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SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:55 pm
by Knight Captain
Updated 2016-07-15

As I’ve been learning Usecode C a bit, I’ve been tinkering with smaller changes that would fit into SIfixes. As mentioned in other threads, the mod isn’t intended for plot restorations, but to fix things that were included but broken, or would otherwise enable code that is not triggered in the game.

The first step is to check what remains unfixed, and then check what would be worth fixing vs. the amount of work/code required. Due to the way Usecode works, sometimes seemingly-small items would be significant work to implement. For example, unless there is an existing check for a flag in an NPC’s conversation, you can’t simply add a new option to the existing code.

The prior threads for suggestions are the call for submissions and the prior SIfixes recompile. I quoted ideas below from the newer thread.

// Pending Testing or Approval //

Gwani Cloak Check – Malignant Manor created a fix that would allow at least one of the Gwani (or more?) to gaze upon you with hate if you are wearing or carrying the pelt of their race. If it works it might be nice to expand it to all of the talking Gwani.

Strange Objects – The Equipment Scroll is re-ordered to reflect the order the companions join the party. So the items are now in the order of the Avatar, Shamino, Dupre, and Iolo. The spacing is also changed so the authors listed don’t push the text down.

Conversations – Delin can be asked about Batlin if you asked Jendon about daemon artifacts. It’s humorous and also adds conversation about the Pikemen.

Conversations – Edrin’s responses about his dreams change after the dream crystal is destroyed. It contributes to the game’s somber mood.

Curing Neyobi – Once she is cured and woken up, she will follow a new schedule, since there wasn’t one set in the original game. Her conversation does not change but has been re-implemented.

Conversations - Marsten can be accused once you read the scroll signed by him as Lord of Monitor, as found in the Goblin King's treasure room.

Pomdirgun’s Death – If the Goblin King is dead when you read Marsten's scroll in the treasure room, flag 204 (0xCC) will be set to indicate the Goblin King is dead. Once set, it changes or adds conversation with Harnna, Shazzana, Standarr, Templar, Brendann, Caladin, and also looks to add a bark about it to Brendann. No one outside of Monitor checks this, so the dialog of Fawn’s folks won’t change.

Strange Objects - Kylista can be asked about the Breastplate of Beauty even if Jendon or Standarr already told you she owns it. Once she has it back flag 660 stays permanently set.

// New Open Issues //

Strange Objects – In SIfixes, which re-instates the Strange Coins dialog options, the conversation option is not “removed” when you ask Harnna about it. This is not an SIfixes bug, it only exposes an original Origin bug. Possible closed-wont-fix.

Pomdirgun’s Death – Similar to the original Origin bug with Harnna and the Strange Coins, if Flag 204 is set you can repeatedly ask Standarr about Pomdirgun. Possible closed-wont-fix.

Fawn Trial – Shouldn't the three spawned guards turn to face the Oracle when everyone else does? And shouldn't the gatekeeper guard always be facing the defendant?

Fawn Trial – It is still possible to enter with weapons in-hand. I only tested the second session.

Strange Objects – Where do Iolo’s torches go? What got exchanged for the ice wine? In the Beta, for the wine it was the map of Britannia.

NPCs – There’s a handful of NPCs that never get the Met flag set, including one of the Gwani.

NPCs – The automatons guarding Skullcrusher’s entry, exit, and golden doors have dialog, but are all stuck in Waiting. Changing them to Standing would require map edits, as well as potentially some new code to trigger when the Avatar approaches.

Strange Objects – It’d be nice if someone comments when Rudyom’s Wand is found in Skullcrusher. It might be bordering on an enhancement to have a quick conversation between party members about Erstam taking it as his own, the crazy old man that he is.

Fawn Tower – The junk cleanup does not touch the basement, so while the above-ground area is spotless, the jail below looks like a Goblin camp.

