disappear before walking away at modern resolutions.

Kylista's arms-in-the-air frame shows the translucent pixels. These could be fixed.

The Party (and Defendant?) appear in court with weapons in hand. They should put them away before entering.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 10:02 pm
by Knight Captain
The Companion in the Temple Jail cannot be spoke to. I seem to remember he would say something about the conditions.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 10:08 pm
by Knight Captain
It is possible to leave Fawn after the first half of the trial, but before talking to Alyssand. This may be a way to get to her at the Fellowship Camp?

It is also possible to leave Fawn via the Jawbone, but the entry guard will allow you back in without questioning how you got out.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 8:32 pm
by Knight Captain
Jorvin and Alyssand also appear too close at the end of the Fawn Trial.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 8:33 pm
by Knight Captain
The Party also all stands there waiting at the end of the trial, rather than return to following.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 8:35 pm
by Knight Captain
Auto Messenger (Rotoluncia's automaton) also seems to forget he is a ZOMBIE and thus must be about his duties. So the flag is probably getting cleared.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:06 pm
by Knight Captain
The Exult engine bug for defeated enemy inventory causes magic gremlins to only have Black Pearls as loot. Need to check if the original had them with other reagents, like Serpent Scales.

Should Wildmen have Serpent Scales on them?

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:07 pm
by Knight Captain
Beatrix appears and disappears more suddenly than she should. She barely gets to Shamino before so goes away.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:31 pm
by Knight Captain
The sprite for Shamino's Map lists "(MAP 1)" on the top of it, but no other maps exist from Shamino.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:44 pm
by Knight Captain
I was able to get to Batlin in Shamino's castle without first killing DBeyer. He killed me with Swordstrike, and when I went back Batlin was gone, but DBeyer is there and invincible.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:52 pm
by Knight Captain
The Hound appears far away from the Avatar but does not walk up to begin conversation. This means the track and trick abilities aren't really seen.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 1:02 pm
by WJH
I only recall black pearls being on gremlins, and wild men never dropping anything at all.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:50 pm
by Gotcha!
I remember the same thing as WJH.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 4:14 am
by Knight Captain
I think you're right, only black pearls. The scales on the wildmen is just an idea, since there's no source of them other than already existing scales.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:29 am
by Paulon
Nagas would be a logical source for Serpent Scales. Are there any which are random, rather than placed encounters like the Naga Temple building and tunnel entrance? It's been so long since I played that I can't remember offhandedly.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 2:29 pm
by Gotcha!
Yeah, if you're going to give enemies serpent scale drops, then definitely use nagas or even regular snakes. In my opinion it wouldn't make sense for wildmen to drop them.

@Paulon: I don't think any enemy is random, since they all pop out of pre-placed spawners. I can't recall an instance where a monster spawning location had a different monster spawning when visiting that location later.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 1:36 am
by Knight Captain
Wildmen are snake-men, created by Chaos to counter the Automatons.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 2:05 pm
by Gotcha!
Well I'll be. I never knew they were part snake, even though I knew they were created by Chaos. A fusion of Adder and Man I read.

I've said nothing then, please carry on!

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:07 pm
by Knight Captain
Skullcrusher's automaton guards don't do anything. This was fixed in SIfixes.

The Gwani in Skullcrusher do not lay in the correct spots relative to the stone beds, but mostly off of them. Not clear where this bug is technically.

In the southwest corner of Vasculio's jail room, the corpse appears to be on top of the burning urn. This appears to be due to the burning urn's Z-axis being only 2, but a height of 5 would better match the animation.

The skeleton in the Beta was either Brendann or Lucilla depending on if the Avatar slept with them. Could this be added back?

Why is the Gwani Horn the only item in Vasculio's treasures to be "locked" via an energy field? For such a large room there is little treasure.

The necklace stolen from Frigidazzi is not unique, and the spectral orb and living toupee do not have any special uses.

The sprite for opening Vasculio's coffin does not appear correctly in Exult, but is about a tile east. It should line up perfectly.

In Fawn, the well in Delin's shop basement is too close to the west wall to be used.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:12 pm
by Knight Captain
Vasculio's conversation comes up before the sprite finishes. This might be due to the way ticks are handled, and is an open bug.

None of the names mentioned to Vasculio allows conversation options with them about him.

Gwani_02 outside of Vasculio's coffin room is too close when Vasculio is encountered, causing the party to let Vasculio live and run towards the southeast wall. Gwani_02 should be moved further away.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:17 pm
by Knight Captain
Gwani_02 can also walk up the debris pile and use a blowgun to hit the party. The Avatar can also walk up on this and walk on top of the snowy mountains. (This is somewhat useful for seeing where there is invisible roof.)

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:20 pm
by Knight Captain
The party has no reaction to coming across Rudyom's Wand, and even using it does not update the equipment list. Even before it becomes useless, it cannot be used on the blackrock serpent.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:29 pm
by Knight Captain
Ale appears by the unopenable doors in Skullcrusher. He should be at the house of the dead.

Wildmen and Skeletons cannot open doors due to low intelligence.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:37 pm
by Knight Captain
In the Temple of Emotion, the face in the wall does not bark at you to come approach.

The vision in the Moon's Eye shows Batlin's face with the Fellowship Medallion he left behind in Shamino's Castle. It should use the frame without it.

Captain Stokes should not be Evil until the door to his tower is opened. Otherwise the party will try to enter before you have the key.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:39 pm
by Knight Captain
Deadeye mentions during the vision another reason why he wants to kill the Avatar, but what is it? Was he Hook's friend?

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:28 am
by Dominus
Can you file a bug report about Vasculios coffin? It may need a hardcoded patch.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:57 am
by Knight Captain
Trappers do not have any items or weapons, as they use Equipment Record 0. They should carry a dagger, whip, shears, and fur items to keep warm. Fitch has some of these items.

The cold regions have plenty of fur cloaks, but few fur hats or boots.

Brunt and other henchmen appear too close to the Avatar for modern resolutions.

It appears it is possible to turn back after slaying Selina, get the Gwani Horn, and free Gwenno from the ice.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:58 am
by Knight Captain
Missing attacks:
Sea Serpents only spit slime by default instead of fire.
Ice Dragons only spit telekinesis instead of fire.
Goblins never have leather armour.
Green Dragons do not have weapons.
Probably more I'm forgetting.

Re: Big Bug List

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:12 am
by Paulon
@Gotcha: I was thinking of placed, numbered NPCs, as opposed to spawned. When I got SI working again, I checked up and found the nagas I was thinking of were in the latter category.

Serpent Scales wouldn't come off normal snakes - the manual mentions that scales from ordinary snakes didn't work as reagents for the Moonshade mages. They thought it was because they needed some sort of preparation method that had vanished with the Ophidians to work in spells.

If the Mages were wrong and just hadn't found what creature the reagent type scales from the ruins originally came from, naga or wildmen as a source for them would fit the facts given in the manual and game too.