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silver Seed

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2003 2:45 pm
by Pictus
I have 2 different CDs with Ultimas, one is Ultima I-VI and the newer is Ultima Collection II, none has the Silver Seed and my old diskette was eat by fungus, but
i found some old Ultima7 Part 2 zipped archive, how I will know if it has The Silver Seed included ?

Bye, Pictus

Re: silver Seed

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 12:19 am
by Earthquake Damage
I had a similar problem actually.
My old Serpent Isle and Black Gate disks all went bad and when my older sister left the house she took my Complete Ultima 7 and Ultima Collection CDs with her. Luckily, I had BG and SI installed on my computer, as well as SS. What I didn't have installed was FoV and though the disk still worked, it didn't want to install on Windows XP (the installer does some search thing for a suitable location on the drive -- presumably the U7 directory -- and crashes in the middle of it).
What I had to do was search a shitload of abandonware sites to find U7 with FoV. Visit the 'Home of the Underdogs' and check the Recommended Links. I ended up hitting link after link until I visited some French abandonware site that had the English version of U7 + FoV.
So if your disk has gone bad and your CDs are lost, check abandonware sites.

Re: silver Seed

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 8:25 am
by Pictus
Thank you very much.
I found a lot of things on abandonware sites like Martian Dreams, Savage Empire, Ultima Underworld and even ask my friends, but could not find Silver Seed :((
But in search the process I discovery that this:

“When you get to Sleeping Bull, talk to that monk in there. He'll tell
you about the discovery of the amulet of balance. Then, if you die,
or happen to show up at Monk Isle while the monks are around, go and
talk to Karnax (The one who got waxed in the beginning by the chick).
He'll give you the amulet, and tell you to use it near the serpent
gate. Go down to the gate under the monastary, wear the medallion,
then double-click it (the medallion, that is). Then POOF! yer there.
Naggin' Dragon”

And my old ZIP of Ultima7 part2 has Silver Seed IN !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))
(I hope that copy is not corrupted)

Bye, Pictus

Re: silver Seed

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 6:08 am
by Ezric
I wish I could get a copy of Serpent Isle WITHOUT Silver Seed. I have two Complete Ultima VII CD-ROMs and two of the Ultima Collection CD-ROMs, but wouldn't you know it, one of my original Serpent Isle floppies is dead :(. Anyone have any opinions on how "acceptable" a "Remove Forge of Virtue" or "Remove Silver Seed" patch would be received by the folks at EA? Such a thing might be kind of cool.

Re: silver Seed

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 4:24 pm
by Anonymous
Just curious: Why would you want a copy of SI without silver seed?

Re: silver Seed

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 4:21 am
by Ezric
No real reason, I guess. I'd just like one :P

Re: silver Seed

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 7:26 am
by FluxRez
how about combine them
get like Ultima 7 Forge of Seed
and U7 Part2 Silver Forge
just kinda mix and match some random data files

Re: silver Seed

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 7:28 am
by FluxRez
err that would be Silver Virtue