// Other Open Issues //
Troughs can be emptied by buckets, but not filled back up. (Original SI problem)
Did the fix by Malignant Manor get included in newer versions?
Strange Objects - It'd be nice if someone from the party makes a comment on the original spellbook when discovered.
This might require an egg and a map edit.
Strange Objects - The entry for ice wine on the list is not updated even after I speak about it to Julia in Moonshade.
Julia’s code in Func0417_07C8 is missing a line to set the gflag. Flag 663 is set by Ernesto and Melina, with Ernesto even referring you to Julia, who confirms it was from the winery. Julia’s code is just under 600 lines long, but might be worth fixing as part of the Selenia / Fishnet Stockings subplot.
Strange Objects - Erstam still claims the lab apparatus belongs to him, even though Ducio says that it is Vasculio's and the hand is what was exchanged from Erstam. Also, while Ducio says it belongs to Vasculio, the list also says it is Erstam's.
Ducio says it was one of his first masterpieces, and that it belonged to Vasculio. Yet Erstam insists it was rightfully his, and takes it back. Though the equipment scroll indicates it was his, if you ask him about it without having it in the party, Erstam says “That item resembles one of my laboratory apparati -- but I don’t recall that anything is missing...” I lean towards this being Vasculio’s, and it should be solved by finding Rudyom's Wand. The equipment exchange at Erstam’s is the dagger being replaced by the severed hand.
Strange Objects - By the way, have you considered adding the map of Britannia to be exchanged with the bottle of ice wine? I know the displayed map is hardcoded, but you could instead have one of the party members commenting that a map of Britannia will be of little use in Serpent Isle.
In the Beta, Iolo has the map of Britannia and gets the ice wine in exchange rather than the Avatar. I’ve read that Julia is supposed to say the map disintegrated, but don’t see that in her release code, only in the Beta. What would probably make more sense would be to swap Iolo’s torches instead, but I don’t know how to change the storm around so he gets the wine.
Silver Seed - The answer to the last dragon's riddle in Silver Seed is wrong. It should be 13, but the game accepts only 14. This is the riddle about grabbing bundles of cloth with three different patterns while needing to make five identical dresses. Worst case is 4+4+5=13.
I’ve gotten half the code done but the number slider isn’t working for me. Each riddle is its own function, so shouldn’t be too difficult, 0x824. One of the riddles has an incorrect spelling for “correct”.
Map Edit - The staircase to Pothos' apothecary conceals a secret door, and beyond that there is another secret door with a teleporter behind it. This leads to a gridiron football-themed secret area which has some goodies, enemies and a nonfunctional teleporter. I think making this teleport you back outside the apothecary would be the logical spot, since the teleporters in other secret areas also return you close to the well-hidden entrance teleporter.
In the Beta this teleporter landed you back outside of Pothos' first floor, leaving you to find the Wall that opens to get back inside. Should be a simple thing to add. The Beta has better loot, including a breastplate, firedoom staff, lightning whip, fire sword, an infinity bow, along with magic leggings, boots, and gauntlets. The output location of the teleporter is 2265, 1919 or 0x8D9, 0x77F. At the very least adding a teleporter egg should be simple enough.
Strange Objects - A minor thing, but it would be nice if you could mention the fur cap to Frigidazzi once you find out it belongs to her.
Doesn’t SIfixes handle this?
Would it be possible to prevent Vibrate spell from making magic users drop spells?
I think this is now fixed.
Map Edit - Get yourself into prison in Moonshade (either by getting arrested or casting Telekinesis on the secret door), then cast Fetch on the key on the desk, unlock the cell door with it and step into the teleporter. An easy fix for this would be to place the key inside the desk.
In the 2007-10-02 version (with the Serpent Isle Fixes), you can have the seance with Mortegro at noon. I thought you had to wait until Midnight for that?
Having the nocturnal encounter with Frigidazzi while Serpent Bond is active really messes up the game.
No! Leave than on! That magnificent perversion cant be lost to younger generations. Making the MageLord and Frigidazzi comment on it would be nice.
Mortegro and Bucia do not acknowledge Rotoluncia's death in their dialogues. This is especially glaring with Mortegro since he takes over her seat in the council.
This would require re-writing both of them to fix this, so a lot of work for not quite as much payoff.
List Field - The List Field still at times has problems. When training the NPC's, they will fight, but if the fight lasts for too long (not enough damage dealt to one of them), the person they were fighting, will wander off, and the NPC will continue to chase them, but the other person will not fight back, thus
the event will never end.
List Field - The List Field in Monitor has a couple of issues. First, one of the trainers may slip out the open door while your party member leaves the arena. After that the only way to get him/her back there is hack mover.
List Field - Second issue comes up if you go training when it's almost 12, 3 or 6 o'clock.
The trainer you picked can leave while the entering animation plays, and then
you're stuck.
NPCs - Would it be too hard to make Windrunner's name show up once you talk to Morghrim about him?
It would be quite easy, yes, and quite in the spirit. I've added it to the list.
Might be a little tricky since while he’s Windrunner in the conversation, his NPC Name is Sonar.
Silver Seed - for the last part of Silver Seed, offer a better in-game clue to how to reach that sadistically tough-to-find basement. Perhaps a clue from Elyssia or a book in the library.
This would require some small code for a scroll and a map edit to place it, but would help any new players.
Also, a mention by the companions to keep the blackrock serpents and Ophidian sword with you for the last part of the game.
This would require some code to check if the party has the items along with some Barks, and an egg placed on the map.
If you use flux analyser on the Black Sword or maybe the other way around, you get a mysterious sound effect... okay, a better way to state the problem: flux analyser + sword = weirdness, no matter if you do it *right* or *wrong*. I can never remember what effect I'm supposed to see when the sword is properly fixed, and if I spend 10 minutes hacking at the Banes, the thought slowly creeps in my mind that *maybe* I didn't fix the sword properly after all.
Doesn’t the scroll on Gustacio’s body tell you to use the Flux Analyzer on the Sword?

