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Killing, Stealing

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 1:18 am
by azamora
ok i just got exult and it seems that stealing from NPC shopkeepers and killing guards wont get the guards alerted or get you in jail (as i remember it was when I first played u7 back in 95)
am i missing something here?
i got .94 alpha version

any help would be appreciated.

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 3:58 am
by Dominus
hm, looking at the FAQ, I found section 5.4.
"he who can read clearly has an edge" .-)

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 2:42 pm
by Tim
I get yelled at when I steal things.

Never tried going on a killing spree though.

The alpha .94 isn't the latest version also. Download the Beta one.

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 11:54 am
by Friedel
I tried to kill an npc just now (with the beta) and the guards came and attacked me.

As far as i remember, that is the behaviour of the original Ultima 7 game. However i am not sure what happens to your karma and if Ultima 7 keeps an account of your virtue.

Ultima 6 used to have a karma counter and if you did steal and kill too much, you weren't deemed worthy to enter the shrine in the endgame. This could be "corrected" by meditation.

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 2:15 pm
by drcode
I don't believe the original U7 keeps track of karma. You can steal as much as you want if you don't get caught by anyone.

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 8:37 pm
by Lukon
if you cant help yourself stealing, it usually helps to move whatever you are taking out of the room, and then into our pack.

if there is someone around, they usually call the guards after 4 or 5 objects pilfered.

i wonder is casting sleep of them stops them calling the guards??

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 8:56 pm
by drcode
Note that it depends on the objects. There's an 'okay to take' flag, and it's generally NOT set for containers and the things in them, but set for most other things (except food served in inns).

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2001 3:30 am
by Mimu
What's this I hear about the endgame changing if you steal too much?

It's not true then. :\

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2001 5:14 am
by sprodfish
the guards never throw you in jail or even ask you if "willt thou come quietly?"
and in trinsic at the start, i remember iolo and spark getting really pissed off when i stole stuff and even leaving if i stole too much
"is that virtuous??"
this doesn't happen with exult

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2001 6:35 am
by Max aka Moscow Dragon
No karma in U7s.

In U7BG, to avoid angering guards, put things to _Iolo_'s backpack. Or other companion's. This is OK even at the sight of the owner.
- just move things.
- eat the food off the table.
- put "non-your" things in your backpack.

In U7SI you can do all of this, the trigger is - somebody seeing you stealing.

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2001 7:32 pm
by Soul Harvester
For reference, here is how it is in the *original* game:

- Guards will come only if an NPC calls them, due to an attack you made or if they see you stealing.

- Once guards are summoned, however, more can come at will, regardless of whether or not another npc calls them, if you attack the guards that were summoned. This is why killing a single npc can lead to 50 guards chasing you.

- Most objects can be stolen by dragging them DIRECTLY onto your character, as no one will notice, not even companions. However if drag them into your pack or somewhere else, people can notice and guards can be called.

- Your companions can eventually get perturbed and will leave the party, but up until that point will not call the guards on you.

- You can take anything from a companions house. I'm not sure if you have to let them join first, but for instance, all the belongings in iolo's, sparks, and sentri's house are up for grabs.

- The guards will always (regardless of where you are) kill you rather then be bribed if you do not get the password from Finnigan in Trinsic. Thus, if you use the teleport cheat to leave the town rather then finish the investigation and die, no matter what it will force you to load your previous save (does this automatically anyways).

- If an npc cannot see you but is still on screen, it will not call the guards, something as simple as closing a door will protect you.

- There is no karma counter in u7 or anything else that keeps track of who you've killed or what you've stolen, other then event flags.

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 6:58 am
by Max aka Moscow Dragon
A bit wrong.

"Noticing" does not work in U7BG. Only in SI.
In BG, the guards are summoned by moving stuff even without any NPC near. And NOT summoned by taking stuff to the _companion's_ backpack even in front of the NPC.

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 7:17 am
by Petteri
So, to what conclusion have we come? Is it OK to steal or not? :)

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 8:20 am
by Max aka Moscow Dragon
Hmmm.... maybe passing BG and SI _without any stealing_ can be a great experience.

In SI, this is not so complex. Go to Furnace and fight trolls - there are gems in them.

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 8:41 am
by Stephan
Eh? I never stole in BG or SI. That, IMHO, was not the way those games were supposed to be played.

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 5:53 pm
by SB-X
You are the Avatar, after all...

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 8:00 pm
by Max aka Moscow Dragon
My friend and I first played U7BG in late 92, when we did not know what is Avatar and or what is Ultima Virtues since we did not play the previous Ultimas.

I remember trying to apply the mallet from the Shrine of Justice different ways (maybe the shrine is for something? not just an adornment) and do not understanding what is Ankh.

So, we considered the game to be designed for serial cleptomania :-)

We also joined Fellowship and wore a medallion :-) we considered the game plot to be designed for this. We also considered the Red Face a Good Guy first time - till the Alagner's notebook.

After all, we were stuck due to Hook's key disappeared from the backpack during sleeping.

We also noticed Iolo to eat much more than others :-)

The hardest moment for us was the Penumbra's plaque.

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 12:37 am
by Kurt
you thought the guardian was a good guy? Didn't you watch the intro?

nobody with a laugh like that can be a good guy. Unless they make a game called: Barry White : Superhero extraordanaire

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 4:25 am
by Max aka Moscow Dragon
He gave advices, and not so bad ones in the beginning.

So we considered him to be a good guy. As about the intro - we considered him to be a Good God, under whose direction we must win the Evil Ones.

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 5:44 am
by Soul Reaver
Save us! We've got Felloship recruiters in our midst!

Guards! Guards! Arrest this man!!!

Re: Killing, Stealing

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 7:56 pm
by DarkFistDragon
An Bal Sil Fer! Klep Lem! Klep Lem!