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Legacy Minor Graphics Bugs

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:32 pm
by Knight Captain
As part of doing some pixel art I have found some interesting nitpicks.

The paladin shape does not consistently flip the sides of the surcoat on the back. Usually it flips like a pikeman's does, except in frames 13, 29, and the corpse shape. This is in both BG and SI.

The SI shape for Tsandar, 947, was a color swap of the pikeman shape with some edits on the white part of the surcoat. It missed some of the dark browns, so for certain shapes the golden color is incomplete. It is particularly noticeable when he is looking north, about 8 pixels of the pikeman remain.

Re: Legacy Minor Graphics Bugs

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 2:27 am
by Knight Captain
Both Tsander shape 947 and Pikeman shape 228 have an error on frame 23. The upper left of the chest should be white not blue or green. This is from the original game art.

Re: Legacy Minor Graphics Bugs

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 2:52 am
by Knight Captain
Also both Shapes on Frame 11 show a naked right forearm, which the rest do not.

Re: Legacy Minor Graphics Bugs

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:14 am
by Knight Captain

With some color-swapping using ImageMagick and some hand editing, I have five new NPC shapes I would like to convert into shareable and useable form.

1 - A Female Ophidian based off the female pikeman used for Shazzana. It uses the same color swaps Origin used to create the golden pikeman SubCommander Tsander. The corpse is different too.

2 - Caladin in Monitor's white and green, based off the paladin shape. Makes more sense to have him in the right colors as the leader of the Bears. I think the belt section is too wide at two pixels though.

3 - An improved version of the golden pikeman, based off the original pikeman. This shape is color-swapped rather than a simple correction of the SubCommander Tsander shape. This fixes the naked arm from Frame 11, and adds the belt consistently. The corpse is a bit different as well.

4 - A reddish-gray pikeman. Might be useful for a Johnson NPC shape if he can become a party member in the Goblin Camp.

5 - A darker-gray pikeman. I swapped the reddish-gray back for darker shades of plain gray. It might be nice if the random pikemen used different shades for their respective clans.

It is interesting how the game uses the north-facing frames for west and the south-facing ones for east. It looks like the game has the capacity to use more than 32 (0-31) frames for dedicated west and east frames, although none of the existing shapes seem to take advantage of this for NPCs or monsters. Using all possible may allow for consistent body quadrant coloring, though it hardly seems worth the effort.

Re: Legacy Minor Graphics Bugs

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:25 am
by Dominus
Nice. You might want to start a new tooic for your newly created shapes.

Re: Legacy Minor Graphics Bugs

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:52 pm
by Jhonny
Wonderfull job my friend
Can you do me a favor and create the Avatar,as seen in the Ultima 6 cover,based on the paladin shape?(of course with no helm)
I mean this

Speaking of Johnson...another possible bug..He simply wont die..
How can i trigger his death?

Re: Legacy Minor Graphics Bugs

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:14 pm
by Knight Captain
Johnson is set to hit an egg when walking back though the Goblin Cave. He says he can't keep up and has a heart attack that takes away 50 hit points, which is fatal since he only has 25.

Otherwise he may have NPC Advanced Flag 29 set. If you unset it he should be vulnerable.

Ultima 6 Box Avatar

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:49 am
by Knight Captain
This seems difficult to do since we only have about 28x28 pixels to work with.

Re: Legacy Minor Graphics Bugs

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:25 am
by Knight Captain
Jhonny, this is particularly tricky because the game does not offer more than 224 colors to work with. Some of the 256 are used for transparency.


Some of the lighter purples and blues may work.

Re: Legacy Minor Graphics Bugs

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:31 am
by Jhonny
I reload a previous save and finally Johnson died..So problem solved

As for The u6 avatar,you don't have to be 100%precise

If you can (off course)just swap the paladin helmet with the blonde avatar head,
color the outfit white and add sort of ank on his chest

Don't bother with the gold part of his armour

Thank you my friend