// Closed Issues //
Strange Objects - Mortegro does not acknowledge that I have the severed hand in my inventory when I speak to him about it.
Tested okay.

// Enhancement Ideas – Outside of Scope of SIfixes //

Strange Objects – There is an unused subplot to find Shmed’s co-conspirator, the author of the scroll found on his body. Flag 123 allows asking Harnna, Jendon, Bucia, and then Alyssand and Julia about them. Since Julia’s code is buggy you can’t then ask Frigidazzi about her former friend Selenia. I have a working mod for finding the stockings and setting the flag. The subplot is kind of a let-down because you only learn the truth once you’re in Moonshade, and can never confront Selina about them, though you can mention them to her if Flag 122 is set. Also, existing conversation leads to asking Flindo but he doesn’t have any related code.

NPC Difficulty – In the Beta Shmed has armor similar to plain Pikemen, making him more challenging. It’s also a convenient way to re-arm your party early in the game.
NPC Difficulty - Rotoluncia's such a wimp that I can't imagine how she managed to kidnap one of the companions. Beef her up a little so she'd put up a bit more of a fight. Give her a couple of automaton lackeys, too.
I agree, she’s weak and summoning magic gremlins is pretty sad for a Mage who wishes to control daemons.
Silver Seed - This last point goes a bit beyond bug fix. In Silver Seed Surok the healer asks you to bring back the body of Ardiniss, if you happen to find it. Tsandar also laments on his body being lost. Adding a small sidequest to recover the body would be nice. I would be content with just a few lines of additional dialogue and perhaps a couple hundred experience points as a reward.
Changing their conversations would require re-implementing them, as we can’t just append conversation options.
Post-Banes - How about having Tsander or maybe even butthead Wilfred being able to train Dexterity + Combat in addition to training str + combat? I hated the fact that you can't train Dex anymore after the Banes massacre. Having a mage in Moonglow (Fedabiblio perhaps) train int + magic would be nice too.
Post-Banes - How about not having everybody die off after the banes are released, adding new dialog to reflect the madness that is going on, gradually restoring order in the cities after the banes are defeated, and… Well, that should be enough for now. Wouldn't want to ask for too much or anything.
That would be a monstrous project because Flag 4 is the single most important flag in the game. A more reasonable change would be to fix the remaining living NPCs to change their conversation to reflect the events.
Some plaques in fawn are unreadable even when I click (it doesn't show)
I’ve not seen this issue.
It always bothered me that after you restored Cantra to lucidity, you could never (really) talk to her afterwards. I suggest that she lets you train Dexterity afterwards, as. After all, she seems to be a swift little cat, dodging Batlin left and right.
Or maybe join the party to return to Monitor?
It should have a conversation about Cantra Madness because, it's not evident to know which water to use on her. And, if we can take her back to Monitor and change Harnna's conversation.
Remove the ability to use the ritual blooding device on undead. It might be a better idea to disallow the use of that kind of thing (poison & sleep potions for example) on non-party members while there is a gump open, and treat it as an attack to see if it succeeds in combat.
As far as the blood-letting device goes, I'd guess that it would be reasonable to require that it can be used only on the person holding it (or someone paralyzed or asleep) -- it is a *ritual* blood-letting device, after all. The idea of requiring it to be an attack while in combat is feasible too.
The town guards, pikemen etc, get kinda piled up in little knots telling each other to "stand aside!" Maybe that's an exult thing though.
Some npcs with the tournament flag don't give xp when logically they should. The usecode for the npc or shape kills it and says not to award xp. This probably happens with more npcs (or all killed that have the tournament flag).
Did Malignant Manor’s code ever get included or converted to Usecode C? Shmed, the three Banes, Hazard, Rotoluncia’s Messenger, the Goblin King, the Fawn Tower Goblins, Lydia, Pibb the Invisible Pikeman, Selina, Kalen, Furnace automaton gladiators, the Death Knight, more.
Business Activities - I'd really enjoy if some of the minor things were able to be fixed, such as npc activities like eating at inn/waitering, reliably turning on and off light sources, and fixing spent light sources.
A number of these are missing or incomplete from the BG form, such as blacksmithing does not use tongs or sword blanks?
There's a bug in the original usecode where only one jawbone is recognized. This happens with the the iris door and the gates (function 0x7df).
Thank you to Dominus for updating this.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:56 pm
by Knight Captain
Maybe these should go into a bug tracker's feature request section?

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:58 pm
by Knight Captain
// Pending Testing or Approval //

Strange Objects - Kylista will unset the flag that prevents you from returning the breastplate if she's not carrying it. Once you hand it over she stops clearing the flag. It's a hack but it's better than the original behavior.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:26 pm
by Dominus
Great but big summary ;)

About the gwanni pelt check, Malignant's fix only works somewhat. The check itself works BUT the conversation about it will auto initiate again and again. I wrote this on irc but it seems my connection issues caused it not to be "recorded" by exultbot and I only now realized that :(

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 4:27 pm
by Knight Captain
// Pending Testing or Approval //

Myauri will now set the MET flag when you have started talking to him.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:48 pm
by Knight Captain
// Pending Testing or Approval //
NPCs – The automatons guarding Skullcrusher’s entry, exit, and golden doors have dialog, but are all stuck in Waiting. Changing them to Standing would require map edits, as well as potentially some new code to trigger when the Avatar approaches.
The Order Automatons did not need a map edit, but did need fixing their eggs code and some related NPC code. ... Automatons

// New Open Issues //

Mwaerno also has similar checks to Bwundiai for Gwani pelts and cloaks.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 6:41 pm
by Knight Captain
// Pending Testing or Approval //
Gwani Cloak Check – Malignant Manor created a fix that would allow at least one of the Gwani (or more?) to gaze upon you with hate if you are wearing or carrying the pelt of their race. If it works it might be nice to expand it to all of the talking Gwani.
Thanks to Malignant Manor's fix for Bwundiai, I was able to copy it into a file for Mwaerno as well since that cloak check is also broken. This also allows Mwaerno to be MET as well as some minor spelling corrections and notes. ... oak-Checks

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 3:23 pm
by Knight Captain
// New Open Issues //

Shapes - Burst arrows do splash damage to the party when used by the party.

Shapes - Ice Dragons use the telekinesis shape instead of a dragon breath attack, so you cannot see it on the snow. I created a recolored ice dragon breath but do not know how to import this, set its properties, and add it to the equipment record used by the ice dragons.

Spells - 2nd Circle spell Cold Blast uses a red animation. I have a recolored blueish shape for this, or could use the douse shape but am not sure how.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:08 pm
by Knight Captain
Looks like UI_input_numeric_value was the input I was missing for the riddles.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:06 am
by Knight Captain
// Pending Testing or Approval //

Silver Seed - Draxinar's last riddle will take 13 as the correct answer, and say something else if the old "correct" answer is given.
The answer to the last dragon's riddle in Silver Seed is wrong. It should be 13, but the game accepts only 14. This is the riddle about grabbing bundles of cloth with three different patterns while needing to make five identical dresses. Worst case is 4+4+5=13.
// New Open Issues //

Silver Seed - Draxinar's conversation and second riddle have incorrect spellings. Each riddle is its own function, so fixing those can be done piecemeal.

// Enhancement Ideas – Outside of Scope of SIfixes //

Items - The Mirror of Truth can be used to unpolymorph NPCs, as well as give the party humorous statements if used on other mirrors.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:05 am
by Crowley
Should it be considered a bug how the pikemen holding Captain Hawk will take ALL of the Britannian gold bars in your inventory if you are carrying more than one?

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 9:56 am
by Knight Captain
The conversation option is gold bars, so if it were a bug I would consider the issue to be that they'll take just one.
case "gold bars" atend labelFunc00E4_090F:
UI_("gold bars");
message("\"All right, thou canst have him. Here be the key.\"");
var0012 = true;

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:30 pm
by Knight Captain
// New Open Issues //

The egg for 0x6ae does not seem to work correctly. Shamino will remark on the hall of sleeping Gargoyles each time you enter a room with one, even if he's already said it and Flag 0x0206 is set.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:57 pm
by Knight Captain
// New Open Issues //

NPCs - After returning from Moonshade, Wilfred appears at Sleeping Bull, and will tell you about Argus' crime in Monitor. Asking Argus about it should set Flag 458, allowing you to ask Templar of what happened. 458 is never set, so fixing would probably require editing Argus' conversation code.

NPCs - After finding the frozen body of Gwenno, the monks do to appear and teleport her away, but bring her back to life on the spot. This is unhelpful since she is insane and cannot join the party.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:30 pm
by Knight Captain
// New Open Issues //

Using a bucket on the fountains of Order in Spinebreaker does not create a bucket of any type of water, and just "loses" the bucket used. The fountains of Chaos act differently depending on their shape. The vertical one will make ordinary water, the horizontal one is a different shape and does nothing at all.

SIFixes - The accused companion in Fawn's temple jail cell cannot be spoken to because he cannot reach the Avatar. A flag check for that companion being accused could be used to immediately start the conversation instead.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:45 am
by Knight Captain
// Pending Testing or Approval //

Silver Seed - Draxinar's last riddle about the bundles of cloth has been fixed. The answer is 13, but the game accepted only 14. This is the riddle about grabbing bundles of cloth with three different patterns while needing to make five identical dresses. Worst case is 4+4+5=13.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:48 am
by Knight Captain
It looks like the Avatar Pack would be worthwhile to include in SIfixes so it is easier to install as a single package.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 9:22 am
by Knight Captain
The Avatar Pack's note indicate it overwrites the existing used faces, so probably not.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 4:30 pm
by Knight Captain
I took another look at adding the Fishnet Stockings plot back into the game. While I can set the flag for it much of the order of clues is incomplete.

Shmed's death -> Read scroll on him, sets flag* -> Can ask Harnna, Jendon, Bucia.
Harnna -> Brendann, directs you to Fawn.
Jendon -> Alyssand, she should set a flag to ask Flindo, but neither has flags for it.
Bucia -> Julia, should set flag 263 to allow asking Frigidazzi about Selenia and what happened with Batlin, but no code for it.
Delin also sells fishnet stockings and mentions Alyssand makes them, but it doesn't allow you to ask her. You still need to talk to Jendon.

So to fully fix this, it would require re-writing the conversations for:
Delin since he says his daughter makes fishnets, sets flag 414.
Alyssand to set a new flag to ask Flindo about them.
Flindo, to be able to ask him.
Julia so she can set a flag to ask Frigidazzi, and correct Celennia to Selenia.
Frigidazzi so she can tell you what happened between her and Selenia.
Selina should also be able to be asked about them if you know about Fishnets and she's in the party. Dupre noticing her legs would be in character.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:03 pm
by Crowley
I just remembered a tiny graphics error I once noticed in Serpent Isle: One of the frames of the shape used for the Great Captains has a hook hand. Presumably they were based off Hook in Black Gate and this was accidentally left in. I think it is the south-facing kneeling frame.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:03 pm
by Knight Captain
I noticed the winged Gargoyle shape also has the wrong color armor on one frame too. Nice catch Crowley.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 7:55 pm
by Knight Captain
NPCs - Rotoluncia's will say "Pardom me..." instead of "Pardon me..." after you've read her speaking scroll but before he returns to his location in her manor.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:41 pm
by Knight Captain
NPCs - Krayg does not check if you have the pumice or not, and his conversation mentions "thy description" rather than indicating he is examining it.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:59 pm
by Knight Captain
Fawn Trial - After the trial concludes the companions are left in Waiting. Double-clicking on them brings them back to life.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 9:22 pm
by Knight Captain
NPCs - Vasel's conversation will show words from Erstam even if he is asleep. Not sure if this is an Exult issue or original game issue.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:42 am
by Knight Captain
NPCs - Hawk doesn't seem to check for you having a pinecone either if you ask him about it.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:46 am
by Knight Captain
NPCs - Frigidazzi gives back your magic helm, but there is also one in her dresser.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:17 am
by Dominus
"The plot must go on!"
Even if you threw away some stuff or if Erstam is sleeping. This shouldn't be "fixed" IMO.

And when does Frigidazzi give you back the magic helm? I always thought that she asks you to visit her, then the sex scene, then the trial, banishment and when you return she's gone.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:24 pm
by Knight Captain
Sir Dominus, I do not understand this:
"The plot must go on!"
Even if you threw away some stuff or if Erstam is sleeping. This shouldn't be "fixed" IMO.
As for Frigidazzi giving back the magic helm, if Flag 658 is set you can ask her about it. She'll take back the woman's fur hat and give the magic helm then. This may be different from before since this is one of the few (only?) times Marzo added the use of a catch. So I must defer to him here if this is an issue.

Any word on the related bug tracking email I sent you both? I'm excited about the possibility of the new UCXT that will make UCC-style code extracts, and having a single list of things to fix would make it easier to manage.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:56 am
by Dominus
What I meant is, if it is an original "issue", not an Exult issue than IMO this shouldn't be fixed as the conversation Avatar/Vasel/Erstam is meant to be like this. If it were to take into account that Erstam can't participate because he is asleep, the conversation would lose its charm IMO.

Frigidazzi, "needs" looking at, I don't think that she gives the helmet in the unmodded game.

Single list to fix... I don't know, that's why I didn't answer that (and because those mails came when I was still on holiday and would have needed to look into while looking at our source).
We have a general usecode bugs file in/docs/usecode_bugs.txt but that is beyond SI fixes scope. So, I guess you should just add a tracker file to the SI fixes source (e.g. /content/sifixes/todo.txt).

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:17 am
by Knight Captain
Pothos can be asked about the slippers, adding Bucia and Capessii Canton as conversation choices. He has a response for Bucia, but does not have one for the Canton.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 4:43 pm
by Knight Captain
The Moon's Eye cutscene shows Batlin's face with the medallion, which is incorrect since he left it behind in Shamino's castle.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:13 am
by Dominus
Using the sound file of Arcadion when he is free (in Exult alt-1 for sound tester and voice clip 24)

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:40 pm
by Knight Captain
Is that the only Arcadion speech aside from his laugh? The voiceover doesn't sound well-done to me, as though it were left out for that reason.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:32 am
by Dominus
Yeah, could be they used the greatest voice actor they have, again (LB) ;)

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:16 pm
by Nobody in Particular
((Vasel's conversation will show words from Erstam even if he is asleep.))

I can confirm that it is an original game feature. I came across it in my very first playthrough, when the game was still on floppies. They were even in different rooms.

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 3:31 pm
by Dominus
I just realized that I probably didn't update the SI fixes download with the last merge of your work! That sucks! Sorry, I'll see to getting that done this weekend

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 6:41 pm
by Knight Captain
I don't think I've submitted a merge request in a bit?

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:16 pm
by Dominus
Yes that makes it worse ;)

Re: SI Fixes Mod Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:06 pm
by Dominus
Updated SI Fixes with your accepted pull request from August (sorry again, at the time I wasn't home and then was flooded with other stuff and forgot to update the mod).
BG Keyring has a nice unlimited container now :)